The ankle is a complicated beast, it could be down to a number of problems. If it's the same on both sides it isn't likely to be a restriction due to injury, so a little persistence should help.Icecold, what's the deal with ankle dorsiflexion help? I still can't squat all the way down without toppling over backwards. With something to hold onto it's no problem, but without a counterweight in front of me all of my bodyweight is behind my knees/toes and I can't stay balanced. It's actually not so bad when I'm training because I've got a the bb to sort of counterweight me, but it's still not good.
I struggle to keep my knees inline with toes, let alone in front of them. It doesn't feel like my achilles is too short, rather that my 'shin' is too long! :/
Are there any things to watch out for when training early, particularly nutrition issues? I'm getting to the gym at 6:30AM to get at the only squat rack and to get to work on time.
At the moment I'm having a bowl of cereal when I get up and a protein shake after the gym but that's about it.
Also when I finish early I'm always slightly tempted to supplement my Stronglifts with Bicep/calf or ab work, mostly out of vanity. Bad or good?
Tried to record my squat tonight funnily enough, but I can only record it from the front diagonal angle. Got home and played it back and whoops - only half of me is in the shot! I didn't stand back from the rack far enough xD
Great work mate!New deadlift max, 135kg!! LIGHT WEIGHT BABY! More in the tank aswell, i reckon i could pull 150kg. Reason is i did far too many lower weight reps because i wasn't sure how high i could go, looked like this
and i did 2 sets of 60kg squats beforehand!
Not to sound like a massive tool or anything but half the gym was watching my 135 and it went up pretty easy
(bear in mind this is a gym in which 5% of people deadlift and 1% of people squat )
Pretty powerful there, front squats are a great exercise to get strong on.75kg*2*10 front squat today for second last day of HST 10's. Also did lots of other stuff ;D
Going for 80kg for 2*10 rep max
icecold, or anyone else, got a question for you please mate.
Older members may remember I had a knee issue which stopped me doing any leg work for a good while. I got back into it 6 or so months ago and got myself back up to fairly decent numbers but the knee tweaked again so I rested. I've started again but my right knee keeps coming in slightly when I'm squatting. I'm forcing them out and my foot position is ok. This isn't even really happening with heavy weights (i.e. I was squatting with 100kg at the weekend), and there is NO pain at all. The knee just buckles inwards.
And my overhead press is laughable, I'm struggling with 25kg
I think I win the weakest-poster-in-this-thread award!
On the deadlifts no. Did a set with the bar on squats to get my eye in and 5 mins on the bike beforehand as usual.
A load of WWE wrestlers were training at my gym last night. John Cena, Mason Ryan, loads of em. It was surreal.
Great work mate!
Pretty powerful there, front squats are a great exercise to get strong on.
How are your feet? Are you fairly flat footed?
Any lower back issues?
Without seeing it in action, I'd suggest you try and cover as many bases as possible, particularly because the problem has been around for a while.
One of the more basic causes is a weak VMO, which is the little tear drop shaped muscle near your knee. Cycling can help strengthen this, but then so can squatting provided you're able to do it properly.
You might that your hips are fairly tight in external rotation. Test this by lying on your back with your leg bent at right angles to your body and knee also at bent. Keeping your upper leg fixed around a vertical axis, see how far you can rotate your foot over your other leg (or google external rotation and try and find a video, I can't as I'm tethering through my phone atm). If this is a problem, work on stretching your glutes (use the link I posted earlier for reference).
Sticking with your glutes, your glute medials are responsible for keeping your knees out, so if they're not firing properly you'll have problems. The first thing to try is just to focus on the muscle. Next try general glute activation exercises like single leg glute bridges, focusing on power and stability. Walking lunges will always show up weak glute medials, so do them with a light weight focusing on bringing your hips through powerfully while driving through your forward heal. Strict box squatting will also help here. If you have access to them, weak therabands around the knees (pulling them together) when squatting can help mind muscle connection too.
You will probably also need to give the soft tissue around your knee some attention, as well as your quads (particularly the vastus lateralis near your knee) and anterior/posterior tibialis. Lacrosse ball/foam roll the **** out of those bits.
Also stretch out your medial hamstrings, these can directly restrict correct knee positioning, and make sure your quads are in good condition too.