*** The 2012 Gym Rats Thread ***

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I know how you feel; I often have issues with my lower back. Gets sore fast when doing fast complexes, yet its fine with heavy weights :confused:.

I hear ya.

Upper trap on my left side is a constant pain, yet managed to get a PB last night with it.

It's weird, and it's feeling no less strained today than it was yesterday.
Ah crap. No Gym this week as I've gotten a cold. It's not that bad but I've been pushing myself fairly hard so figured it's best to just let myself recover... I don't want the damn thing any worse.

I tend to get them if I run out of vits, which I did this time around. None for about 10 days (I kept forgetting to buy more when I was shopping, not that it's much of an excuse mind). Does anyone else here get ill when they don't take the vits? I notice a lot of body builders take large doses of the vits and have been saying the same thing.

(no medical advice please!)

Deads 3x3 - 150
Spress 3x5 - 55
Chins 3x10 - BW

Cake :)

Thursday is the next session, excited as it's some olympic work :) tonight is a little circuit session in my garage.
Tried lemsip? Or I've heard about a new treatment actually, just pour some coffee in to a cup, drink it, go train. I think it's referred to as a cup of "man the fudge up" :)
I'm using Covonia at the mo, seems to be doing the trick but it's taking time. :( It's mainly the cough that is stopping me from going, I don't want to risk upsetting my asthma.

Totally forgot about vit tabs and cod liver oil capsules, not had them since I stopped training so will start them today.

I've got into the habit of eating lots of chocolate too. :o Not put on any noticeable fat but the cravings are mad. :o Slowly weening myself off now though. I've been to the local shop on a number of occasions recently and have avoided buying chocolate. There is a double decker in the cupboard that has been flirting with me but I won't let it win!
Tried lemsip? Or I've heard about a new treatment actually, just pour some coffee in to a cup, drink it, go train. I think it's referred to as a cup of "man the fudge up" :)

That's rich, coming from someone who drives a hairdressers car which is possibly the most flamboyant colour possible for it.

I'm using Covonia at the mo, seems to be doing the trick but it's taking time. :( It's mainly the cough that is stopping me from going, I don't want to risk upsetting my asthma.

Totally forgot about vit tabs and cod liver oil capsules, not had them since I stopped training so will start them today.

I've got into the habit of eating lots of chocolate too. :o Not put on any noticeable fat but the cravings are mad. :o Slowly weening myself off now though. I've been to the local shop on a number of occasions recently and have avoided buying chocolate. There is a double decker in the cupboard that has been flirting with me but I won't let it win!

You mean Omega 3 yeah? ;)
I've stopped taking Alpha Men/vits for many months and it's made no difference. I always take omega 3.
That's rich, coming from someone who drives a hairdressers car which is possibly the most flamboyant colour possible for it.


I haven't owned that car for about 2 years now :p Although I do have another one in blue. And a Celica GT. And I'm swapping them both for a 1980 Chevrolet Corvette this year.

That's rich, coming from someone who drives a hairdressers car which is possibly the most flamboyant colour possible for it.


Roffle. :D

You mean Omega 3 yeah? ;)

Well if we want to be picky, Omega-3, Vit A, D+E. :p

I've stopped taking Alpha Men/vits for many months and it's made no difference. I always take omega 3.

Your diet is pretty good anyway though. Mine is pretty poor at the moment, that's no excuse for taking tablets but I might as well.
How much is too much?

No idea.

Hopefully someone on here can elaborate :p

I guess, it depends on your diet entirely, if you dont get much cod liver oil now (Vit D and A etc) then fair game take a capsule or two if you need one. But if you get a lot naturally then taking too much supps in capsule form 'could' cause various side effects. How true etc though is beyond me
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Guys, I could do with a bit of advice. Bear in mind I'm a bit of a gym noob still :P
I'm doing SL 5x5, and I'm struggling.
On squats, I stalled at 65KG (which should be pretty light for squats). Anyway, I decided to drop back down to 55kg because I thought I'd work on getting my form perfect. I've recently gotten back up to 60kg and it seems just as hard as before. I feel like I'm going to stall at 65 again (maybe 70).

I read that most people get to at least 90KG before they stall on SL 5x5 so I was wondering if anyone had any input?
Guys, I could do with a bit of advice. Bear in mind I'm a bit of a gym noob still :P
I'm doing SL 5x5, and I'm struggling.
On squats, I stalled at 65KG (which should be pretty light for squats). Anyway, I decided to drop back down to 55kg because I thought I'd work on getting my form perfect. I've recently gotten back up to 60kg and it seems just as hard as before. I feel like I'm going to stall at 65 again (maybe 70).

I read that most people get to at least 90KG before they stall on SL 5x5 so I was wondering if anyone had any input?

What i usually recommend is to keep upping the weights by the smallest amount each time. When you fail on 5x5, drop to 3x5 (3setsof5). When you fail on that drop to 5x3, when you fail on that drop back down to a weight you felt "comfortable" with at 5x5, and start again.
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