*** The 2011 Gym Rats Thread ***

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3 Oct 2009
Oh...And I just got a bag of unflavoured whey...Jesus I'm not used to this crap man, I want my strawberry!!!!!

Mind you that was just with water, will have to add milk next time...Otherwise i'm getting nesquik

You get used to it fast. I almost threw up first time having it with water but now its just fine. With milk it tastes just like milk though
Man of Honour
6 Apr 2007
Fuuuuuuuuu why do people have to be so ******* annoying in the gym. One guy spent TWENTY FIVE minutes on a bench.... doing seated dumbell curls. I mean come on.

Then at the end of my workout with only triceps left to do i had to wait 10 minutes because a group of 4 people were taking up the cable machines doing this classic:



And to top it all off i've twinged my elbow on something so now its hurting like ****. brb gonna go sit and cry in the shower
lol I think you did well not to just tell them to GTFO of the way. I would have!
Front squats went well today:
35x5 (waiting a long time to get use of squat rack)

With previous week @ 85x3x5 that was pretty good going. Should easily have 100x5 by christmas. Plus hit bodyweight now, weighing ~87kg (and dropping.... Slowly).
Good going mate
wow looking above.... im such a weakling
Anyway geuss what i said id post vids and look i did wierd huh.


(how do you embed a vid?)

yes my gym room is ghetto, yes my form might waver the third was unexpected second came up too easy. Felt solid. Its 205 x 3 @ bodyweight 107, max last checked 220, max ever 250. Im just waiting on the abuse, lets keep it creative chaps.

This was part of my current strength program went like this

Deadlift: Warm up 100 x 15 slow and partials, 3x175 raw 3x185 strapped 2x195 3x205 (was intended to be 2 lol)

Fast chins (chins done at max speed) 3x5 +5kg on belt

Cable SA rows - 4x5 22.5kg 27.5kg 30kg 32.5kg

shrugs - 3 x 10 - 80 90 100 (all kg)
Looking strong mate, but you really need to lock your back down.

You're actually lifting most of that with your back; notice how your legs straighten first. Your form actually broke on your first rep, it was just that you had given the bar enough momentum so that it didn't show as badly. 2nd and third reps your legs had tired more so the faults get exaggerated.

Constructive criticism:
- work on your load ordering. See here http://www.mobilitywod.com/2011/09/episode-312365-braced-but-not-over-pressured.html

- work on removing the slack at the bottom. Notice how when you start each rep the first thing that happens is that you "give" a little in your shoulders and arms. Right before you lift you want to wind up the tension so that you're *almost* pulling the bar off the ground, then BOOM you explosively ramp up your output to bring the bar up.

- Tighten your lats too.

- Work on glute activation, you are essentially not using them, which is impressive more than anything else ;)

The strength is there, you just need to work on your organisation.

Had my last day of 15s for HST, had to take most of last week off, feel very anti-swole currently.

Front squats ended up feeling very light, but at least I feel like I'm getting good at them now. Walking lunges were horrible but good. Deficit deads were fine but I was tired by the time I was able to do them, not fun! Bench is very much back on track, although apparently my shoulders were coming up slightly which I'll have to re-evaluate at less silly rep ranges. The rest was fairly standard (db row, arnold press, cgbp), looking forward to the 10s!
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22 Aug 2004
Thanks for critique ice, not sure if its as bad as made out but ill take it under advisement for sure, i have the problem that i SLDL like 170+ for 8 which means my lower back LOVES to take over. I fight it with dead lift driving from the legs and as a result i tear all the skin from my shins. Ill have to try some techniques but tbh i dont feel any soreness in my lower back its all lat/trap. Eithyer way tho appreciate the critique as i know the form is off, tall man dead lift aint easy! Another prob is my squat is poor, poorest of my lifts, improving that will improve leg involvement i think.
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Man of Honour
6 Apr 2007
I wasn't saying it was terrible, I'm just a perfectionist :)

Try some pull throughs for your glutes, you see what I mean after you've done them for a few weeks. You should be more or less smashing the bar with your hips at the top because your bringing your hips through so hard. It should also help your hips stay a lot lower relative to the bar, which is part of your problem. The other problem is that your back is far too strong for your legs. As you say, squatting will help here.
19 Jun 2004
On the Amiga500
Ectos just have to go balls out m8, and if im honest....most need assistance...(of the sharp kind)

If you mean jacking up then that will never happen, ever. 1. I have morals and 2. I'd lose my job for certain :p

I have managed to make some great gains but should I stop training for whatever reason for even a short amount of time I can lose those gains much quicker than I got them. My weight can drop off quickly leaving me deflated and a little bit soft around the edges. Sometimes the uphill struggle really puts my motivation back. I'll post pics when I get chance. Since I started training I went from 68kg to 92kg, am now 88kg and only recently hitting it hard again (been off it for about 6 months).
17 Jul 2006
West Midlands
First day back after my week off and boy it was hard work. It really is a cruel mistress, one week off and I feel like I've lost 5 weeks of work at least! Hey-ho, sore today as well :(

Not to mention I stuffed my breakfast down me before work today, and had a massive coughing fit when I hit the cool air outside which resulted in my breakfast ending up over my front lawn. Not a good start to the day!
7 Nov 2004
I've been tempted by nesquik or ovaltine but they are practivally made of sugar, not good :)

Heh true...Although I just remember I have some chocolate instant oats, so I can always wack some of that in.

You should have seen my porridge this morning....Turned in to a brick :o

Thanks for critique ice, not sure if its as bad as made out but ill take it under advisement for sure, i have the problem that i SLDL like 170+ for 8 which means my lower back LOVES to take over. I fight it with dead lift driving from the legs and as a result i tear all the skin from my shins. Ill have to try some techniques but tbh i dont feel any soreness in my lower back its all lat/trap. Eithyer way tho appreciate the critique as i know the form is off, tall man dead lift aint easy! Another prob is my squat is poor, poorest of my lifts, improving that will improve leg involvement i think.

Aye, being tall is amusing...I find my squats are a tad naff, but i'm working on them, infact my squats yesterday seemed a lot better than previously with regards to form ever since i've been third-world squatting everywhere :p

I was going to comment on your lower back as icecold did but thought I'd leave it to others, but as said it does seem like you do a hell of a lot of the last bit of the lift with your lower back/back...You straighten up with the leg and then you kind of 'hunch' up so to speak, if that makes sense?

Regardless though I couldn't get close to 200kg, so well done :)
22 Aug 2004
yeah well early in my lifting career i made a point to work lower back real hard i do weighted hyperexensions and heavy SLDL's. In my opinion this reduces the chance of back injury substantially, and heck who doesnt want a strong core!?

Im going to have to track down the weak link (probably legs) in this equation but i do feel that my lifts are 'safe' at least, wil incorporate deads into my next bulk cycle these are the first i have done in a year or so so i think rust may have set in too!
7 Nov 2004
yeah well early in my lifting career i made a point to work lower back real hard i do weighted hyperexensions and heavy SLDL's. In my opinion this reduces the chance of back injury substantially, and heck who doesnt want a strong core!?

Im going to have to track down the weak link (probably legs) in this equation but i do feel that my lifts are 'safe' at least, wil incorporate deads into my next bulk cycle these are the first i have done in a year or so so i think rust may have set in too!

No ones saying not to work your lower back :p Naturally having a strong core is going to help with potential injuries you 'may' get from deadlifting due to a weak core / lower back...Just pointing out try not to do half the lift with it :p

Problem is, it's hard to tell how much of your 'upper' back is being used just purely as it's video, however you will know whats happening :)

One thing I've started doing is you practically grip the bar and squeeze it, so your arms are tight and not slack, and again as ice said, get your upper half 'tight' so it doesn't get pulled to the ground on the initial lift.

EDIT: The thing with deads, is the fact it used your lower back a lot...Regardless, it's something you can't avoid, so meh
22 Aug 2004
Not that I'm on any kind of AS, but juicing means you have a lack of morals? Wow.

lol i was gonna say that too but i get in enough fights on here, i dont think its as such a moral issue, perhaps ethical. It could maybe be a moral issue if you used drugs to get ahead in a sport where it was disallowed.

For me, performance enhancing drugs are legal (yes they ARE), useful, incredibly powerful and i feel i have the biological know how and experience to use as i see fit.

the end product i seek from lifting would only come naturally to a fairly genetically gifted individual, i have no more scruples about increasing my bodys ability to process protein than i do about eating kilos of chicken every week. Although for the record i have not done any AAS for over a year, i firmly believe that you need to be in the peak of your training to think about it, they are not a shortcut.
14 Oct 2008
lol i was gonna say that too but i get in enough fights on here, i dont think its as such a moral issue, perhaps ethical. It could maybe be a moral issue if you used drugs to get ahead in a sport where it was disallowed.

For me, performance enhancing drugs are legal (yes they ARE), useful, incredibly powerful and i feel i have the biological know how and experience to use as i see fit.

the end product i seek from lifting would only come naturally to a fairly genetically gifted individual, i have no scruples about increasing my bodys ability to process protein than i do about eating kilos of chicken every week.

Glad I'm not alone here.

It's the individuals body, they can do as they please, if they are being irresponsible however and doing it all incorrect, it's their fault for not researching it, understanding the effects it can have and I've no sympathy when they lose all the gains afterwards

Yes it's easy to suspect someone is on something, but I don't judge them for it!
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