*** The 2012 Gym Rats Thread ***

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I had three weeks off over Christmas as I'd burned my hand badly.. Been the last two days and the DOMS is a killer now! :D
I seem to have developed a sixth sense for when I've lost weight :p. I've been sat between 79.5-80.5 in the mornings since before Christmas.
I haven't been particularly trying to continue my cut or anything just eating sensibly but I woke up this morning and felt different. Weighed 78.5, It's like my body just remembered 'Hey we've been cutting weight for 18months now lets drop something today'. Weird.

Gonna change my shoulders/core day to something like this.

Front BB Raises ala LiE - This is fixed barbells I assume, not oly bars?
Side Raises Cable
Cable Face Pulls
Front Loaded Squats (Holding plate at arms length, brilliant for core & depth and finishes your shoulders at the same time)
Hanging Leg Raises superset Planks

Hmmm k, I went up to 5kg on each arm this week on lateral raises.

Probably broken something again

Shoudlers are pretty complicated bits of anatomy, I always err on the side of caution and honestly expect them to have a whinge once in a while.

I pulled a muscle at the base of my neck doing OHP, must have lowered my chin too much when I pushed the weight up.

I have this same recurring injury. Every 8 weeks or so I manage it, levator scapulae tweaks a bit and it feels like I've slept funny for a couple days. I'm pretty sure it's from tensing my neck a lot, I just can't stop myself doing it it's completely subconscious!
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Yea fixed BB. The best tip I can give is stay light and try and imagine as you move the bar up your trying to move your arms out to the side by pulling with your thumb and index finger.

For core my 2 favourite exercises are lying leg raises on a bench, so my legs can go low and below my hips. The next is Romanian twists. I do plank and hanging leg raises too.
Shoudlers are pretty complicated bits of anatomy, I always err on the side of caution and honestly expect them to have a whinge once in a while.

Aye, I'm always careful, it's why my shoulder exercises and Flyes etc aren't heavy, my right shoulder is just naff after the last injury
Im in the same boat, taken a year for my shoulder to get back to normal, I wont risk it again

Mines still iffy, been over a year as well. It just doesn't feel as solid as the left one.

For instance if i'm doing side planks, my right shoulder feels rubbish with weight on it...Yet my left seems fine.
Can't workout my legs right now, but doesn't mean I can't have a killer upper body workout :D Chest is still aching from Sunday's routine! Back yesterday, then shoulder tomorrow.
bah banged my shin with the bar doing deadlifts and ended up having to get a bright blue plaster on it from reception. some of the looks i was getting where rather odd :D
I know that feeling :cool: Love it! :D

I scraped the top of my knee the other day :o If I did any more reps I would have scraped a whole layer off my thing I think
Form looks tight, good job :)
Now watch it go out the window when you try close to 1RM :p
Most probably, I still have to think about good form before grabbing the bar, I'll get to my old max with decent form in a few months hopefully.
Good stuff!

Slight early hip rise
Need to be as explosive as possible and smash hips forward with glutes
Keep your head in line with your spine, so on your setup look at something a couple of feet away on the floor

I'm not explosive because I still have "think" the movement - if that makes sense. If I go and do it naturally I end up using no leg drive at all, I'm still getting used to good form. :(
Good squats too.

You find your back is a lot more stable on your squat if you get your knees out wider. You might want a slightly wider stance for this. Also be careful about knees going too far forwards.

Knees out!! :)

To be fair my knees aren't as out as Lie's, but they aren't as close as the video makes them look. In the past I used to keep them closer and then they did collapse, I probably need to go a bit wider but I'm currently comfortable and my knees don't wobble in my current stance.
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