*** The 2012 Gym Rats Thread ***

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Just ordered Rhubarb & Custard flavoured protein shake... The flavour has excellent reviews so thought I'd give it a try.
Session went not bad tonight a little less energy that usual but a horrible taste in my throat. 8x60 on week 3 of military press, Last 3 reps I used a little leg drive but I just wanted a few more reps as 5 at that weight was a PB anyway. Also down to 67kg today :)

Feeling like being sick now though trying to force my chicken, mash tatties and bocckily down me. :(

Cool pic just seen on theChive. Dunno why the guy on the right is planning to eat a dumbell though :p.
Upper body for me, today - nothing going down apart from that for the next two weeks!

Chest press, dumbell rows, wide grip chin ups and dips. A bit rubbish, but I couldn't summon up the bro-ness to curl some gun work...
Just a kind of starter post.

Started going to the gym on Tuesday and it's the first decent amount of exercise I've started to do in a while. At school I was super fit and strong and played rugby for town club and for county level. In college I just let myself go and it kept going all the way through the first year of university. Finally hit 16 and a half stone at 5ft 10 and decided that's it I'm going to get fit, luckily a lot of the lads I live with want to go too and having some mates to go with is always better motivation.
To start off with I just want to lose some weight on my stomach and thighs. I am doing some weights too but my main focus is cardio. Might start up a little blog or something. Anyway just saying Hello to all you gym rats out there.

Quick question:
How much is going to the gym too much? I've been Tues,Weds,Thurs and am not planning on going tomorrow. I understand with weight lifting you have to let the muscle rip and repair and it needs time. However with my main focus on cardio is there any problem with me going 5 maybe 6 days a week?


Weighed myself on Tuesday and I was bang on 100Kg. Will post in here about my weight loss!
You have a day for core yet don't deadlift/squat 150+??
No hate I'm slightly drunk x

I did my back in around February, stopped me from doing a lot of things, sitting down and sleeping comfortably just to name a couple. I only start deadlifting again around June/July this year. The above injury also hampered my squats, and a lot of other direct back work.

Either way, I'm happy with progress, intending to rep 120kg tonight.
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I normally just stick core work on the end of my Deadlift and Squat sessions.

Meh, been doing it for ages, If I did a lot of it after a deadlift session, I wouldn't be trying hard enough personally. I was intending on shifting shoulder on to the core day, but not done that yet.
Not trying hard enough, hows that work?

I'm sure someone will find a hole in this post but nevermind.

After my deadlift session followed by rows and everything else, I'm pretty shattered, if I was to then perform planks afterwards, I'd not be able to put as much effort in to them. The same goes for land mines, my shoulder has enough trouble sometimes, let alone having to do it after deadlifts and rows and everything else.

I neglected my core before, so I'm working on it. It's working for me, so hey :)
Last weeks deadlifts:
8 reps mixed grip
8 reps mixed grip
8 reps straps DOH

This week at 125kg again:
8 reps mixed grip
7 reps mixed grip (tried twice for the 8th, didn't budge an inch)
8 reps @ 110kg

What's happening this week :( I'm weak as phuark :(
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Last weeks deadlifts:
8 reps mixed grip
8 reps mixed grip
8 reps straps DOH

This week at 225kg again:
8 reps mixed grip
7 reps mixed grip (tried twice for the 8th, didn't budge an inch)
8 reps @ 110kg

What's happening this week :( I'm weak as phuark :(

Damn you is strong son!
I'm sure someone will find a hole in this post but nevermind.

After my deadlift session followed by rows and everything else, I'm pretty shattered, if I was to then perform planks afterwards, I'd not be able to put as much effort in to them. The same goes for land mines, my shoulder has enough trouble sometimes, let alone having to do it after deadlifts and rows and everything else.

I neglected my core before, so I'm working on it. It's working for me, so hey :)

Last weeks deadlifts:
8 reps mixed grip
8 reps mixed grip
8 reps straps DOH

This week at 225kg again:
8 reps mixed grip
7 reps mixed grip (tried twice for the 8th, didn't budge an inch)
8 reps @ 110kg

What's happening this week :( I'm weak as phuark :(

Have you cut your hair srs? Look at what happened to that bloke called Samson when he met that chick called Delilah...

Actually, that would explain UE's anabolic face fuzz...
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