*** The 2011 Gym Rats Thread ***

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13 Mar 2008
@N19h7m4r3 how you coming along?

I'm not.

Still waiting to hear on if they're cutting me up or not and it's been 3 weeks so far.

I see the doc on Wednesday so I'll probably be asking what's going on.

In better news, my medical cover doesn't want to cover my MRI and medication. Something about my original referal not having certain keywords in it from the doctor...
3 Oct 2009
Fair game I guess.

Any real reason for doing so or are you doing full-body each week?

HST so same workout every time

I'm not.

Still waiting to hear on if they're cutting me up or not and it's been 3 weeks so far.

I see the doc on Wednesday so I'll probably be asking what's going on.

Sucks man :( At least if they do decide to chop you it should be a faster recovery?

forgot to ******* buy peanuts when i went to asda. great.
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3 Oct 2009
2x10x70kg squats
2x10x70kg SLDL
2x10x57.5kg bench
2x10x17.5kg db shoulder press

hit all the reps today :D next 2 sessions are gonna be bloody hard though

@icecold if you read this. getting a bit of pain in my front delt on things like dips and in my supporting arm for dumbell rows. would i benefit from soft tissue work on it?
13 Mar 2008
Sucks man :( At least if they do decide to chop you it should be a faster recovery?

Oh yes, although they'll be taking an aweful lot of my disc away. Who knows how I'll be after that, the pain might be done and normal mobility.

Dunno if powerlifting will be back on the table though.

At the moment I don't really care, even if I can't deadlift, squat or do olympic lifts anymore, there's plenty of other exercises out there and lord know my cardio is a total wreck at the moment.
4 May 2007
West Midlands
Gonna try an HST workout routine again. Just so I can go to the gym 3x a week rather than 4 (also a big change and a lot less volume than I'm used to).

Currently looks like:

Front squats 3x15 (should this be 2x strictly rather than 3x?)
SLDL 2x15
CGBP 2x15
Bench press (barbell) 2x15
Lateral raise 2x15
BB row
Bicep curls (barbell)
Shrugs (forgot to do today)

Forearm reverse curls (not strict in number reps/weight)
Calf workout (~3 minute supersetted hi rep calf routine)

Just decided to do this starting today in my lecture, so a lot of the weights were a bit iffy for 80% 15 rep max, lord 15 rep squats take it out you!

Anyone think I should add anything? Chins/lats? (although I can't do 15 of them so it'll have to be on a machine!)
4 May 2007
West Midlands
3 sets of squats seems a bit much. can't imagine you'll manage to get all the reps out of set 3 anyway. No shoulder press or similar? Tricep isolation or just relying on cgbp?

Dunno if I was gonna add another pressing movement or just leave it out. for 5 reps and 10 I think I'll do some hang cleans. Dunno if I could do it for 15 :o.

Yes CGBP as a tricep isolation, might add another as my arms are lacking...... Yeah might rethink the 3 sets of squats as I was struggling with what I think would be ~80% on the last reps of the 3rd set (52.5kg, aiming for ~70x2x15)

Definetly want 2x5x100kg front squat by the end of it :p
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4 May 2007
West Midlands
Several of my tops are now getting tight around the arms etc which is encouraging. But my erm, glutes are also getting bigger and stronger and are causing arm, chafing. Anyone else have this problem, or do I just have a big ass? :o

Tight boxers tend to help. I find calvin klein 365's a good fit. Also vaseline/cycling/lycra shorts for running.
Man of Honour
6 Apr 2007
2x10x70kg squats
2x10x70kg SLDL
2x10x57.5kg bench
2x10x17.5kg db shoulder press

hit all the reps today :D next 2 sessions are gonna be bloody hard though

@icecold if you read this. getting a bit of pain in my front delt on things like dips and in my supporting arm for dumbell rows. would i benefit from soft tissue work on it?
Yep almost certainly. Also remember to have your shoulder back and down in the socket for both movements, the soft tissues of your anterior shoulder get hot when your loading your shoulder when it's shifted forwards. When it's back in the socket you're supported by your entire shoulder structure so things are a lot more stable. You might find you need to work on some internal rotation stuff too.
Gonna try an HST workout routine again. Just so I can go to the gym 3x a week rather than 4 (also a big change and a lot less volume than I'm used to).

Currently looks like:

Front squats 3x15 (should this be 2x strictly rather than 3x?)
SLDL 2x15
CGBP 2x15
Bench press (barbell) 2x15
Lateral raise 2x15
BB row
Bicep curls (barbell)
Shrugs (forgot to do today)

Forearm reverse curls (not strict in number reps/weight)
Calf workout (~3 minute supersetted hi rep calf routine)

Just decided to do this starting today in my lecture, so a lot of the weights were a bit iffy for 80% 15 rep max, lord 15 rep squats take it out you!

Anyone think I should add anything? Chins/lats? (although I can't do 15 of them so it'll have to be on a machine!)
I'd try it more like this:

Front squats 2x15
SLDL 2x15
Bench press (barbell) 2x15
BB row
CGBP 2x15
Chins/pull ups/lat pull down
Shoulder pressing movement of choice
Bicep curls (barbell)

Should be better, although I'd possibly replace bicep isolation with lateral raises, you could do both if you didn't find it to be too much work. The order is going to be important, doing CGBP before conventional bench will leave you very tired.

Todays gym festivities included:
Squat 170kgx10x2 decided to belt up again as I'll need to do it at some point
SLDL 157.5x10x1 no straps :( borrowed some but the guy had to go before I could finish
Inc. DB press 44(?!)kgx10x2 new gym doesn't have 45s
Pull up bw+10kgx10x2
Dips bw+37.5x10x2
HC2PP 65kgx10x2

and then some mobility and shoulder pre-hab. Good session!
23 Apr 2006
I'm just starting my 10x3 this week. Currently on an RFL (Basically a PSMF diet) So trying to just do the major compounds:

Back Squats (cant do front ones as my short arms dont have the mobility to hold the bar :eek:)
Bench Press (Barbell)
Should Press
Barbell Row
Pull Ups.

Been quite happy with HST (Did stronglifts for the past year!) and lost quite a bit of fat, while combining it with IF too.

Been also trying to add in some complexes for a bit of cardio and they're right, I do feel like crying in the corner after a set! :D
3 Oct 2009
I'm wondering if I should do HST in the new year? Especially if it helps burn the fat?

How is it for gaining mass / strength?

I doubt whether it will be any better for burning fat than any other workout. I think the thing that helps is combining it with IF. I know bennyc had good results with that combination.
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