*** The 2011 Gym Rats Thread ***

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4 Nov 2004
Went to Nuffield.

10min walk not 8 (the horror). £59 a month for 9months then £64 for the final 3.....and best of all the free weights area was 3m x 6m (at a push) containing x3 benches, a full rack of DBs, dual cable machine, preacher curl mount, squat rack and flat bench. Yes it was hard to move let alone workout!!!

On a more positive note most the women there was absolutely stunning and clearly this place kept the riff raff away.

Going to stick with £17 Pure Gym and just suck up the 25min walk and use it as a warm up. A scottish winter of walks should toughen me up :D
Man of Honour
6 Apr 2007

See now, that video for chest basically goes against everything that Elite FTS say :p

Love it, I think I do 'over-arch' though, especially lower back
Without looking at those vids again, it really shouldn't. Elite FTS was possibly discussing slightly more advanced topics, but let's make sure we can walk before we try running :)

You seem to think there is a lot of conflicting info about, is there anything else that you're unsure of?
18 Dec 2004
NE England
Leg day yesterday:
Back squats: 3x8 100kg
Front squats: 2x8 65kg
Leg Press: 3x10 120kg
Lunges: 2x8 35kg BB
Hammy Curls: 67.5kg 3x8

In the words of Tony the Tiger, feeeeeeeeels grrrrrrrrreat!
7 Nov 2004
Without looking at those vids again, it really shouldn't. Elite FTS was possibly discussing slightly more advanced topics, but let's make sure we can walk before we try running :)

You seem to think there is a lot of conflicting info about, is there anything else that you're unsure of?

There is, a hell of a lot of conflicting info :p

I'll have to go over the E-FTS video again, but they make a major point of arching the back, to a point where you practically balance on your traps, and then lower yourself down, and then arch more...This other guy just says, yeah, arch your back slightly so your hand goes under the gap.

Squats i'm getting better at regarding form I believe, however I have no power there so I need to just train away at that for a while.

Deadlifts, pretty much there, just trying to get the form down to a tea and get the leg / back ratio good so not to over train one or the other.

It is mainly chest, as I have a hard time working it properly, although after my previous comment about it not being a good workout I actually have nice DOMS over most of the chest, even on the inner part.


This what? I'm trying to learn to do my exercises without breaking myself again, whats wrong with that?

Or would you rather I pushed my shoulders forward and wack out 70KG Bench and wrip my shoulder in two? :p
7 Nov 2004
Leg day yesterday:
Back squats: 3x8 100kg
Front squats: 2x8 65kg
Leg Press: 3x10 120kg
Lunges: 2x8 35kg BB
Hammy Curls: 67.5kg 3x8

In the words of Tony the Tiger, feeeeeeeeels grrrrrrrrreat!

Nice going on the Back squat matey, would love to get to 100kg

Also, I hate to ask, but there isn't any issues with eating eggs everyday is there? :o
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18 Oct 2002
There is, a hell of a lot of conflicting info :p

I'll have to go over the E-FTS video again, but they make a major point of arching the back, to a point where you practically balance on your traps, and then lower yourself down, and then arch more...This other guy just says, yeah, arch your back slightly so your hand goes under the gap.

What are you actually trying to achieve in the gym? Get massive or get strong? You are fairly new to it right...stop worrying about advanced things like benching with an arch or leg drive etc etc and just lift and enjoy it :)

The more you over complicate it at this stage the more disillusioned you are going to get.
7 Nov 2004


What are you actually trying to achieve in the gym? Get massive or get strong? You are fairly new to it right...stop worrying about advanced things like benching with an arch or leg drive etc etc and just lift and enjoy it :)

The more you over complicate it at this stage the more disillusioned you are going to get.

Thats what I did a year ago, 'just lifted', and now I have a gammy shoulder that hurts most days in some form.

If you don't arch your back, or pin your shoulders back, you end up screwing something.

I've only been back at the gym since August yes, but I've been reading up on here and doing some form of weights / body weight things for a couple of years on and off for various reason.

But in general i'm trying to gain some size everywhere until Christmas without putting on too much fat, then i'm going to cut it up a bit and hopefully chisel away on the fatty areas.
18 Dec 2004
NE England
Nice going on the Back squat matey, would love to get to 100kg

Also, I hate to ask, but there isn't any issues with eating eggs everyday is there? :o

Cheers matey.

As for eggs, no. I eat 4 every morning.

As for benching; I agree that you are overcomplicating things slightly at the moment. You're currently struggling to consistently get good pec activation - maybe in fear of damaging your shoulders. Take a step back and look at the basics you need to do whilst benching. And I mean JUST the basics, not the exact angles you should be at:
  • Lie on a bench.
  • Place both feet flat on the ground.
  • Create a slight arch in your back so that you can get your hand under.
  • Roll your shoulders back, almost as if you're pinching your blades together.
  • Grip the bar with a wider-than-shoulder grip - only you know what is comfortable. But don't go so wide that you struggle.
  • As you push the bar up, maintain the arch in your back.
  • As you push the bar up, maintain your shoulders in a 'pinched back' position.
  • Your arms should not end up out stretched straight, rather you should feel that you've squeezed your chest as far in as it will allow
  • Low the bar back to starting position.

I'd be interested if others will comment on what I've put above, but this is what I do, and this is what I get good pec activation from.
7 Nov 2004
Cheers matey.

As for eggs, no. I eat 4 every morning.

As for benching; I agree that you are overcomplicating things slightly at the moment. You're currently struggling to consistently get good pec activation - maybe in fear of damaging your shoulders. Take a step back and look at the basics you need to do whilst benching. And I mean JUST the basics, not the exact angles you should be at:
  • Lie on a bench.
  • Place both feet flat on the ground.
  • Create a slight arch in your back so that you can get your hand under.
  • Roll your shoulders back, almost as if you're pinching your blades together.
  • Grip the bar with a wider-than-shoulder grip - only you know what is comfortable. But don't go so wide that you struggle.
  • As you push the bar up, maintain the arch in your back.
  • As you push the bar up, maintain your shoulders in a 'pinched back' position.
  • Your arms should not end up out stretched straight, rather you should feel that you've squeezed your chest as far in as it will allow
  • Low the bar back to starting position.

I'd be interested if others will comment on what I've put above, but this is what I do, and this is what I get good pec activation from.

Thanks for the input :)

I try not to push the bar out, as this exaggerates the movement of the shoulders and ends up pushing the shoulders outward.

regarding feet, I prefer to be on the ball of my toes so to speak, and push down at the heals so your legs are tight.

I seem to have had good activation this week, as my whole pec is hurting like a mofo currently :p

I'm also making sure I get a 'tight' feeling almost on the negative, so I know my pecs are being used...Again this depends on angles though and where the bar is
20 Mar 2007
That's quite a thorough explanation MoNkeE. I'd add though that as well as "pinned back" your shoulders should also be down, not up near your ears. Also when benching try to think of the movement as bringing your elbows toward each other with as much force as possible, rather than pushing the bar up. And on the negative of each rep let the bar touch your nipples for a second, but don't let the load be taken off at all.

Also here's an inspirational video for you all.

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18 Aug 2006
ChCh, NZ
Was crazy busy at work this week so only had one workout and probably 1 meal a day. Did manage to stay away from sugary crap though so that's at least a positive. Feel so guilty that I'm on my way to the gym now for a full body workout. Yes, on a Friday night.
3 Oct 2009
Well that was just bloody awesome :D :D Had the gym almost to myself, no waiting between sets so some serious pain was endured and now i have the most ridiculous of pumps. Didn't even miss a rep somehow even on dumbell press. Also sitting at probably the leanest I've been in a while for some unknown reason so had decent vascular for once in my life and tasty shoulder striations. Wish i'd taken my phone for a picture in gym lighting. FEELSGOODMAN !

edit: Is it possible that a 7 hour fast today between breakfast (high carb) and pre-WO (bacon+egg sandwich) meal could make my body composition better? It's a longshot and frankly i feel stupid asking but that's the only thing i've done differently in weeks.
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17 Jul 2011
Today's session was quite disappointing... my left shoulder kept giving way on seated military press and incline dumbbell bench. Even with relatively low weights, it would get to a certain point then just fail, before I began to struggle.

I've always had odd shoulders, I'm not sure if double jointed is the correct term but basically I can (but don't) do this:


What would people recommend I do? It doesn't particularly hurt, just feels very weak afterwards. My right shoulder felt like it was going to do the same but wasn't completely giving way. I was getting a similar feeling on bench press, the higher I positioned the bar up my chest the more it would feel weak. I don't have disproportionately small shoulders, if anything they are one of my bigger areas, but I was struggling to incline bench 10kg dumbbells when for my barbell sets I'm doing 40kg+. :( Felt like a little girl!

Are there any shoulder supports that would help keep them solid? Or recommended shoulder exercises?
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