*** The 2012 Gym Rats Thread ***

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Have you got the 531 second edition? In there he outlines 'The Simplest Strength Template' which he goes on to say is the simplest, easiest and best 531 template. I think its much better than BBB, for me anyway.
What's the deal with people:

a) wearing belts as soon as they step in the gym and keeping them on for every exercise, including machines?

b) lifting huge weights but for 1cm?

Is there something that I don't know?
Because it gives you that V-Taper yo'

Makes you look hyoooge yo'

Shows everyone you mean business and ready to smash the gym* yo'

* Only gives this effect with an accompanying Facebook status update about how you're about smash it in the gym
I'll wear my anabolic bra, brah :p

In desperate need of some wireless earphones, the radio station that plays the same music on repeat is starting to get on my nerves.
What's the deal with people:

a) wearing belts as soon as they step in the gym and keeping them on for every exercise, including machines?

saw a guy on friday walk in to the weights room grab one of the belts they have for loan and then jump on the lat pulldown machine, there really are some odd balls in my gym of late.
getting really ****ed off with my hand injury now.
I am such a girl, a couple of weeks ago I picked a callous off my right hand that wasn't ready and it split the skin right on the joint from finger to hand. It still hasn't healed and is getting more painful by the day now.

Today it is actually painful to move in any direction. I can't grip anything in the gym though, I am having to use straps for almost everything now (lateral raises on Saturday for example)

I hope the 4 days in Ireland I am about to embark upon getting drunk will be enough time to heal it. :(
What's the deal with people:

a) wearing belts as soon as they step in the gym and keeping them on for every exercise, including machines?

b) lifting huge weights but for 1cm?

Is there something that I don't know?

Muppets simply :)
Yeah everyone comes up to me to say that I must be on gear... but that's because I do weird mobility work, and jump on boxes, and do ring dips and chins, and deadlifts without using a belt... :p
Will a belt give me bigger brocepz?


In other, slightly more serious news, I managed to front squat over 100kgs for the first time today. Consider me thrilled.

Current lift totals (for reps):

Bench: 80kg
Squat (back): 120kg
Deadlift: 130kg

Considering you bigger lifters are double that for 10kg less weight, I'm going to try for doubling my current rep maxes. Not sure what 12 months willl get me, but we all have to have targets, right?
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