*** The 2012 Gym Rats Thread ***

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How are you guys increasing strength without a spotter? On thinks like bench press I really struggle if I do not have a spotter

perhaps slower than you would with a dedicated spotter.

but I move up a weight when I feel comfortable on the current weight, so in my case once I'd managed 2 sets of 5 reps of 36kg dumbells flat bench, I felt comfortable to move up to 38s today.

I tend to - first instance of a new weight just ask a nearby gym member just to spot me - just incase.

I did nearly (not a new weight) fall off the flippin bench last week though - I rocked backwards onto the bench with the weights - but I wasn't quite straight and one of the weights started dragging me off the bench
I think free weights must toughen the tops of your legs up too ... I remember that 30kg resting on each before starting used to really feel uncomfortable, now 38s resting on them feels ok :)
I see - so the only time you shouldn't train is when injured? I thought DOMS meant that the muscles needed to heal.

I will have to try and see how to do them on the floor then. I did try the sofa but it wasn't pleasant!

Similar to this:

But on the way up you let go of toes and move arms above head height? Only going by what I saw on a vid on here somewhere.

How many should I do?
Ah I think you're thinking of this:
You aren't meant to let go of your feet and stand. Repeat this 8-12 times or stop when you create change.
I always thought it was better to train when DOMS had gone? I last 'trained' on Saturday.

I was watching a video in LiE's thread where the bloke places his leg on a box with his knee hanging off the end then sort of lunges with hips. I can't find anything at the correct height.

I have been doing the following exercise though:

From standing straight, touch toes, bend knees so thighs are parallel then lift arms up above head height and stand up. Doesn't seem to do much though?

I'm not sure the bug is back, but the more I think this way the better. :p

Real men train through DOMS. :)

Really though, no reason not to train when you have DOMS. You'll find after a few reps they will dissapear too :)
Enjoying Wendler's 5/3/1, already feel like i'm making progress in my first cycle, plus it's nice to vary the load.

Finally sorting my deadlift issues too, the problem was pretty obvious, it's mainly due to when performing lower reps the bar is moving away from me, so i just need to keep re-setting. It explains why I had no problem doing 1 rep @130 but struggle doing multiple reps at lower weight!
Good leg session tonight. Squatted the same top weight I failed at last week and blitzed it. Mini deload on Wednesday and Friday did wonders for my strength and energy levels today. Plenty left in the tank for next week... as long as I remember to breath between reps :o

105 x 5
125 x 5
145 x 5
165 x 5
185 x 5

Leg Press
170 x 8
210 x 8
250 x 8
290 x 8
330 x 8

BW x 5 x 8

Calve Raises
170 x 8
175 x 8
180 x 8

Hopefully 142.5 or 145 bench PB on Wednesday :cool:
A question for the home trainers amongst us, what do you think is the best rack/bench combo available for under £800

I used to have a Powerline PPR200 Power Rack & Body-Solid GFID31 bench which was great, although the safeties only had 18 holes for adjustment which meant I could never get them set right for flat benching.

ATM I have a cheap n' nasty Argos bench which is rated to 100kg but doesn't seem safe at 60kg so its going back as soon as I can find a good alternative.

So far narrowed it down to these 4:





Anyone got any of these or is there anything else I should take a look at?

My main concern is safety as I train alone at home 3 days a week and go to the gym 2-3 days for cardio and circuit training.

Doesn't need to be super heavy duty, can't see me going over 150kg.
I'd imagine the main guy to ask would be Psycho Sunny, and probably worth looking at this thread:
Hopefully if you replied it would still get responses.

Just took my first progress pictures I'm happy with. Whilst I reckon I'm now down into the low teens body fat % wise (starting to get upper ab definition), my arms look absolutely tiny. Also feel I need to do some more ab work to bring the muscles out a bit more.

I've squatted my maximum everday for a month. The pain of doms can be pushed through :)
Yes! :)

... although that is hardcore :cool:
Good leg session tonight. Squatted the same top weight I failed at last week and blitzed it. Mini deload on Wednesday and Friday did wonders for my strength and energy levels today. Plenty left in the tank for next week... as long as I remember to breath between reps :o

105 x 5
125 x 5
145 x 5
165 x 5
185 x 5

Leg Press
170 x 8
210 x 8
250 x 8
290 x 8
330 x 8

BW x 5 x 8

Calve Raises
170 x 8
175 x 8
180 x 8

Hopefully 142.5 or 145 bench PB on Wednesday :cool:
Solid work as per usual mate. I'm determined to get a good set of unassisted GRHs, I think I'm going to have to be a little patient though.

Had to cut tonight's session short as everything felt terrible. Squatted 3 doubles at 172.5kg that started off slow and painful and only got slightly better. This should be easy!! :mad: Benching 85kgx4x5 was fine but I wasn't firing properly. I was meant to be deadlifting two singles at 227.5kg but didn't bother, my warm up at 210kg was miserable. Instead I did almost an hour of mobility and soft tissue work :rolleyes:;) Might try and go in just for the deads tomorrow.
Solid work as per usual mate. I'm determined to get a good set of unassisted GRHs, I think I'm going to have to be a little patient though.
Cheers dude. I'm getting better at GHRs, can just about lower myself in a controlled motion for a rep or two, but I'm still a mile off lifting myself back up again.

Really enjoying the exercise though. It's having a great effect on my squat depth as well as my deadlift flexibility. Deficit deadlifts aren't really any harder than my normal deadlifts were a few months ago and GHRs must be playing a big part in that.
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