*** The 2011 Gym Rats Thread ***

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After my day of clean + press yesterday I'm in so much pain! My abs hurt, my shoulders hurt, my traps hurt, my biceps hurt.
Feels good man :cool:

Edit: almost forgot my hamstrings are getting in on the pain action too
Edit edit: and my forearms
:D nice work

finished HST 10s now, onwards to lower reps. Thank god.

Wasn't a good session though, I'd somehow managed to get really dehydrated during the day. Also had to sack off front squats because of my ankle, but I'll get that weight another time. Did more walking lunge to compensate.

Bench was rubbish, I didn't notice that the bar had a different ring positioning to normal until I'd tried two set and failed miserably (although 6x102.5kg super wide grip isn't too bad). This explains why my shoulder has been feeling a little hot recently too.

Deadlifts (185x10x2) were exhausting but fine. Ended up being a little "back-ey" because I wasn't concentrating. I'm not entirely convinced the plates are the right hight, which is going to be really annoying.

Arnold press and DB rows were good, nice finishing weights. Close grip bench (87.5x9 for the second set) went better than expected, which is strange considering how conventional bench went. Hopefully that's a sign that being ill and taking some time out hasn't been too detrimental.
Bar bendage is awesome :D

Squats actually get more comfortable when the bar bends for me :o

Im not anywhere near getting that weight on squats :p I wouldnt get back up! Only up to 105-110kg due to going back because my form was absolutely terrible. So, finally making sure I go parallel. :D
Dam neurocore - thinking i was unstoppable. Decided to load the bar with 120kg for incline chest press (most I ever done was 90kg) Stupid Stupid move!!! went down easy enough! did not come back up so good. Training partner could not lift it back up either. Had the bar across my chest had to get someone to help lift - off me. Pulled some muscles in my neck, so looks like I need to take it easy for week or so!!! Brawn before brain – I should know better! No excuses.

Law suit going into Muscletech - neurocore contains to much focus!
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An extra 30kg on a 1RM is pretty crazy whatever the lift- I had a fairly close call myself going for 95kg on my bench without a spot but managed to get it on to the lower catchers.
An extra 30kg on a 1RM is pretty crazy whatever the lift- I had a fairly close call myself going for 95kg on my bench without a spot but managed to get it on to the lower catchers.

Totally agree, was utter stupidity and as a consequence have niggled an injury i obtained last year that i had to have physio on.

It appears i have torn some muscles in my neck which is limiting my movement. Lucky does not impact me hugely in the gym.

Could have been a lot worse – no one to blame but myself:(
Sounds like a horrible lifestyle to lead. Good thread though

edit: his join date is Aug 11. Dubious.
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Interesting enough read but I suspect this guys full of it.

He thinks he's smaller boned but weights 280lbs at 5'6. Plus the amount he says he spends on food is ridiculous.

I've been on a 6000 to 7000 kcal daily intake before and its not as bad as he makes out and didn't cost me much more than my regular diet. I'm no bodybuilder but I'm not sure this guy is either.

Plus one of his feet has grown 3 sizes in a couple of years, dont know if that's even possible and if it is I wouldn't like to think how much all that hgh would cost to make that happen.
Today was going to be a light day but after sitting and watching the WSM with my breakfast I think I'm just going to steal all the plates in the gym and hobble home!
Dam neurocore - thinking i was unstoppable. Decided to load the bar with 120kg for incline chest press (most I ever done was 90kg) Stupid Stupid move!!! went down easy enough! did not come back up so good. Training partner could not lift it back up either. Had the bar across my chest had to get someone to help lift - off me. Pulled some muscles in my neck, so looks like I need to take it easy for week or so!!! Brawn before brain – I should know better! No excuses.

Law suit going into Muscletech - neurocore contains to much focus!

What do you do your incline bench on? I always do mine inside a power rack with the safety bars around my stomach height. Then if I fail I can just drop the bar forward.
icecold, I thought about what you said re: my knee's coming in so yesterday I did some very light very slow squats for many reps to check everything out. What I noticed was this: Stiffness in the right glute leading to stiffness in the very lower right back (almost where the back joins the glute I suppose), not pain, just tight. The left side is OK...

So I'm guessing that point of failure is causing the right knee to come inside. How can I correct this? Stretching?

Thanks :)
Yeah that sounds about right.

Job one is now to sort that area out, and then to look and at the other things (particularly your medial hamstrings and glute activation) afterwards.

Start with some soft tissue work with a lacrosse ball all over your glute (for some areas you'll need to lie down with your feet up on a sofa/whatever for leverage). Then take a look at the stretches I've posted in the mobility thread.

Should be fixed within a week of doing this for 10 mins a day. There might still be other problems, it will depend on how this restriction interacts with the rest of your hips.
Not a problem :)

I would avoid max effort squats until you're fixed, as that's exactly where you'd do damage. In your position I'd use the spare time for single leg and glute activation work. If you have the equipment for it then pullthroughs are awesome.
So i'm not sure whether to have a deload week or not. I don't feel like i need it infact i'm feeling the best at the moment i have done in months. Also i have 5 weeks till i go home for christmas meaning i have time to do another HST cycle and get some new PBs in which i wouldn't get to do the PBs if i deload...

So for HST I'd like to add another chest exercise, incline DB press most likely. Also another bicep thing because frankly my arms don't seem to have changed much at all last cycle. Will probably drop a set of rows and maybe one of side raises, unsure.

God knows where the 7lbs i've gained has gone to, probably all my legs :o
Good stuff. Just be aware that there could be some other mechanical reason for your tightness being wonky. Be on the look out for asymmetry in everything from the hips down. It could be something like one foot being collapsed while the other isn't, or something you can't do anything about like one leg being slightly longer. Or it could just be random!
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