*** The 2011 Gym Rats Thread ***

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Man of Honour
5 Jun 2003
Having reference codes in sigs is not allowed - however if people want to offer codes as a one off then please do so - I just don't want it pimped every other post. It's only fair to allow others to get a chance to post their referrals :) I haven't posted mine in ages as I don't mind others using theirs - I don't use MP or BSD enough to warrant it!

In other news, I went to bodypump on Saturday... still can't move today. So. Much. Pain. :o :o :o



18 Oct 2002
well the cold weather has definitely started in scotland and that means my gym is freezing cold. this past week i have been getting headaches and constantly having a a cold forehead, i think this may be due to training in the cold conditions.

going to invest in this


sure i may look like a ninja, but at least it will help me overcome this huge problem.

i already have to wear under armour, t shirt and a hoody, as well as 2 sets of gloves (wooly gloves for cold then lifting gloves over them) during the winter months, but usually there does come a time when its impossible to train so i take a month or two off.

looking to get in as much gym time as i can before i need to take that break.

im looking forward to having a fully insulated and fully heated gym within the next year.

why not just wear a hat?

or err man up :D
20 Mar 2007
The large amounts of Vit A you would end up ingesting to get a good amount of EPA/DHA from cod liver oil is what makes it dangerous, also you want the triple strength caps from simply supplements http://www.simplysupplements.net/product/275/omega-3-triple-strength-1000mg/ they're the cheapest per gram of actual EPA/DHA I've found :)

That's the one! Although the normal strength ones are 10800mg (combined EPA DHA) per pound whereas the triple strength are 8250mg (combined EPA DHA) per pound. I hope I've done my maths right if not the 3 years spent doing a maths degree has clearly gone to waste!
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7 Nov 2003
Hi all, long time lurker, first time poster in this thread.

I've been doing a 5x5 program and have been seeing some pretty good strength gains but I'm concerned that some days I'm not getting enough calories. I'm a bit of a fussy eater in that I ahte the taste of milk (so shakes are right out) and can't stand porridge either. What's a good way to pack in some extra calories/protein other than shakes and obscene amounts of lean meat?
Man of Honour
27 Sep 2004
Hi all, long time lurker, first time poster in this thread.

I've been doing a 5x5 program and have been seeing some pretty good strength gains but I'm concerned that some days I'm not getting enough calories. I'm a bit of a fussy eater in that I ahte the taste of milk (so shakes are right out) and can't stand porridge either. What's a good way to pack in some extra calories/protein other than shakes and obscene amounts of lean meat?

Have you tried whey protein shakes with water? I don't think they taste much like milk or you could try hemp/pea/another type of protein as they taste nothing like milk at all - hemp protein doesn't taste all that nice unless you mix it with something but you'd never confuse it with milk.

Nuts can be a decent source of protein as are some pulses (lentils especially).
21 Jun 2006
Lol PLEASE post pics of you training in that get up PS, sounds awesome.

Why not get an oil heater?

Heater would have zero difference, the garage is not insulated and not airtight, it would cost literally hundreds to heat up with the amount of heat needed and it would all be gone within 5 minutes

Can't you get some heaters in there?

as above, they would make zero difference.

why not just wear a hat?

or err man up :D

already have a hoody so no need for hat, but my forehead has been catching a chill making me ill.

dont worry guys i will be getting the garage extended (so bigger) as well as a shower/WC put in the corner, fully floored and insulated within the next 8 months, it will also become a part of the house with a door being added in the wall and the garage door being removed and having a window in it's place.

you obviously dont know how cold it can get, with last years weather i could not train for like 2 months. your skin actually stuck to the bar. its basically like doing a workout outside in a marquee. with scotland being a lot colder then england (the amount of wind we get is insane), it gets extremely hard to train during the winter months. some people in america have the opposite problem where their home gym gets too hot and have to have air con installed, it's just comes with the territory of having a home gym.

ive been wanting my gym moved indoor for ages, so im basically going to turn the garage into a part of the house which can be used as a living room when we sell up. we lose a garage but gain a large living room and a shower/wc.

the shower room will be a wet room. will also be getting the kitchen extended as well as getting an extra bedroom with en suite made above the garage, as well as converting the attic with a proper set of stairs.

we have been looking for a new house which was much larger but with the current economy and such, think it's a lot safer just to extend this one and live here for another 3-4 years.

its going to be a huge project, just waiting on a few people getting back to us before we can start it all.

hopefully it is all done within the next 8 months, ive been waiting ages for it.

so the balaclava is only a temporary means to an end.
7 Nov 2004

I just have a dog ball for working on tissue at the moment :o

Also for some bizarre reason,my body seems to KNOW when i'm working my legs, or back, or my chest :p Like today, it's leg day....Oh look my leg hurts!
18 Dec 2004
NE England
That's 'cause you're a massive hyperchondriac ;D

Funnily enough I tried rolling my back on an un-opened bottle of pop (Pepsi Max to be specific), and my God did pain ensue! Felt great afterwards though. I haven't got a hard ball to roll in to the shoulder and pec yet tho............
7 Nov 2004
That's 'cause you're a massive hyperchondriac ;D

Funnily enough I tried rolling my back on an un-opened bottle of pop (Pepsi Max to be specific), and my God did pain ensue! Felt great afterwards though. I haven't got a hard ball to roll in to the shoulder and pec yet tho............

Just go to a pet store, I got a dog ball like I said for a couple of quid :p
21 Jun 2006

I just have a dog ball for working on tissue at the moment :o

Also for some bizarre reason,my body seems to KNOW when i'm working my legs, or back, or my chest :p Like today, it's leg day....Oh look my leg hurts!

yeah i need a lacrosse ball but i dont know where to buy it from, on ebay 1 ball from the UK costs £8 or i can order from america and get 6 balls for £17 (most of which is p and p), so im guessing lacrosse balls are hard to come by in the UK and are overpriced.

would like icecold's input, would a tennis ball be suffice? or are they too soft?
7 Nov 2004
I'd imagine a cricket ball would be better suited? I assume lacrosse balls are rock hard!

They have different strengths to them I believe...A tennis ball would probably be a bit too soft and just collapse, although could theoretically work in some way.

Mines a rubber ball, so it's hard, but it's not a gold ball :p

Either way, the mobility thread has some links I believe

EDIT: Ooh! Legs soon! No banana though :( So had to have some nuts
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Man of Honour
6 Apr 2007
A hockey ball would be my second choice, although as mentioned their smoothness can make them slippery which can be annoying. Wrapping them in some insulating tape can help, but makes things a little messy.

Dog balls are another good choice, but you'll have to experiment to find one with the right texture and hardness, which is ideally very hard with a rubbery texture. Golf balls have their place too. Really it's just a case of trying things out and see what works, differences in size and hardness :)o) can be useful.

Also, if you're trying to fix a problem which a particular tissue you have to hit it frequently, whilst simultaneously working out why it's getting irritated (tightness in something near by, postural/positioning problems, etc.)
18 Aug 2006
ChCh, NZ
Having reference codes in sigs is not allowed - however if people want to offer codes as a one off then please do so - I just don't want it pimped every other post. It's only fair to allow others to get a chance to post their referrals :) I haven't posted mine in ages as I don't mind others using theirs - I don't use MP or BSD enough to warrant it!

In other news, I went to bodypump on Saturday... still can't move today. So. Much. Pain. :o :o :o

Haha, yea, bodypump is rough. My mate used to instruct the bodypump class at my gym and kept pestering me to come. I kept turning him down as I didn't think it would give me a good workout since it's just women and old men in there doing it. I finally relented a few months ago and went.

Well, halfway through I started looking for bins to puke in. Towards the end everything turned blue and appeared in slow motion and I could not grip the bars anymore. I fell asleep in the changing rooms for an hour and the next day I called in sick for work due to not being able to move without wincing in pain. Its difficulty is incredibly deceptive and I have a healthy new found respect for those 'women and old men' in there.
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3 Oct 2009
Fuuuuuuuuu why do people have to be so ******* annoying in the gym. One guy spent TWENTY FIVE minutes on a bench.... doing seated dumbell curls. I mean come on.

Then at the end of my workout with only triceps left to do i had to wait 10 minutes because a group of 4 people were taking up the cable machines doing this classic:



And to top it all off i've twinged my elbow on something so now its hurting like ****. brb gonna go sit and cry in the shower
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