*** The 2012 Gym Rats Thread ***

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Currently having trouble eating food, past four days i have had a sensation like food stuck in mytrachea at about chest level, gonna have to nip to the docs if it doesnt disappear.
Currently having trouble eating food, past four days i have had a sensation like food stuck in mytrachea at about chest level, gonna have to nip to the docs if it doesnt disappear.

I've had something similar for like a week. Every time i started eating i felt like i was going to throw up. Was only happening in the morning really though, so weird. Today was ok but it took me a long long time to get my breakfast down.

Topped off with a quick bout of man flu over the weekend i lost a couple of extra lbs recently :eek:

Anyway cutting diet is now in full swing as of today :)
Well I tried going heavier on deadlifts tonight. On the 200kg my left glute (I think) twinged again. Very frustrating now. I know I have loads in the tank for some heavier lifts. But this injury just keeps popping up!
Currently having trouble eating food, past four days i have had a sensation like food stuck in mytrachea at about chest level, gonna have to nip to the docs if it doesnt disappear.

Ugh, I had this a while ago for a couple of days...But it was chronic pain, I literally couldn't stomach anything, and it just hurt constantly, couldn't sleep or anything.

It just dissapeared eventually, I did throw some indejestion tabs at it, so who knows
Hopefully back onshore in a week so hitting the gym hard. How do these macros look:

Protein - 205g - 25%
Carbs - 320g - 39%
Fat - 136 - 36%

3245 cals

Food in general is very healthy with porridge, chicken, beef, brown rice, brown pasta, lots of veg/salad, stir frys, cashews, bananas, extra virgin olive oil, omega 3 tabs for 2g EPA/1.5g DHA, BCAA before and after workouts, and protein/creatine/dextrose/maltodex shake after workout as main foods.

I'm going to be on the FST 7 routine on a 4 day split: Chest/Tri - Back/Bi - Shoulder/Trap - Legs/Calves. Interval training in the mornings before work on the Ergo (3 days a week) and spinning twice a week.

6'2", 14stone, a bit too much fat from Oil Rig catering and in general am looking at a lean bulk with the cardio helping me lose a bit of this flab! 7 weeks until I head to Shanghai to see the GF so intend to see some real results by then then push on for the summer when I'm back!
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Anyone here post on SugdenBarbell? Great site with most of the UK's Strongest guys posting there (Hollands, Loz, Bolton sometimes etc). Great training logs too.
Do you think there's an age limit when to start slowing down a bit? I've been training for as long as i can remember. I'm 44 this month and my training is starting to hurt afterwards and I've started picking up silly injuries.

I'm stretching more than ever, plenty of cardio too and fell as fit today as I've ever felt but I just feel more aches and pains than normal and I'm starting to loose a bit of faith. My knees went years ago and I've just pulled a ligament in my elbow.
What sort of recovery times are you getting? I'd say that would be the only thing that would change.

All depends on your goals I guess but if you aren't already then maybe you need to schedule more recovery time :)
What sort of recovery times are you getting? I'd say that would be the only thing that would change.

All depends on your goals I guess but if you aren't already then maybe you need to schedule more recovery time :)

Monday - Shoulders/Biceps
Tuesday - Legs
Wednesday - Back/Triceps
Thursday - Cardio
Friday - Chest/Core work
Sat/ Sunday - Rest

10 sets each muscle group.

My goals have always to maintain fitness and strength rather than mass.
I'm concerned about my knees.

Basically, they're rubbish and prone to injury. It doesn't feel like a muscular thing, but a grinding, mechanical thing - putting my hand on my knees and bending my legs reveals horrible 'crunching' going on.

What should I do about it?
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