*** The 2012 Gym Rats Thread ***

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You're not really eating enough to gain any strength once the newbie gains go (don't know how long you've been lifting). Up the protein and carbs

Protein to about 170-180, carbs 250 minimum
You're not really eating enough to gain any strength once the newbie gains go (don't know how long you've been lifting). Up the protein and carbs

Protein to about 170-180, carbs 250 minimum

Still a massive newbie! - only been at it for 2 months :p

I'll add a couple whey/oat shakes I think - I'd ideally like to keep Kcal as low as possible though.

Cheers Steedie :cool:
Damn, was doing some stretching this morning and somehow hurt my right hip/piriformis :( Hopefully after some foam/ball action on it, it will be ok for Squats tomorrow.
Had what's probably my last gym session for a couple of weeks as I'm off on holiday tomorrow - all feeling pretty good and managed everything with reasonable form I think. I did however think about trying Dragon Flags but as expected the benches in the gym weren't quite up to it and the boards were peeling away from the frame.
Hadn't realised until the last few days how much i relied on caffiene.

Dropping it completely from my diet may have been a drastic one but one i hope pays off.
Rob, work out your BMR. Here's my diet to give you an idea.

What does 'interning' involve? Sitting at a desk? If so you'll be much lower than 1.55. I use 1.35 for mine as my weekly activity is about 5 hours in the gym and 2-3 hours walking to town and back that's all
What does 'interning' involve? Sitting at a desk? If so you'll be much lower than 1.55. I use 1.35 for mine as my weekly activity is about 5 hours in the gym and 2-3 hours walking to town and back that's all

You don't really intern as a tree surgeon or a labourer :p Yeah, desk work it is for me. Will change it to 1.375 then, Cheers Skill.
PB on the deadlift the other day 2 sets of 5 at 110kgs and Managed 5x5 at 60kgs Bench and 5x5 75kgs on the deeeeep squats.

Finally feels like its getting heavy :D
Using 1.55 my BMR is 3600 :eek:

Currently only at 2200 max!

Problem I find is no BMR calculators take into account body fat percentage, and this conflicts with the "more muscle you have, the higher your BMR"... surprised that I haven't been able to find one.

So a guy at 200lb 10% bodyfat, and a guy at 200lb 30% bodyfat would, by the calculators, have the same BMR.... which we all know isn't true!

Anyone found one that takes bodyfat into account? :p


Or... should the weight be entered as lean body mass? (and therefore fat weight deducted already)?
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spent some time yesterday putting my old notebook from the gym in to an excel,

interesting to chart my progress over the last 11 months, and atcually opens my eyes a bit and where i could make more progress.


Obviously the progress i have made so far isnt just weights its also form which is crucial :)
Problem I find is no BMR calculators take into account body fat percentage, and this conflicts with the "more muscle you have, the higher your BMR"... surprised that I haven't been able to find one.

So a guy at 200lb 10% bodyfat, and a guy at 200lb 30% bodyfat would, by the calculators, have the same BMR.... which we all know isn't true!

Anyone found one that takes bodyfat into account? :p


Or... should the weight be entered as lean body mass? (and therefore fat weight deducted already)?


This is far more accurate as it uses your own bodyfat and lean bodymass measurements to calculate the intake

Base Metabolic Rate (BMR) = 370 + (21.6 x LBM)
Where Lean Bodymass = [total weight (kg) x (100 - bodyfat %)]/100
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