*** The 2012 Gym Rats Thread ***

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Damn FF! Never done front squats before, so tried it today with 40kg - form wasn't the best but trying to balance the bar is pretty trick at first. More so with no weight.

I was sweating after 6 reps of 40kg!

Noob gains for the win! 110kg for reps of 6 on deadlifts just now. Need to get a video, as I know that my form isn't great. But there is no mirrors in the gym so its pretty hard to judge how perfect your form is.
between norovirus, house moving and a bingeury i picked up, i've been in absentia from the gym nearly 3 weeks. Feels bad. gonna get right back on it soon, small deload just to ease back in, and gonna sling in some complexes for variety - time to start thinking about summer girls ;)
Thanks Ice and Dom. The problem is, I can do ATG, but my bum starts to tuck in - which is not going to get any better if I don't sort out my mobility. I am fairly sure I have adductor / hamstring tightness, though looking at it more closely it could be glute issues too, and from my stretching/mobility, I know my right glute is tight. However, bear in mind that cross arm grip was causing me grief too.

I'll hit my piriformis rolling hard. Doing unloaded squats I don't seem to tuck in too much - so it must be positioning of feet or a core tightness issue too.

I think you're right Dom, the strength is there, but there's something not activating properly.

I'll see if I can get some better vids next time.

I'm doing a lot more single leg work to also sort out a) balance b) mobility c) uncover any weak spots and any compensations being taken.
Damn FF! Never done front squats before, so tried it today with 40kg - form wasn't the best but trying to balance the bar is pretty trick at first. More so with no weight.

I was sweating after 6 reps of 40kg!

Noob gains for the win! 110kg for reps of 6 on deadlifts just now. Need to get a video, as I know that my form isn't great. But there is no mirrors in the gym so its pretty hard to judge how perfect your form is.

If you can use a clean grip - it's SO much better. I just can't at the mo owing to my wrist :(
FF ATG with butt wink isn't really ATG ;) I used to think I had amazing squat depth until I realised I was getting that depth by tucking my butt which is bad. I've been hammering my stretching and mobility and I can now get parallel without butt wink. I assume you're talking about ATG for front squat?
Yes. As that's what we're talking about ;) And I can do ATG without a butt wink, up to a certain weight. When you add weight, it enhances/amplifies any tightness or weakness some of your connective tissues and muscles have and as such your body compensates by tucking in. Fortunately those front squats I posted were just below parallel with little to no butt wink at the bottom. :)

It's good to see you've learnt about stretching and mobility too - so many people don't do it. That's why my lifts have decreased so much - I'm determined to get my form improved. It's just hard after many many years of just loading lots of weight and beasting it up with pure power and strength, it's a hard habit to break. Once you get the technique right, you'll find your weights go shooting up too. :) Good luck!
Ah ok

Thought it was just when people wear their trousers too low and you can see the Windy Valley, was going to tell you all just to pull your trousers up :p
Surfed the rack last night for a bit of fun; first time i have done this. Following on from a Rob Richies video i decided to have a go; needed to be a Sunday night as the gym is dead to peform this.

Bascially you start with the heaviest weight you can curl for reps of 8; then you work all the way down in 2's down to the lighest weight.

started with 22kg, so 22, 20, 18, 16........ down to 2kg which i could not pick up by the end, so 88 reps no rest is a killer but what a burn :)

Steedie - get my update?
Guys, how long is it taking/did it take to perfect your squat form?

Still working with some fairly low weights just trying to get it right still, it seems like I'm being limited by my leg muscles flexibility. Are there any plans/routines any of you follow for flexbility, maybe once/twice a week - plus I've got my foam roller coming this week too :D
Most people do some form of stretching / mob work either before the workout or during the week, it's something you need to be doing all the time to really get the benefit from.

ie you aren't going to be able to do some mob work for one month, then keep the same amount of flexibility after that without continuing to do more work.
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