*** The 2012 Gym Rats Thread ***

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I've been laid off from the gym for over 18 months now due to injury, slowly been coming back during the past 4 weeks, circuit training at home in the garage. Got my time down from 31 mins and almost dying of a heart attack there and then, took about an hour to recover!!! Last run took 20 mins flat, using more weight and hardly really breaking sweat and breathing back to normal within a couple of minutes.

Finally joined the gym at Xmas for the super bargaintastic price of £99 for the year including on-peak!! :D They did a promo between Xmas and New Year, cash only! *cough* It's normally £50 a month, so happy with that.

I've only managed to train twice with weights, could feel the injury still but wasn't hurting. Going to train again tonight, just a general full body workout, nothing fancy for a few weeks yet.
Did my first proper run in God knows how long today, starting training for a 10km race I have in May. Did 3.1miles in 25:37, which gives me an 8:31/mi pace. Not bad and certainly a decent starting point!

Oh, and horrendous DOMs in my legs made the above horrifically difficult!! Thought I wasn't going to be able to lift my legs at some points!
They thought I had torn my meniscus, which would have sucked but key-hole surgery would have sorted that all out and made it nearly back to normal. However, a large fragment has chipped off of my femoral condyle, that piece is now floating around (which key hole surgery could remove, down time of a couple of months maybe), however the hole that is left behind on the condyle cannot be repaired/filled. Even if I have surgery, the likely hood of the pain going away is slim to none. When I say pain, I mean when I squat down or twist my knee.
^^^^ This is a much abbreviated version of what the Dr told me.
Wow that's pretty bad! I don't even know how that would happen... was it the lateral or medial condyle?

Have they suggested that any physio/anything would help?

I know it seems bleak at the moment, but the body is pretty incredible. Keep your chin up mate :)
I've been laid off from the gym for over 18 months now due to injury, slowly been coming back during the past 4 weeks, circuit training at home in the garage. Got my time down from 31 mins and almost dying of a heart attack there and then, took about an hour to recover!!! Last run took 20 mins flat, using more weight and hardly really breaking sweat and breathing back to normal within a couple of minutes.

Finally joined the gym at Xmas for the super bargaintastic price of £99 for the year including on-peak!! :D They did a promo between Xmas and New Year, cash only! *cough* It's normally £50 a month, so happy with that.

I've only managed to train twice with weights, could feel the injury still but wasn't hurting. Going to train again tonight, just a general full body workout, nothing fancy for a few weeks yet.
That is a ridiculous deal, in fact that's stupid! All the more reason to stop being lazy and heal up ;)
That is a ridiculous deal, in fact that's stupid! All the more reason to stop being lazy and heal up ;)
Indeed! It was really lucky for me as they only run it for 6 days from 26th to 31st. Just a couple of weeks ago I drove down there to join up but it was closed, so I ended up circuit training at home... that saved me £500 for the year! :cool:
Sorry to here about the knee situation, Clipsey. Must absolutely suck having that extra burden getting in the way of your hobbies, but bear in mind it's far from the end of the world. It's amazing that the body can do even with severe limitations.


Also Delvis, with regard to learning more about biology and nutrition, if you have a facebook account add Martin Berkhan (Lean Gains) as he posts interesting facts/articles daily on things that could be very useful to you.
It's amazing that the body can do even with severe limitations.
Wow... I'm betting he can pistol squat a multiple times the weight I can squat normally.

Finally back at Uni now, decided to knock the PLP on the head now I'm back to training, made it to 25 (so 15 days of it). I have to say my back took a pounding, I've always been weak with pull ups so it was nice to be able to fire out 25 in 5x5 with 90s in between.

Also first session at the gym today did Pullups, Bench, Squats, Deads, Single arm military press, close grip bench, calf raises and a small amount of core work. All were a nice low weight to ease myself back in from almost a month away. LOVING IT, so glad to be back :p
Shoulder workout considering of over head press, arnies, lateral raise and front raise with weight plate (unsure of name). Then on court for over 2 and a half hours, was dripping and totally exhausted! Off to bed now... My fav tomorrow, leg day!
Wow that's pretty bad! I don't even know how that would happen... was it the lateral or medial condyle?

Have they suggested that any physio/anything would help?

I know it seems bleak at the moment, but the body is pretty incredible. Keep your chin up mate :)

It is the posterior articular surface of the lateral femoral condyle. Only did it playing indoor football. PT won't help as the damage is done, there is now a hole in my condyle and he thinks that is what is catching and causing pain. They are doing some 'experimental' stuff right now, but he wasn't to keen on the idea.
Frustrating but not the end of the world. Cheers for the concern though :)

Sorry to here about the knee situation, Clipsey. Must absolutely suck having that extra burden getting in the way of your hobbies, but bear in mind it's far from the end of the world. It's amazing that the body can do even with severe limitations.
Cheers :)
Exactly this, just got accept it, move on and start new challenges, so what if I have nice big muscles everywhere and a ONE skinny little leg :D
Strengthen, increase proprioception, increase stability.

It also works the knee.

Actually you should probably do it too Delvis.

Hmm...Might do actually.

Might get you to look at my legs actually if you're at the meet ;)....My right 'foot / shin is doing my head in, I swear it's got partial rickets going on...that or my foot is crooked.

Also Delvis, with regard to learning more about biology and nutrition, if you have a facebook account add Martin Berkhan (Lean Gains) as he posts interesting facts/articles daily on things that could be very useful to you.

Thanks dude, will do :)
Suffering with DOMS today, thought it was bad yesterday! But today is just :eek: you know when you laugh out of pain? Like a slight wimper almost I guess! I can't stop doing that when reaching for things or stretching slightly!

Nice. I've missed this feeling! :cool:
OMFG I can barely walk today ;( Gunna have to be some light weight squats tonight I think :p

Know what you mean, was my first leg session after xmas break this Wednesday just gone and its only really hit me today!

I feel like an old man or something, someone get me a Zimmer! :(
I'm supposed to be doing Deadlifts tonight...this is why I normally do squats on monday!!!!! Not Wednesdays!

Will have to try and loosen up throughout the day
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