*** The 2012 Gym Rats Thread ***

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All Saints slim fit jeans is what I wear. 34" inch (I'm nearer 32") and the Iggy fit (which is slim) and they're absolutely spot on. Tend to pick them up in Sales tho as they're like £75 a pop.
What time do you guys train usually? I finish work about 6:30, head to gym about 7ish then finish about 9pm.

Im usually home about 10 and then make myself a nice meal, e,g chickens breasts and broccoli. Do you guys think this is to late to be eating a 'main meal'

I'm not going to bed until about 1am though so I have plenty of time to digest.
Not too late at all, as long as you're not eating a big meal DIRECTLY before bed, you'll be okay. Your schedule is probably reasonably similar to a lot of others, it's just a couple of hours later :)
LOL! 28"?!!! At my biggest that was nearly my thigh measurements! :D

I have to wear belts with my jeans just to stop them looking baggy above my arse it's a pain.
Having just about got myself settled after the move/holiday/new job I've joined a local health club which seems to be fairly comprehensive. Freeweights area isn't massive with only one bar and quite old equipment however it will do the job. They have a large range of machines including lots of ISO rows, hack squat and others I've not had the chance to investigate yet.

I will still make use of my powercage in the garage for squatting & deadlifting when those lifts become involved in any programs soon. The Ironmasters might not get much/any use so might not stick around for too long.

I'm enjoying having the time and focus to train again. I managed to not do too badly with near enough 2 and a half months without training, some minor atrophy and change in composition which can't be helped but nothing I obsessed or am particularly bothered by at the moment! American food & drink isn't kind on the waistline!

In between Monkee's worship for me he has been nagging me to come to the Gymrats meet. Though this time it's a little bit too far away and I'm still reasonably busy at weekends. I know PAz spoke to me a while back about sorting something out a bit closer to us in Herts/Bucks. Once I'm not such a physical state I'll make an appearance.
What time do you guys train usually? I finish work about 6:30, head to gym about 7ish then finish about 9pm.

Im usually home about 10 and then make myself a nice meal, e,g chickens breasts and broccoli. Do you guys think this is to late to be eating a 'main meal'

I'm not going to bed until about 1am though so I have plenty of time to digest.

Sounds fine to me. :)
I've got dat ass so i'm okay in that respect, but yeah my thighs are only about 24" at the top and even thats enough for 'loose fit' jeans to be a bit tight :o
I've got dat ass so i'm okay in that respect, but yeah my thighs are only about 24" at the top and even thats enough for 'loose fit' jeans to be a bit tight :o

They should only be tight if you're buying for your waist line. If you get a couple of inches above, the thighs should scale up to match, just wear a belt.
Make sure you train arms 3x a week minimum, keep carbs as low as possible and consume no more than 31.7g of protein an hour or your body it will turn it all into fat.

Yeah, don't drop the soap. Apart from that, your body feeds off all the protein in the bicep muscle. So just do lots and lots of bicep curls.

Thanks. I've been told to make sure to squat everywhere I go which makes walking obsolete. And to also make sure I eat 1KG per lb of bodyweight in dry powdered oats to make sure I'm in a calorie surplus. Combined with my 50 situps and press ups every night and walking up the stairs in my house a couple of times a day, my leg training for the week, I should resemble Ronnie in no time.

Edit: Don't worry I'll purely be sticking to isolations as I know compounds are for gheeeys.

I was in the staffroom a second ago...And they were talking about people 'who go to the gym for weights'. They were commenting on how odd they look and how unnatural it is :o

Never know what to do in those situations...Made me want to cry really

I was in the staffroom a second ago...And they were talking about people 'who go to the gym for weights'. They were commenting on how odd they look and how unnatural it is :o

Never know what to do in those situations...Made me want to cry really

Clean to push press them, then do some overhead squats. That'll show them. You might need to stack an anabolic vest + eye patch to achieve this though.

I tend to say how silly I think it is to go to the gym to do cardio, the whole planet is a treadmill for gods sake.
I just ignore, it's their loss. Was at the pub a few nights ago and had to endure the 'fat turns to muscle' conversation a few times along with the 'don't want to get too big'.

I'm gonna start running at least 3 times a week now for 5-10 minutes depending on how long my ankle holds up. Not sure i'll much cardio i'll do in the gym as i just cannot stand it.
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