*** The 2012 Gym Rats Thread ***

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Guys, how long is it taking/did it take to perfect your squat form?

Still working with some fairly low weights just trying to get it right still, it seems like I'm being limited by my leg muscles flexibility. Are there any plans/routines any of you follow for flexbility, maybe once/twice a week - plus I've got my foam roller coming this week too :D

I've been training 18 months to get to the stage I am now form-wise, although the last time I changed my form was about 2 (ish) months ago.

Do it every day, because there is no such thing as a day off :)
It's good to see you've learnt about stretching and mobility too - so many people don't do it. That's why my lifts have decreased so much - I'm determined to get my form improved. It's just hard after many many years of just loading lots of weight and beasting it up with pure power and strength, it's a hard habit to break. Once you get the technique right, you'll find your weights go shooting up too. :) Good luck!

Thats what im starting to do this week too. I noticed I have a tight hamstring when squatting and rounding of the lower back. Time to go look up the mobility thread work on form etc :)
When I flex my guns in the mirror after a beastly workout mirin' my aesthetics, does that count as stretching?

I'm there for a good few minutes, if that helps.

Chest tonight, it really doesn't know what it's in for, excited/psyched just thinking about it.

Thanks a lot :) Lie, funnily enough I was looking at those vids yesterday too.

I really need to invest in to a Olympic weight set too or get something else apart from plates to rest bar on for Deadlifts. Its too low for me at the moment, so think im putting too much load on my lower back.
So what weights are you using? If the bar is too low, put something under the bar so it's higher up for the time being buddy :)
If you can use a clean grip - it's SO much better. I just can't at the mo owing to my wrist :(

I did try doing that, but my wrists didn't seem to want to bend in such a way. Will give it another try, think I'm going to do some front squats every gym sesh for the next few weeks just to get some practice in.

Will keep trying with a clean grip.
So what weights are you using? If the bar is too low, put something under the bar so it's higher up for the time being buddy :)

Been using a standard barbell set and adding/buying weights as I needed them. I think the biggest weights on there are Gold Gym's 20kg ones. I've basically ran out of weight plates to rest them on during Deadlifts as im using them all :eek:. So looking to get rid and go for olympic, but in the mean time find something to rest it on.

Only other bad thing is due to being on the 2nd floor, im having to basically do deficit on deadlifts too as to avoid making a noise and annoying the neighbors. I bet that aint too nice on the lower back :p
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If they're full cast iron or whatever 20kg plates is the bar still too low for you?

Do you know how much distance off the ground the bar is on the olympic one is. I can measure mine when I get home.. Could just be my imagination (Which most of the time it is)/
How many days do you guys spend in the gym? I've got a real buzz for wanting to go at the moment and enjoy pushing myself but I know your body needs a rest. Currently doing:

Monday - Rest day
Tuesday 1 hour - 4k run 6k cycle
Wednesday 1 hour - Strong Lifts
Thursday 1 hour - 4k run 6k cycle
Friday 2/3 hours - Strong lifts & 8k run
Saturday - Rest day
Sunday 2/3 hours - Strong lifts & 8k cycle

Tempted to start going to the gym on Saturday or would that not give my body enough time to catch up on repairs?

I'll stop asking questions soon, I PROMISE! :cool:
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Mon: BJJ, Gym
Tue: Off
Wed: Gym
Thur: Off
Fri: BJJ
Sat: Gym
Sun: Off

Gradually stepping up the volume (will be adding another BJJ sesh next month)
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