*** The 2012 Gym Rats Thread ***

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I'm lucky if there's any left by lunchtime :p.


Looks like about 25 servings in the pics? so about 400 per shortbread.... not bad:D
Yes I've since div'd it by 24 (rather be a bit over than under!) and have made it sort of, fit my macros :D. Now then....... maybe if I have nothing but whey for dinner I could have a second slice :p.
Why would they put such a glorious establishment there? Whack it in the city centre bet it would be heaving. GBK & That Burger Joint just aren't up to the task anymore :(.

I know! Thought the same myself. Such a weird place to have something like that. Be interesting to see just how busy it is :D
I'm glad to see that none of us mess around when eating out. It's one of my biggest pet peeves when people come out for a meal then order a chuffing salad. Regardless of my current goals, If I'm paying to eat out I want to bloody feel it!
I'm sure none of you gents would ever be so daft but I ran out of whey protein so nipped into Holland & Barrett the other day to pick up some of their vanilla whey protein and all I can say is don't do it. It tastes like someone has described vanilla to the mixer through a game of Chinese whispers - when you know what it's meant to be you can think "I see where you were going there but it's just not quite right" but if you forget it tastes more like a bad version of caramel.
Why is it that anterior loaded step ups kill me so much??! :( Well I know why, it highlights weaknesses in my single leg strength, but also highlights glute activation in a big way. So close to failing a few times, just like that stage at the bottom of the squat when you know it's going to "go".

Feels good , but bloody hell it's not easy.
One of the big guys in my gym today deadlifted 220kg x8 w/decent form - I was 'mirin hard... although I guess he wouldn't get full marks because he was using x3 mats underneath the plates so the bar was about 6-8" higher than it would be on the floor. Then his mates were doing 180-200kg with bent backs and I had to look away because mine started feeling sore watching them.
Good start to week 3 of 5/3/1 Bench

1+ x82.5 Done 10x82.5 :D Not paused like all the other weeks but steady speed and touching.

2x100 (PB) Was amazed with this as I've struggled getting 100 again the past 4 months, easy now. Three weeks of doing partial benching with the block has done me well!

Then went onto doing BBB and 10 mins on the treadmill.
Hey guys, been stalking this thread for awhile to pick on some great tips and a lot of useful info so I thought I would check in and get a bit of advice.

I'm around 5'8 and about 87kg so I'm a little on the heavy side :), looking to drop some weight and gain some muscle, then after I've dropped most of the fat I'm looking to bulk up even more.

Currently looking to do 3-4 days of Gym, and cardio at home on a bike when I'm not going gym.

Monday - Cardio
Tuesday - Back and Biceps
Wednesday - Shoulders, Triceps and Chest
Thursday - Cardio
Friday - Legs and Abs
Saturday - Cardio
Sunday - Back and Biceps

Then just continue in that pattern.


Breakfast - Oatmeal, glass of juice (Normally OJ), pint of water
Snack - Apple, roasted nuts
Lunch - Chicken/Fish + Whole Wheat Pasta/brown rice + Veg
Snack - granola bar
Dinner - Chicken/Fish + Beans/Yam + Veg

Also aim to drink 2-3 litters of water each day.

Personally feel that I am under eating as I'm always hungry but I really don't want to over eat.

Thanks for any advice guys :D, first week and I'm feeling great ;)
Drop a cardio day (I'd drop the day after your leg workout), you'll burn yourself out and it's nice to have a day of absolute rest.

Move abs on to a cardio day, and do it before cardio. Legs should leave you completely fried and not wanting to do more, so you'll either always skip abs, or jnot put my effort in to it!

Diet needs some work too. Drop the granola bar and have smaller portions of chicken and rice throughout the day if you're cutting. I wouldn't have an apple as a snack either, as the sugar will just make you feel lethargic, and personally (others may disagree) I'd avoid nuts if I were trying to lose weight! Very calorific.
Not much point giving diet advice until he's worked out how many calories it is. Could be eating 5 nuts and tiny chicken portions anyway and could even be under eating with that.
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