*** The 2012 Gym Rats Thread ***

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I too am hoping to go for the athletic look, as my stature just wouldn't suite MUSCLE!
Is there an easy way to work out BF%?
Is there an easy way to work out BF%?

Plenty of ways, just none that are that reliable.

On a side note, had my consultation with the Dr. about my knee this morning and worse case scenario didn't even happen, it was worse :( Even surgery probably won't fix it, "might" help with some of the pain. He said, they are doing some experimental trials which may work - but obviously being experimental, who knows :confused:
Great way to start the new year
*hugs* **** they were needed this morning lol

You can be Joe from Family Guy? Every cloud has a silver lining mate!

Regular folk may easily be able to carry on, however I am an athletic nut (ironman, marathons, loads of sports AND most importantly Iron!) Just disappointing to hear that it won't ever be the same.
Won't be able to do a 200kg D/L again :(
Edit* Oh and right now I am a PT, so again not ideal. My clients have been awesome so far in understanding, but if I can't squat down, I feel I can't help out 100%.
Ahh man that sucks :( Best you can do is just keep trying to get it fixed and be hopeful. Reminds me of that video someone posted where that lad got crushed doing a Power Clean to Push Press, and year or so later managed to beat his old personal best :)
End of the day it's not the end of the world and it's just a knee, I can still walk perfectly fine, might even be able to run again (just not sure on the pain) - just allowing myself a bit of self pity this morning. Fitness and ability means everything to me. I'll be back to positive in no time and come back just as strong, pain and all :D
He did say I can't damage it anymore, pain might just be unbearable
IIRC the world record bench press holder has a messed up ankle that stops him squatting/deadlifting, so you could always take yourself down a different route if necessary. Hopefully just continue what you like most though :)
Looks good, just make sure you're getting enough fats in there.
Out of interest...Is there a good resource for learning how this stuff works? As you seem to be quite 'with it' when it comes to how it all works.

Would be interesting to know and see if anything can be applied
This is very difficult.

A good online resource is T-Nation, but even that requires knowing which authors to ignore. The key is to just start somewhere.
Plenty of ways, just none that are that reliable.

On a side note, had my consultation with the Dr. about my knee this morning and worse case scenario didn't even happen, it was worse :( Even surgery probably won't fix it, "might" help with some of the pain. He said, they are doing some experimental trials which may work - but obviously being experimental, who knows :confused:
Great way to start the new year
Gutted for you mate :(

What's actually wrong with it?

edit: Skillmister, did you see the ankle vid?
I need to find some kind of snack to take in work around 4pm (tend to have my lunch at around 12-30/1)

Are nuts a good idea? If so, what are the best kind?
You can do it every day, and aim to complete it 5-15 times throughout the day. I'm not sure there is such a thing as doing it too much, but be aware of fatigue. It is harder than it looks, but balance will improve quickly.
What is the ankle things supposed to do by the way? :)

I almost was going to skip the gym this evening...However my stomach has stopped pretending to be a washing machine now so I feel awesome!
I haven't decided what to do with this year yet :/.
My only long term goal is to lose 'do you even lift?' status and acquire bw bench, 1.5 squat & 2x dead.

Short/Medium term - 'Finish' losing weight. Although I hit my goal of 80kg by Christmas I think I'll probably have to get close to 70kg before I'm happy to properly bulk, I might try eating at maintenance and see what happens. I would love to bulk now but I think i would give up mentally as soon as the scale starts going up, just goes against everything I've done for the last 18 months.
What is the ankle things supposed to do by the way? :)

I almost was going to skip the gym this evening...However my stomach has stopped pretending to be a washing machine now so I feel awesome!
Strengthen, increase proprioception, increase stability.

It also works the knee.

Actually you should probably do it too Delvis.
Gutted for you mate :(

What's actually wrong with it?

They thought I had torn my meniscus, which would have sucked but key-hole surgery would have sorted that all out and made it nearly back to normal. However, a large fragment has chipped off of my femoral condyle, that piece is now floating around (which key hole surgery could remove, down time of a couple of months maybe), however the hole that is left behind on the condyle cannot be repaired/filled. Even if I have surgery, the likely hood of the pain going away is slim to none. When I say pain, I mean when I squat down or twist my knee.
^^^^ This is a much abbreviated version of what the Dr told me.
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