*** The 2011 Gym Rats Thread ***

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2 Jan 2009
Training alone sucks. :(
Today I was on my last day of HST, heavy 5s.
Did my 1st inclien DB set with 40s, was easy so decided to go for 42.
Got them and my knees and as I rolled up I lost my focus for a split second and couldn't get them up. :( I knew this wasn't going to work, waited for 30 seconds with them on my knees and tried again but there was no hope.

I dropped them and asked someone to spot me and help me get the 1st one up. He looks at me with disbelief and says "whoa, how many?" I told him that I should be able to do 5 on my own, just need help getting them up.

So anyway, got the 1st one up with probably a lot of help and then it happened.
I did 10 clean reps on my own! :eek: He didn't even touch my arms through the set, I just kept banging them. I'm definately not lifting as much as I would with a proper training partner.
Man of Honour
6 Apr 2007
Better session today, although medial hammie was still complaining so I skipped walking lunges.

Got a little distracted with helping a few people so it ended up taking ages, but overall a much better session.

Also, the prowler which we ordered has arrived. It's awesome. That is all.
29 Jul 2004
Honestly I think weight lifting is becoming more popular amongst 'nerds' because of its incredible nerdiness! You can learn SO much and the constant progression in the gym is what motivates you. It has a scary amount of similarity to RPG gameplay/progression, honestly think about it. I think it's what motivates me sort of subconsciously on top of the usual not wanting to be a fat **** part that I'm more aware of.


Man of Honour
27 Sep 2004
Not been to the gym in weeks. Just haven't got the time or the inclination at the moment :(

Big Dave said he'd not seen you in ages so was planning to text you, no idea if he did or not.

Is it walking from the car park to the gym that puts you off? :p Joking apart if you want some company one weekend then give me a shout, not this weekend as I'm back up North but otherwise it should be fine.
13 Nov 2006
I seem to have lost my appetite! :(

All I have eaten today is:

Protein shake
3 egg omelette
Chicken and veg stir fry - couldn't finish it though

And I'm just about to have steak with sweet potatoes

I just don't feel that hungry, hopefully it's because I had a week off so my activity levels dropped. :\
21 Jun 2006
anyone think calorie intake has something to do with energy levels?

for example all i had had to eat today is a "small green shake" (celery, ginger, cucumber and kale) and a bowl of cereal. was going to do a workout at 5 ish fell asleep at half 4 and woke up at 8 ish.

i thought lean gains said that it was bro science? so was i just tired?
29 Jul 2004
anyone think calorie intake has something to do with energy levels?

for example all i had had to eat today is a "small green shake" (celery, ginger, cucumber and kale) and a bowl of cereal. was going to do a workout at 5 ish fell asleep at half 4 and woke up at 8 ish.

i thought lean gains said that it was bro science? so was i just tired?

Well calories are exactly that, energy. So yes I would say they are linked to you energy levels! Your probably just tired from the week or something.
1 Sep 2005
Scottish Highlands
Missed 3 gym session this week as I was backpacking in the Cairngorms (Walked from Blair Atholl to Aviemore) so decided to make up for my sins and went yesterday instead. Went pretty well and hit a new PB for deadlifts; 110Kg. I did try an ambitious attempt of 130Kg, but it wouldn't even come off the ground, lol.

I have now also settled into a 3x12 3 day split routine as per Dorian Yates' videos and I seem to be making much better gains than before. This may also be partially down to reducing the cardio (No longer training for the Great North Run) but still eating the same amount.

Several of my tops are now getting tight around the arms etc which is encouraging. But my erm, glutes are also getting bigger and stronger and are causing arm, chafing. Anyone else have this problem, or do I just have a big ass? :o
22 Aug 2004
Well calories are exactly that, energy. So yes I would say they are linked to you energy levels! Your probably just tired from the week or something.

Its more sugar levels than calories, depending on leaness and insulin sensitivity.

For example a man who regularily eats carbs, especially simple ones even white bread/rice will have a low insulin sensitivity (relatively) and if he is starved of sugars his energy levels will drop until his body accepts the change in diet and more readily releases sugar from fats. This is why i mention leaness and bodyfat as this will happen more profoundly in someone lean, just think of any skinny/low bodyfat friends you have, the ones i have constantly 'need' to eat, they always say things like i need food im so tired. Me on the other hand as a natural fat retainer i can forget food for a few days if needed and never really feel weak or feint.

So to try and encapsulate specific, complex functions of biology and metabolism in such a narrow fashion, by saying food intake does not = energy levels, or even that it DOES is far too simplistic. There is so much at work here it would be impossible to know why an individual would feel tired on any given day. Maybe hormonal, maybe sickness, maybe caloric related. Its not possible to tell without at least a fortnights data on specific nutrient intake.
13 Mar 2008
Legs every day, cometh at thou brother

I had the best full body session this morning!

I woke up, moved my legs and arms. Sat up in bed, put my feet on the floor and squated up with a straight back.

Limped to my desk, took 5 tablets with water. Some massive bicep curlz there.

Went to the loo and had to squat twice. Once to sit and once to get up.

Brushing my teeth was pure burn in the biceps, delts and triceps.

All in all, awesome work out. :p

In other news.

FML...I'm wasting away. :(

I've even considered buying some dumbells just to sit around doing this I'm so bored.

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