*** The 2012 Gym Rats Thread ***

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Was just stretching and noticed in the mirror my neck vein was getting insanely big! Every time I have pressure in my face the vein pops out. I thought I'd take a video for the lolz.

Pretty fascinating.
Was just stretching and noticed in the mirror my neck vein was getting insanely big! Every time I have pressure in my face the vein pops out. I thought I'd take a video for the lolz.

Pretty fascinating.

That's mint, do the front musclar pose (i think it's called), and watch the same pop out of your shoulders/traps/neck, it's mint and strangely satisfying :p

Brazilian ju jitsu :p

Damn it, was kinda...almost...close... lol :D
Decent chest session.

60kgx8 (dat volume :p)

Inc DB bench:

Then dips, flys, and some tricep work. Only trouble is my left shoulder which clicks a lot and always feels a bit weak after bench work.

Felt small as **** in the gym though, dat cut :(
Thanks Ice and Dom. The problem is, I can do ATG, but my bum starts to tuck in - which is not going to get any better if I don't sort out my mobility. I am fairly sure I have adductor / hamstring tightness, though looking at it more closely it could be glute issues too, and from my stretching/mobility, I know my right glute is tight. However, bear in mind that cross arm grip was causing me grief too.

I'll hit my piriformis rolling hard. Doing unloaded squats I don't seem to tuck in too much - so it must be positioning of feet or a core tightness issue too.

I think you're right Dom, the strength is there, but there's something not activating properly.

I'll see if I can get some better vids next time.

I'm doing a lot more single leg work to also sort out a) balance b) mobility c) uncover any weak spots and any compensations being taken.
The way I'd certainly approach fixing it is track progress by noting improved knee position.

All the things mentioned hit hip external rotation in flexion, but we also need to make sure that your ankles can keep up.

Try doing goblets with parallel feet and see how you either round out hugely, fall over, or rotate your feet at the bottom.

The best illustration of this is doing a full squat (feet parallel) with either your arse supported by a band or you simply holding on to something in front of you. Keep your back straight throughout (you'll need a mirror) and try to get your arse to your heels. Then push your knees out as hard as you can with your elbows while lifting your hips slightly, and notice how much easier it is to sink in to depth.

RobSmith, this thread should cover all of your stretching/mobility needs: http://forums.overclockers.co.uk/showthread.php?t=18268152

Eventually I'm going to post my own instructional videos. I'm doing them for my own purposes but I'm imagining that some people here would find them useful. Along with this will be a much more comprehensive "how to" on fixing yourself in terms of form, tightness, imbalance and some basic injuries.
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Long time off, but did 100x5x3 for squat on Friday and that was annoyingly difficult. Did 110x5x5 today and that was significantly easier. Plan is 120x5x3(but maybe 5 sets) on Thursday. Then go up 5kg per session until hopefully 140 for reps.

Lost nearly 7-8kg in body weight over the past couple months, none of it was decent fat loss. Just loss mass. Sad/Bad times. :(

Damn, 5x5 SUCKS!! But I need to get used to more volume if I have any hope of running Smolov in a couple of months.
Eventually I'm going to post my own instructional videos. I'm doing them for my own purposes but I'm imagine that some people here would find them useful. Along with this will be a much more comprehensive "how to" on fixing yourself in terms of form, tightness, imbalance and some basic injuries.

That'd be great. You can be our guru of flexibility :p
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