*** The 2012 Gym Rats Thread ***

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Question, any of you notice that one arm tends to build muscle faster than the other?.

My triceps on my right arm are noticably bigger than my left (when tense/pumped), does it sort out on it's own after time?- or should I add in some left arm isolation to bring it upto speed.

it sorts itself out m8 if you get to the point where in single arm exercises your right is too strong and left cant keep up go for very heavy 2 arm variations for a bit. By the time you are any real size it will be negligible
Missed Monday's session.

I'm currently in Boston, Lincs on a visiting rotation at a hospital here for two weeks. Found a nice powerlifting team training in nearby Horncastle under Marc Giles. Marc has invited me over to train with them whilst I'm up here. Fantastic bunch of guys, had a great time today. Looking forward to the next couple of sessions.

Today was bench day, so I just slotted in to their normal routine. There were two groups: a 'heavy' group and a 'light' group. I was in the heavy group, right at the ****ing bottom, lol. :D

(trying to remember what I did, may have forgotten some numbers)
Flat Bench:

Inclined Paused CGBP with Chains:
50(+chains) x 9

Flat Paused CGBP with Chains:
50(+chains) x 8

Flat Paused CGBP feet up with Chains:
50(+chains) x 6

All this looks good for tomorrow?

Look an awfull lot of stuff (not in this order - will probably go Leg Press, Military then RDL):

Leg Press 4x12
Military Press 5x5
Reverse lunge 3x8
Step ups 3x8
Lateral raises 3x10
Rear delt fly 3x10
RDL 3x8
Calv Raises
Pallof press 3x10
Reverse lunges before extentions personally, you'll need the energy. Not sure if you need to warm your knee up or anything with the leg extension though? So not sure on that front

And dammit ice, can't see the vid at work :(
Awesome transformation, keep it up!

Thanks dude! :) I'd been reading inspirational stories on here for a while and it just felt like i should add to them and maybe help inspire someone else? The good thing is, i know i have more in the tank and could've worked harder which makes me optimistic for when i start hitting the weights again next week. :cool:
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