*** The 2012 Gym Rats Thread ***

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Sounds like he gets you all pumped for a fap too.

nice video brah!
Now any chance I could get you to post here that abusive hypertrophy routine we did on the meet? I'm looking for the rest of the bodyparts.:o

Workout time...

Leg Workout A:
Leg Extensions 10x 10 (Pyramid up then down, one big drop set for going down)
Superset Back Squats/Front Squats 4x 15+15
Leg Press 3x 8+10 (8 reps single leg, 10 double leg)
Walking Lunges 3x10

Leg Workout B:
Squats 5x5
Leg Press 2x10 2x8
Leg Extensions 3x8
Barbell Lunges 3x10
SLDL 5x5

Back Workout A:
Superset Wide Grip Chins/Lat Pulldown 4x10+15
Sumo Deadlifts 1x15 2x12
Wide Grip Cable Rows 3x10
Superset Underhand Bent Over Rows/One Arm Rows 3x 8+12

Back Workout B:
Deadlifts 5x5
T-Bar Rows 3x8
Lat Pulldowns 3x8
DB Pullovers 1x10 3x8
Weighted Chins 2x8

We'll draw the groups tomorrow to see which you can choose from, however there are 3 rules

1. Doing a 'B' workout must be because you prefer heavy lifting or strength training, not because you're a wimp. If you're training for size, you must give a damn good reason why you want to do B
2. If you choose one, you have to stick to that one, don't mix and match
3. You must finish the workouts, anyone who bottles it, will be forever branded a loser ;)
Leg Workout:
Leg Extensions 10x 10 (Pyramid up then down, one big drop set for going down)
Superset Back Squats/Front Squats 4x 15+15
Leg Press 3x 8+10 (8 reps single leg, 10 double leg)
Walking Lunges 3x10

Back Workout:
Superset Wide Grip Chins/Lat Pulldown 4x10+15
Sumo Deadlifts 1x15 2x12
Wide Grip Cable Rows 3x10
Superset Underhand Bent Over Rows/One Arm Rows 3x 8+12

As for the rest, ummm I'll make them up as I did the last ones

Chest Workout:
Dumbbell Flies 2x30 2x10-12
Incline DB Press Supersetted with Cable Cross Overs (2 second contraction each rep) 3x10+15
Wide Grip Dips Pyramid Down 1x20 1x15(with 5% bw attached) 1x10 (10%) 1x5 (20) 1x20 (no weight)

Standing Military Press 1x20 2x10
Side Laterals Standing 3x30
Seated DB Press Supersetted with Front Barbell Raises 3x12+15
Rear Delt Flies 1x50 1x30 2x10 (adjust weight with each set accordingly)
Face Pulls 2x12

Close Grip Bench Press 1x20 2x8 1x6+10 negatives
Cable Push Downs Supersetted with Seated Incline Curls 3x10+15
Skull Crushers 3x8+Dropset of 15
21's Supersetted with Standing Hammer Curls 3x21+10
Bench Dips + 50% Bodyweight 3x20

Legs didn't include any hamstring work, so feel free to add that in or do

Seated Hamstring Curls 3x50 2x10
SL DL Supersetted with Leg Press (high feet placement) 3x10+25
Lunges 3x16
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Yeah, because Dorian Yates got no where by never changing his routine or shocking his body out of being bored of doing the same thing ;)

Yeah, because everyone is Dorian Yates :p

If everyone did everything the same way, life would be very boring, no?

Is that a 5 day split then?

No, I'd simply do one or two of those a week, with body parts that might be flagging behind or you feel that you're stalling on
Worth noting that the above aren't an every week workout, you'd do that once a month or so to shock your system and stop your body getting used to your normal routine

cheers fella, much appreciated.
Is it me or are some days easier than others?
I mean the leg day looks monstrous and it's certainly not something I'd do every week but the back workout looks fairly doable, heck if I throw out the last super set it's something that I've done more or less weekly for quite a while.
Yeah, because Dorian Yates got no where by never changing his routine or shocking his body out of being bored of doing the same thing ;)

Yes, because we are all as natural as Yates. To be fair I think he's a very bad example because despite his fantastic genetics and serious supplementation he suffered many many injuries which eventually prompted his retirement. Now every top athlete does so, but I think his training style didn't do him any favors in that respect.
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Project Get Ripped or Die 'Mirin week 10... weigh 6kg less than when I started (>6kg fat loss, some minor muscle gains I'd imagine), lifts have gone up in spits and spurts (e.g. deadlift is +30kg from when I started), waistline down to 30" (can finally buy 30/30 jeans lol). Pleased with progress so far - not even been hard work - just have to keep managing expectations as far as speed of progress goes since starting off at skinny-fat means slower visible results as far as body recomposition goes relative to say, a skinny guy bulking. Only downer so far is that I wished I'd done this years ago!
Yes, because we are all as natural as Yates. To be fair I think he's a very bad example because despite his fantastic genetics and serious supplementation he suffered many many injuries which eventually prompted his retirement. Now every top athlete does so, but I think his training style didn't do him any favors in that respect.

Didnt Yates say himself that he didn't have the best genetics, just that he trained the hardest? Yes drugs come in to it but they were all on it, its highly unlikely he was on something different to the rest. He just trained right and trained hard. Harder than the rest.
Didnt Yates say himself that he didn't have the best genetics, just that he trained the hardest? Yes drugs come in to it but they were all on it, its highly unlikely he was on something different to the rest. He just trained right and trained hard. Harder than the rest.

Might not have had the best, but they would have still been better than 99% of members on here
Didnt Yates say himself that he didn't have the best genetics, just that he trained the hardest? Yes drugs come in to it but they were all on it, its highly unlikely he was on something different to the rest. He just trained right and trained hard. Harder than the rest.

Of course he did, do you actually expect him to come and say that "it was genetics mate" ?

He deserves credit for his work and what idiot wouldn't say that it was hard work that got him there? Everybody says it's hard work and we should all work hard to achieve anything, yet somewhere around the line the other 2 factors (drugs and genetics) get left out even though they contribute just as much if not more.

I am not doubting his hard work for one second nor that others had access to the same amount of gear, but train and juice as hard as humanly possible - you'll ever even make it to a Mr Olympia stage without the right genetics, let alone dominate it for years.

Might not have had the best, but they would have still been better than 99% of members on here
you mean 99.99% of the population! Come one people were not talking about Frank Zane here, we're talking about one of the biggest freaks that ever stepped on stage!
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