If you haven't got any specialist equipment to work with, plate pinches are great. Just hold 2 plates in each hand until failure. Holding onto a heavy barbell will obviously work to a similar effect, but plates pinches are more effective in my opinion.
mufcmark, as a relative beginner I'd ditch the curls from your pull day as the time would be much better spent elsewhere. Do face pulls, reverse flies, pullups, hammer ups (pull ups with hammer grip). They're all good options.
I'd say your leg day is good. Look into incorporating stiff leg deadlifts though as they'll hit your hamstrings hard. Remember to keep your shoulders back and not let them roll forwards. If it's your first time doing them you might find your flexibility (or rather lack of) is a hindrance. To counter this raise the bar off the ground a couple of inches with something so you aren't having to round your back to reach the bar.