*** The 2012 Gym Rats Thread ***

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Ah damn, 2nd place ain't too shabby though!

What are some of the numbers been thrown about in the 83kg cat?
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Well, Dom is still not 20, and at one point was told that he was in that class...

There is some kind of d.o.b cut off, so maybe that confused them.

Regardless, we aren't rushing to correct them.
Congratulations to Dom on the win/second/whatever it was - it's impressive lifting either way.

Ok, arrived kind of on time for dom's weigh in at the British. I've secured my seat right at the front, ready to make strong sexually intimidating eye contact with his competitors.

Now the congratulations are out of the way - how many numbers did you get due to your come to bed eyes?
Can't say I have had it as good as Dom still a very long long way from it (Milky Way distance at least). But very good work all the same.

I don't have the genes, strength or discipline to go to competition stage. I wondered today what the funk am I doing?

Back & Biceps - Saturday

Narrow grip pull-ups x8 x8 x6

Wide grip pull-ups x4 :o

BB deadlifts 5x60kg, 5x60kg, 5x100kgx3;

BB bors 8x60kg, 8x60kg, 8x70kg;

Seated rows 70kgx8 for 3 sets;

Preacher curls 26.5kgx8 for 3 sets.

Chest & Triceps - Sunday

Flat BB bench press 70kgx8, 60kgx8, 60kgx8 unspotted. Considering I did 80kg unspotted last time, not happy at all.

DB flyes 2x14kgx8 for 2 sets;

Chest dips BW+10kgx8 for 3 sets;

Ez bar skull crushers 16.5kgx8 for 3 sets;

Rope pushdown 18.75kgx8, 21.25kgx8, 21.25kgx8;

Thinking of swapping lower body to 8x3s and upper body to 5x5s. It may break this plataeu. I suppose in some ways I am fed up with how things are going.
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Seems I have patellar tendonitis, not good 2 weeks out from a comp.
Body weight squats felt horrible this morning (always do some mobilisation stuff day after events training).

Gonna be oo

Doctor told me I had this too.

Rested it a week and got back on it but it still feels a little twingy. Still waiting for a physio appointment but I'd be interested if you had any tips.
Damn.. Doing a max week, then by a deload and then starting Wendler again, followed by BBB on squats is brutal! Was left motionless on the floor after all that.

C1 -W1 - Squats:
Hmm....Squats tonight, going to fail the set I think :o Ah well, that's the idea of progress, keep pushing through I guess
Hmm....Squats tonight, going to fail the set I think :o Ah well, that's the idea of progress, keep pushing through I guess

Thats the attitude I like to hear!...Oh wait... :p

Thats one thing I've learnt with Wendler (although its common knowledge :D), is that I dont need to keep it close to my max, to a point where I fail, in order to see progress :).

How is your programme set out by the way?
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Damn.. Doing a max week, then by a deload and then starting Wendler again, followed by BBB on squats is brutal! Was left motionless on the floor after all that.

C1 -W1 - Squats:

That's normal for max effort squatting followed by BBB :)
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