You're not 44 so it's not really the same. Also doing a 50+hr a week job, plus cooking/housework/chores/etc... tends to mean you don't have time for decent rest - so 6x a week training ISN'T a good idea for most people. If you don't have to work, then yeah sure, 6x a week is fine. I don't buy the "over training" thing as for most people that isn't the case. However, you CAN overtrain, but it does require some work, but you can genuinely render yourself useless by over training. You grow and get stronger when you rest, fact. Also, generally during a deload week, people come back on the other side far stronger as a result of the reduced training and increased mobility work.
Maybe so but im wrecked big time health wise, low test etc. And work 7 days a week... Maybe not 50+ hours but around 40-45.
Deloaded in the past done lots of differing routines but these days I keep it plain and simple which brings the best results... Low volume but heavy at all times and progression at all times possible. Not to say that this will work for everyone fair point but im just elaborating.