*** The 2011 Gym Rats Thread ***

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21 Jun 2006

Rotator cuff exercises before EVERY workout.

Really a good idea?

i do them, helps a lot, the max weight i use is 7.5kg, which is nothing, but for the most part i use 5kg. may be able to bump it up to 10kg in a few months time, depending on how easy it becomes. but its extremely light weights. think i started off with 2.5kg.

Aye, I do some form of rotator cuff on most days, even leg day to loosen it up a bit for squat mobility on the arms. to be honest though its ever since I did a rotator cuff warmup exercise that was posted on here I got the injury :o, physio even said don't do that.

Trying to put shoulder exercises where I can, what are the main ones you would do to build up delts then? :)

Flat bench press can be good for your chest as long as you have decent form, as some days I hammer it and some weeks it's screwed up. I always warm up on flys anyway, seems to get things going nicely. However as stated I can't do decline in my gym

Thanks, will give that a go :)

I always warm up my shoulders in some manner, just because one of them is naff, as long as you dont go overboard on the rotator cuff it should be okay. There warming up and then theres working out :p

for delts its:

overhead press (barbell and dumbell)
lat raises
front raises

normally add shrugs in at the end, to get some traps in.

bread and butter stuff basically, nothing complicated. doesnt take too long neither.

what RC exercises were you doing? i only do one, its the one dorian yates does


start 40 seconds in
7 Nov 2004
i do them, helps a lot, the max weight i use is 7.5kg, which is nothing, but for the most part i use 5kg. may be able to bump it up to 10kg in a few months time, depending on how easy it becomes. but its extremely light weights. think i started off with 2.5kg.

for delts its:

overhead press (barbell and dumbell)
lat raises
front raises

normally add shrugs in at the end, to get some traps in.

bread and butter stuff basically, nothing complicated. doesnt take too long neither.

what RC exercises were you doing? i only do one, its the one dorian yates does


start 40 seconds in

Aye thought as much it'd be those exercises :) Thank you though

Is that all you do for RC though? That one exercise?

same as you though, I never go heavy, pointless really unless you want injury
29 Jul 2004
Finally strong/not fat enough to do chin-ups :D. Weighed in at 86kg yesterday morning and just tried em as soon as I walked in the gym. Actually blasted out 4 and it felt good :D. It's only take losing 47kg of chub to get there :p.

Quite happy because I can replace machine pull downs now, think I will change my back day to:

Chins (5 sets of as many as I can? something like that)
Deadlifts/(BOR's/Pendlay) (alternates each week, generally don't have time for both without being late for work)
Seated Row
Supine Row
4 Nov 2004
Not been to the gym in weeks. Just haven't got the time or the inclination at the moment :(

I know the feeling.

Soo, what do i get for having 10k posts now, other than an e-cookie? :D

Popping down to Nuffield near me for a look around and probably joining. £59 vs current £17, but the Nuffield is 7min walk away and I'm not doing 25min walk/15 drive/walk to the cheap one even one day a week so it'l be worth it.

i do them, helps a lot, the max weight i use is 7.5kg, which is nothing, but for the most part i use 5kg. may be able to bump it up to 10kg in a few months time, depending on how easy it becomes. but its extremely light weights. think i started off with 2.5kg.

what RC exercises were you doing? i only do one, its the one dorian yates does


start 40 seconds in

Right, thought you were talking about working them out. Absolute max for me is 7.5kg and I normally perform both type of execercise lieing down on a mat on my side.
Man of Honour
6 Apr 2007
Still beasty weights :p I'm finding the early sessions of 10s pretty easy but i guess that's to be expected, especially with unavoidable long rests between exercises which should change from now on.
Thanks :) I kind of expect a bad session every now and then. Normally I find the initial switch to a lower rep phase a bit of a shock so it feels slightly harder than it should. The worst was the HST cycle I did around Christmas, I was completely shot starting the 5 rep phase.


Yes, have strong muscle in your rotator cuff, but obsessing over those exercises will not prevent shoulder injury, quite the opposite in some cases.

As I've said before, if your shoulder is getting hot when doing any pushing, it's likely that your shoulders are coming forward and your resting on already tight and vulnerable tissue rather that stable joint structures.

You will need to work on the following:
- tissue quality (read as: use a lacrosse ball/foam roller on) of pec minor and a little pec major, and anterior delt. Also, ANYTHING that's tight in the back of your shoulder, including the whole of your lat.

- internal and external rotation of the shoulder which stretches.

You need to be doing THESE things daily, not rotator cuff exercises.

All of these things are covered to death in the mobility thread.
21 Jun 2006
Jesus christ I think i'd break doing them...I don;t think they're very friendly at all surely? :p

well we will find out when icecold posts lol.

i couldn't do them with a broom stick, well not fully anyway, they are solid. i think you need months/years of practice before you can do them to the level the guy is in the video.

i managed to go just over half way before i couldnt go further but i think with constant practice it will slowly get better and better.
Man of Honour
6 Apr 2007
Dislocations are good, but I would initially do them slower and wider than the guy in those videos.

Do these too (yes all of them!):

The things he talks about are very important too, saves me writing it all out again :p

and this too

This stuff is not optional if you're training, ESPECIALLY if you have any pain in your shoulder.

It's fairly likely that people need to be working on their scapular mechanics and thoracic mobility too, but the stuff I've posted above will literally save your shoulder so I'd rather you did them first.
7 Nov 2004
Didn't watch the back one, but the chest one is actually pretty good. What he's perhaps not aware of is that on the bench he's not only arching his back slightly, but also externally rotating his shoulders so they are back in the socket.

Being a good thing or?

Delvis for most my workouts I listen to this guy for form (thinks it's been posted before) particularly his chest and back instruction.

Sweet, i'll watch them later :)
13 Nov 2006
I'm thinking I am going to have to do cardio at home now, not got hold of my rope yet so am thinking of maybe doing burpees, jumping squats and running on the spot and some shadow boxing as I don't have anywhere to put a punch bag.

Any other ideas?

Stumbled across this but I'm not sure it's really applicable:

Think I need to work on my posture too.
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