*** The 2011 Gym Rats Thread ***

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19 Jun 2004
On the Amiga500
Dang :(

Check in the Mobility thread on here as well, may be able to get some advice

Just done my Chest day today, bit of an anti-climax :o
Can't feel much today, hopefully get some DOMS tomorrow :( Bit annoying...My chest days are all over the place, it's the one muscle group I can't hit properly every session properly.

Just chugged a pint of unflavoured whey (2 scoops, with a dash of chock oats) and milk in there, seems to have done the trick :)

Do you use a spotter? Obviously you will be more confident in throwing more weight up and giving that chest a better work. What workouts are you doing for chest exactly?
19 Jun 2004
On the Amiga500
How much do you weigh? That's an incredible amount of carbohydrate, I'd hazard a guess and say you probably don't even need half that unless you're doing an equally incredible amount of training everyday to actually make use of the energy. If not the quantity there, along with the inevitable high levels of insulin in your blood, will surely lead to unnecessary fat gain.

Juggled the diet a bit today:

2923 Calories goal is 3294 to 3544 cals
112.6g of Fat goal is 81 to 135 g
249.9g of Protein goal is 211 to 305 g
219.6g of Carbs goal is 215 to 265 g

Fat 35%
Carb 30%
Protein 35%

Still lacking in Calories :\
13 Nov 2006
Damn you lactose tolerant people!!!! :p

I must admit, I was soooooo glad to get back in the gym today. I think I have finally cracked it! Working out has become part of my life now.... took long enough. :o

I find myself trying to watch what I eat and trying not to miss meals; thinking and planning ahead. Bought a flapjack from the gym for £1 as I didn't have time to prep a snack for tomorrow, has some Whey in it but I'm sure I'll live.

Even noticing some muscles that weren't there before! :) Need to knuckle down now and keep busy. :cool:

/emo! :p
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7 Nov 2004
Do you use a spotter? Obviously you will be more confident in throwing more weight up and giving that chest a better work. What workouts are you doing for chest exactly?

Spotter? Nope...There isn't anyone there to spot me, it's a secondary school gym! :p So half the people aren't old enough anyway.

I have catches on the bottom, which helps obviously...I can't up the weight anyway as I have a dodgey shoulder and don't fancy breaking it even more than it already is on a daily basis...And I need to get my form correct first.

That and I couldn't even lift 55kg :o Would have been a PB but you know, though i'd be able to :(

Regards to workout:

DB Flys
BB Bench
Dips on the edge of a bench usually supersetted with flys again.

May also do some DB bench, but I don't get on with them.

I can't do any cable work, no cable machine.
20 Mar 2007
Juggled the diet a bit today:

2923 Calories goal is 3294 to 3544 cals
112.6g of Fat goal is 81 to 135 g
249.9g of Protein goal is 211 to 305 g
219.6g of Carbs goal is 215 to 265 g

Fat 35%
Carb 30%
Protein 35%

Still lacking in Calories :\

That looks better! Do you eat many sausages? I had 8 today as part of my post workout meal, that's an easy 1050cal, 55g protein, 50g carb and 70g fat. Add some bacon and eggs to that and you've got a decent calorific meal.
Man of Honour
6 Apr 2007
First day of HST 10s

A day
Squat 162.5kgx10x2
SLDL 152.5kgx10x2
Incline DB press 42.5kgx10x2
Pullups bwx10x2
Dips 32.5kgxnothing
HC2PP 55kgx10x2

Rubbish session, I think I was dehydrated or something. Squats felt heavy, had some tightness in my medial hamstring that I couldn't shift, and then my arse busted out of my shorts again. On the plus side these were all beltless, which is pretty significant. SLDL was fine. DB pressing was off as well today, I struggled to even get the reps out. My shoulders were a little fried from monday, so hopefully it's just an off day. Pullups are getting better now, although I might do PLP again. Didn't do dips because I didn't want to stress my shoulders or pec minor any more, the little bar steward. HC2PP was ok, actually felt like I had some conditioning under my belt for once.
19 Jun 2004
On the Amiga500
Spotter? Nope...There isn't anyone there to spot me, it's a secondary school gym! :p So half the people aren't old enough anyway.

I have catches on the bottom, which helps obviously...I can't up the weight anyway as I have a dodgey shoulder and don't fancy breaking it even more than it already is on a daily basis...And I need to get my form correct first.

That and I couldn't even lift 55kg :o Would have been a PB but you know, though i'd be able to :(

Regards to workout:

DB Flys
BB Bench
Dips on the edge of a bench usually supersetted with flys again.

May also do some DB bench, but I don't get on with them.

I can't do any cable work, no cable machine.

Do you have the facility to do incline or decline bench? Also simply throw in some press-ups, hammer the pecs until they burrrrrrn. My pecs are my best point at the mo, I do at least 4 exercises on them.
7 Nov 2004
Do you have the facility to do incline or decline bench? Also simply throw in some press-ups, hammer the pecs until they burrrrrrn. My pecs are my best point at the mo, I do at least 4 exercises on them.

Can't really do push-ups half way through a work out as my tri's would be screwed. And if do them at the start it will screw my bench form.

I can do incline, but it just turns in to a push press I find :o
Can't reallllllllllllllly do decline, slightly unsafe...I need to look up the bench we have and see if it actually supports it properly
21 Jun 2006
Spotter? Nope...There isn't anyone there to spot me, it's a secondary school gym! :p So half the people aren't old enough anyway.

I have catches on the bottom, which helps obviously...I can't up the weight anyway as I have a dodgey shoulder and don't fancy breaking it even more than it already is on a daily basis...And I need to get my form correct first.

That and I couldn't even lift 55kg :o Would have been a PB but you know, though i'd be able to :(

Regards to workout:

DB Flys
BB Bench
Dips on the edge of a bench usually supersetted with flys again.

May also do some DB bench, but I don't get on with them.

I can't do any cable work, no cable machine.

definitely do DB bench, but i find flyes best imo. also decline is the best one for hitting the chest so focus on that more so than flat and incline but also add them to work other parts such as shoulders and arms.
7 Nov 2004
definitely do DB bench, but i find flyes best imo. also decline is the best one for hitting the chest so focus on that more so than flat and incline but also add them to work other parts such as shoulders and arms.

Hello :)

As said, DB really doesn't do anything for me, it just ends up smashing my shoulders, which at the moment isn't good for my shoulder.

And as above, can't really to decline, otherwise I would :(
21 Jun 2006
Hello :)

As said, DB really doesn't do anything for me, it just ends up smashing my shoulders, which at the moment isn't good for my shoulder.

And as above, can't really to decline, otherwise I would :(

the only way to help your shoulder is to strengthen it, take it easy though, as lighter weights and more reps is just as good. add rotator cuff exercises to the start of "every" workout, including legs, etc.

so focus on your delts and traps and back, that should help strengthen the shoulder area up, meaning its much less likely to cause problems.

if you feel a burn though stop completely, i hurt my shoulder last year around november time and sometimes i feel a burn, if i work through it, it usually hurts like hell for a few days after, but if i stop its fine. i push my shoulder hard now as i have been building it up after the injury.

flat bench press is a funny exercise, i wouldnt focus too much on it tbh, i find it does nothing for my chest, it works my arms more. decline and flyes are best.
4 Nov 2004
the only way to help your shoulder is to strengthen it, take it easy though, as lighter weights and more reps is just as good. add rotator cuff exercises to the start of "every" workout, including legs, etc.

Rotator cuff exercises before EVERY workout.

Really a good idea?

Can't really do push-ups half way through a work out as my tri's would be screwed. And if do them at the start it will screw my bench form.

If your tri's are that screwed then use your knees as a pivot point rather than your feet. It might look silly, but if you canot do enough normal press-ups then this setup wil make it easier so you can crack out more.

Ohhhhh 10k posts, toooot!!!, does the special forum open up for me now FF? :D
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3 Oct 2009
First day of HST 10s

Rubbish session, I think I was dehydrated or something. Squats felt heavy, had some tightness in my medial hamstring that I couldn't shift, and then my arse busted out of my shorts again. On the plus side these were all beltless, which is pretty significant. SLDL was fine. DB pressing was off as well today, I struggled to even get the reps out. My shoulders were a little fried from monday, so hopefully it's just an off day. Pullups are getting better now, although I might do PLP again. Didn't do dips because I didn't want to stress my shoulders or pec minor any more, the little bar steward. HC2PP was ok, actually felt like I had some conditioning under my belt for once.

Still beasty weights :p I'm finding the early sessions of 10s pretty easy but i guess that's to be expected, especially with unavoidable long rests between exercises which should change from now on.
7 Nov 2004
the only way to help your shoulder is to strengthen it, take it easy though, as lighter weights and more reps is just as good. add rotator cuff exercises to the start of "every" workout, including legs, etc.

so focus on your delts and traps and back, that should help strengthen the shoulder area up, meaning its much less likely to cause problems.

if you feel a burn though stop completely, i hurt my shoulder last year around november time and sometimes i feel a burn, if i work through it, it usually hurts like hell for a few days after, but if i stop its fine. i push my shoulder hard now as i have been building it up after the injury.

flat bench press is a funny exercise, i wouldnt focus too much on it tbh, i find it does nothing for my chest, it works my arms more. decline and flyes are best.

Aye, I do some form of rotator cuff on most days, even leg day to loosen it up a bit for squat mobility on the arms. to be honest though its ever since I did a rotator cuff warmup exercise that was posted on here I got the injury :o, physio even said don't do that.

Trying to put shoulder exercises where I can, what are the main ones you would do to build up delts then? :)

Flat bench press can be good for your chest as long as you have decent form, as some days I hammer it and some weeks it's screwed up. I always warm up on flys anyway, seems to get things going nicely. However as stated I can't do decline in my gym

Rotator cuff exercises before EVERY workout.

Really a good idea?

If your tri's are that screwed then use your knees as a pivot point rather than your feet. It might look silly, but if you canot do enough normal press-ups then this setup wil make it easier so you can crack out more.

Thanks, will give that a go :)

I always warm up my shoulders in some manner, just because one of them is naff, as long as you dont go overboard on the rotator cuff it should be okay. There warming up and then theres working out :p
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