*** The 2011 Gym Rats Thread ***

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^Did you even toast them beforehand? and isn't that horribly dry without any mayyonaise in it?

Hmm, can you tell I've not had pitta before? I hang my head in shame.

I don't really like mayonnaise and wasn't too dry for me but was in a rush so will experiment another day!
^Did you even toast them beforehand? and isn't that horribly dry without any mayyonaise in it?

Yeah give them a toasting or use a griddle pan, and some fat inside (mayo/olive oil, yogurt or tzatziki). Talking about all this food makes me miss working in a kitchen, no more free chicken and bacon salads..
Got 5x5 Dips BW+20kg again today, then a set of BW for 9. not bad :D. Gonna go for BW+22.5 for 5x5 next week.

Doing dips at the start of my workout is killing my bench press, dumbbell benching 32.5 for 5 was a struggle (I do a realllll slow negative at the end) then I dropped to 4x5 for 27.5 (The 30's are broken from abuse! D=). Wanting to get more improvements on the dips though.

Any dipping belts recommended? I fancy myself a new gym toy come next payday :p.
how do you actually fit those belts on?

Belt goes around your back>chain through weight > other side of belt


Belt round back>Chain other side> Chain to weight and back through

either way it looks from the picture that the chain is quite short and could cause havoc on the trouser snake if moved in the wrong way!
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You can do it either way depending on how much weight you have and how long the chain is. If you're using a small amount then the 'double' method works well so you don't have a measly 2.5kg swinging about :p.

I usually just clip the chain on either side and through the weight otherwise I have a plates pushing on my plums.
I've got this one which looks similar to the on semi-pro posted. I regularly hang a 130kg barbell off it when doing calf raises, although to be fair the clip is beginning to buckle. Keep forgetting to get a beefier one!
I'm going to be immature and put it out there, every time I see "TP", I think Toilet Paper :p

Heheh :)

I've got this one which looks similar to the on semi-pro posted. I regularly hang a 130kg barbell off it when doing calf raises, although to be fair the clip is beginning to buckle. Keep forgetting to get a beefier one!

I'm thinking I might have to start using a dipping belt, so that I can do start piling on the weights when I do pull-ups.
Good Leg/Shoulder session today. My gym finally got a 2nd weights room so i can actually squat now (only one rack in the whole place before!)

Leg Extension 12,10,8,8,6 - 180,200,220,220,240 lbs
Leg Curl 12,10,8,8,6 - 90, 110, 120, 120, 130 lbs (weak hammys are weak)
Leg Press (Lever style not sled) 10,10,10,8,8 - 470, 490, 490, 505(max), 505 - Maxed this stack out a while ago, just trying for reps now.
Calf raise (toe press on leg press) - 3x10 - 440lbs
Squatz - Only my 2nd week so really trying to concentrate on form, not easy when I'm one of the only people to bother doing them and theres no mirrors in teh new room yet! Bar - 3x8 (Just to get a feel), 40kg 2x8, 60kg 2x8. Gonna stop here because I can notice my my quads getting more activation then they should, will sit at 50/60 until its bang on.

Seated Shoulder Press - 17.5kg DB's 3x8
Front Raises - 9kg DB's 3x8
Lat Raises 7kg DB's supersetted with upright rows 9kg DB's, my word this hurt! 3x8
Some shrugs to finish off up to 27.5kg DB's. Did one set of 30s just out of interest and my ROM was hampered so went back down. 3x8 exc 30s

Although my weight loss has stalled for 2 weeks, my lifts have pretty much all gone up so I'm happy for now.
Originally posted by Chris1712:
Good Leg/Shoulder session today. My gym finally got a 2nd weights room so i can actually squat now (only one rack in the whole place before!)

Leg Extension 12,10,8,8,6 - 180,200,220,220,240 lbs
Leg Curl 12,10,8,8,6 - 90, 110, 120, 120, 130 lbs (weak hammys are weak)
Leg Press (Lever style not sled) 10,10,10,8,8 - 470, 490, 490, 505(max), 505 - Maxed this stack out a while ago, just trying for reps now.
Calf raise (toe press on leg press) - 3x10 - 440lbs
Squatz - Only my 2nd week so really trying to concentrate on form, not easy when I'm one of the only people to bother doing them and theres no mirrors in teh new room yet! Bar - 3x8 (Just to get a feel), 40kg 2x8, 60kg 2x8. Gonna stop here because I can notice my my quads getting more activation then they should, will sit at 50/60 until its bang on.

Seated Shoulder Press - 17.5kg DB's 3x8
Front Raises - 9kg DB's 3x8
Lat Raises 7kg DB's supersetted with upright rows 9kg DB's, my word this hurt! 3x8
Some shrugs to finish off up to 27.5kg DB's. Did one set of 30s just out of interest and my ROM was hampered so went back down. 3x8 exc 30s

Although my weight loss has stalled for 2 weeks, my lifts have pretty much all gone up so I'm happy for now.

I think we do pretty much same exercises for legs accept I do calf raises with olympic bar standing on one of those things that lifts you off the ground if you know what I mean, I think its the hardest way to do em, and I always try to go the hardest route.

Just out of curiosity you wrote some of the weights as lbs for legs and then some as kgs, does your gym do both? mine just has everything in kg.

And how much do you weigh because you mentioned your trying to lose weight? got any pics in the pictures thread?

I think your routine though is spot on, seems like your doing all the right exercises for legs but I think you might be missing something for shoulders? I cant think of the names of the exercises I do, but are you sure your hitting all 3 sections of your shoulders?

EDIT: I've got this stuff wrote down in my journal am gona post back in a second when I've checked for the ones I do, always forget the names lol
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Leg Extension
Leg Curl
Leg Press
Calf raise

You are doing a lot of sets and quite a few exercises. Break it down a bit.
Also, do you do squats last?

Try something like:

Calf raises (see my post on calves!)

You can swap out squats for leg press now and then if you want, just for variation.
Originally posted by: Morba
Hardest doesn't mean most effective or most efficient, let alone safe.

Well ok I'll try explain what I meant there, in my gym, its a pretty big gym, its a chain gym, but I reckon its the best chain gym in my city, and its got every machine you can think off and pretty much every tool you need. Anyways I could do calves on 5 different machines, which I've tried, I could do seated calf raises with DB's or whatever, but I've always found I got a better burn doing it stood up with olympic bar and 40kg on each side, I do shrugs the same way, even tho I could do it with DB's, and I do front shrugs and back shrugs if you know what I mean.

I guess it just up to person, which way you feel you can maximise the burn and target the muscle the best.
Go take a look at my post on calves, they are more than just standing up and raising yourself up :)

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