*** The 2012 Gym Rats Thread ***

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Alternatively, you can use liquid chalk. This is basically alcohol hand sanitising gel that has chalk powder mixed in. Put it on your hands, wait for the alcohol to evaporate and you should be left with some chalk on your hands. I've heard it's not as good as normal chalk, but I've never tried it so can't really comment.

I found it to be a very good alternative. I would say about 60-70% (totally non scientific estimate) as effective as proper chalk, but much more tidy, esp if you've ever had your chalk pot open in your bag :mad:
Well, that's a certain, need to buy some chalk / liquid chalk...The bar is going to drop soon :o Any takers on where they get theirs from? MP?

Back Session:
1 x 10 x 40KG
1 x 5 x 50KG
1 x 2 x 60KG
3 x 8 x 85KG (7.5KG jump from last week)
1 x 10 x 80KG

Certainly need some chalk now, hands are sweating like a bugger

3 x 8 x 27.5KG

3 x 8 x 40KG (jumped these by 5KG this week)

1 x 10 x 20KG
3 x 8 x 40KG (+12 reps on the third set)

Concentration curls:
1 x 5 x 15KG
2 x 10 x 10KG

Meh, just done for funsies

Finished with some HiiT rowing...Also got a vid of the first set of deadlifts, will upload shortly
Did deadlifts for the first time in almost 3 weeks :o


Not too bad was really concentrating on my lower back and how to lower it properly, forgot to record my form :(. Felt heavy as **** though :p The fact my APT is improving is definitely helping.

Oh and it's amazing how much difference losing 3-4kg can make. 3x8 BW pullups no problem(well the last few reps were a struggle)
Had this knocking about for a while, will give it ago tonight and see how it compares to the liquid stuff I normally use.

Now into my 3rd week on this ruddy rig.

Annoyed is an understatement! Weights are impossible with it heaving up and down and rocking from side to side. Cross trainer and crappy school like dinners it is for another week!

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Going to go in to do a GPP/conditioning day. More skipping, and then; medicine ball throws, walking lunges, weighted step ups, TRX inverted rows with bosu ball, pallof press, planks.
This was fun. Created a bit of a scene with the med ball throws though... Did one slam and the ball flew off forwards, hit a suspended light fitting, then crashed down into my chalk box sending an arc of chalk dust and chunks halfway across the gym :o. Luckily it was almost empty and there was no damage done. Turns out the floor isn't really capable of supporting med ball slams. Also couldn't really do wall throws because the balls weren't heavy enough, oh well.

I have a new found love for step ups though. Fantastic hip stabilisation exercise, provided you're really strict. If you bring your knee up to your chest at the top of the movement it makes things even worse/better, try it! Left side is more wobbly currently, but that should even out.
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Knee injury update: Just got home from surgery and Doc said it was a success, managed to get a large piece of cartilage out, that was flapping off of the hole, smoothed it all out. Now propped up on the couch being waited on by the wifey :D
Been sick of doing split upper body workouts for the past 2months, here's hoping in a couple of months time I can ease back in to lower body :)
Ahhh nice one Clipsey, heres to a speedie recovery!!!

Now..I'm not posting this to rub it in...But here's the first set of my Deadlifts from earlier.

On the last few reps I was adjusting my grip, as it was going, need some chalk like :(

Notable points, couple of reps where my butt lifts, just a case of being aware of this during my lifts I guess. Don't think the lower back is rounding? Hopefully not anyway. Toes lift, that's just me.

EDIT: I have rotated the vid, but youtube is taking it's time
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