Hopefully back onshore in a week so hitting the gym hard. How do these macros look:
Protein - 205g - 25%
Carbs - 320g - 39%
Fat - 136 - 36%
3245 cals
Food in general is very healthy with porridge, chicken, beef, brown rice, brown pasta, lots of veg/salad, stir frys, cashews, bananas, extra virgin olive oil, omega 3 tabs for 2g EPA/1.5g DHA, BCAA before and after workouts, and protein/creatine/dextrose/maltodex shake after workout as main foods.
I'm going to be on the FST 7 routine on a 4 day split: Chest/Tri - Back/Bi - Shoulder/Trap - Legs/Calves. Interval training in the mornings before work on the Ergo (3 days a week) and spinning twice a week.
6'2", 14stone, a bit too much fat from Oil Rig catering and in general am looking at a lean bulk with the cardio helping me lose a bit of this flab! 7 weeks until I head to Shanghai to see the GF so intend to see some real results by then then push on for the summer when I'm back!