*** The 2012 Gym Rats Thread ***

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Might not have had the best, but they would have still been better than 99% of members on here

Thing is when the playing field is levelled and everyone juices then the rate of return is 99% workload based. Regaurdless of hormones some people can get up at 6 am and put in a grind others just cant, im sure in my current state if i could find the time to train some extra i would see proportional results, but since im not a dedicated pro with a sponsor or the convenient owner of a gym, i cant.

So work ethic is likely more important than plain genetics at least in the upper echelons. You have to remember that 'genetics' is a broad topic, but being genetically disposed to muscle gain is largely irrelevant when supplementing at the hormone level.
Have to agree with UE here. I'm not comparing him to the users here, or the UK population. I am comparing him, or rather he was comparing himself, to his peers.
When in this situation hard work would be a big difference.
Strong lifts 5x5, or depending on your experience wendler 5/3/1

impressive ;)

I've been lifting for about 3 years in total, so would say intermediate to advanced is my experience level. But I am always learning, although not as much as when i first started.

Just googled wendler 5/3/1 to get an idea of what it is, the main thing that would be different with this one.
I lift 3 times per week and train every muscle every week, wendler would have me training 3 out of 4 (main muscle groups)

I also tend to do 3 exercises per muscles group,
so for example on chest day I may do
Flat Barbell Bench
incline dumbell press
decline flys/crossover cables

Wendler would have me only doing one of those 3, does that actually hit the muscle hard enough to get any results (obviously it does otherwise people wouldn't be doing it or reccomending it, I am more interested in how it works)

as for Stronglifts, I have just looked at the program and it looks a bit well....easy.
It looks like I would spend about 15 minutes in the gym 3 times per week and thats it ??

Is that right, can you actually get any gains this way ?
I've been lifting for about 3 years in total, so would say intermediate to advanced is my experience level. But I am always learning, although not as much as when i first started.

Just googled wendler 5/3/1 to get an idea of what it is, the main thing that would be different with this one.
I lift 3 times per week and train every muscle every week, wendler would have me training 3 out of 4 (main muscle groups)

I also tend to do 3 exercises per muscles group,
so for example on chest day I may do
Flat Barbell Bench
incline dumbell press
decline flys/crossover cables

Wendler would have me only doing one of those 3, does that actually hit the muscle hard enough to get any results (obviously it does otherwise people wouldn't be doing it or reccomending it, I am more interested in how it works)

as for Stronglifts, I have just looked at the program and it looks a bit well....easy.
It looks like I would spend about 15 minutes in the gym 3 times per week and thats it ??

Is that right, can you actually get any gains this way ?

Do 5/3/1 + BBB @40%. Throw in core and mobility work its enough to burn you out. If you can only do 3 days miss out Military press, that's what I've been doing the past two months because the gym wasn't open on a Tuesday :D
since when was 3 years lifting make someone intermediate to advanced? Maybe 5+ years 'maybe' presuming it isnt 5+ years lifting roughly the same amount lol. Isnt it when you lift bodyweight in all compound lifts and double bodyweight in any 2 that you become intermediate technically?
since when was 3 years lifting make someone intermediate to advanced? Maybe 5+ years 'maybe' presuming it isnt 5+ years lifting roughly the same amount lol. Isnt it when you lift bodyweight in all compound lifts and double bodyweight in any 2 that you become intermediate technically?

You could argue all day about the semantics of experience in resistance training. It's part of the hobby that I almost enjoy the most, the fact it takes bloody YEARS to get anywhere (natty). It's almost like a korean grindfest MMO :p.

Then again on the flipside, the lack of obvious visual results short-term is demoralising. Just gotta keep the faith!
yeah, i dont consider myself anywhere above intermediate at best, my lifts are average for a gym goer natty or not, its a fine line tho before average lifts become above average. I think most trainers with dedication would reach where i am now, its where you go beyond that level that matters.

My own opinion is that an OHP of 100Kg bench of 120kg squat of 150 and dead of 200kg, is just about the starting point for a gym goer to be out of that 'beginner' phase. To some degree i think this is bodyweight irrelevant too, these are about the weights where the body is under pressure from the sheer mass. 150KG on my back still feels damn heavy despite the fact i can rep it with some comfort. A 120 bench still feels strenuous to take off the catchers despite it being close to a warm up weight. These weights are all at or above the typical human bodyweight give or take around 10kg's and at this point the ability to move them becomes about something else, something the body is not programmed from birth to ever do. Once you exceed this natural barrier, imo, you move into the intermediate class. Not until you are in the competitive weights range of 50% or so more weight do i feel you class as advanced. Thats my rating anyway.
Dont know whats the matter, but I've hardly got any energy this week, came out of nowhere and lifts are suffering. Got maxes to do next week, ready for deload and back to Cycle 1, so hope it bloody passes!
Nice one. Shoulder feels like it's pulling itself out of it's socket today.

Will go to the gym and do various dislocations and stuff, hopefully sort it out

Your body fails, you are more injured than anyone ive ever met. Go tell your mum that whatever it was she did/didnt do when you were in the womb was wrong! :D kidding of course unless you already hate your mum in which case go nuts!
Your body fails, you are more injured than anyone ive ever met. Go tell your mum that whatever it was she did/didnt do when you were in the womb was wrong! :D kidding of course unless you already hate your mum in which case go nuts!

Yeah, sadly my body is pretty screwed.

I've had dodgey knees, dodgey ligaments in my ankle, shoulders been screwed since 2010, had part of my intestine chopped off because I used to faint and lose 2 pints of blood. ;)

Hey, that's normal though? Right? RIGHT? :p
Shoulders and tris tonight.
Going to concentrate more on form and get my log cleans sorted. Apparently I'm making them harder than they need to be meaning less energy for the pressing.

So, will be doing lots of log cleans and presses and maybe some log incline press aswell as these really hit my tri's perfectly!
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