*** The 2012 Gym Rats Thread ***

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Bench day went well.
110x1x2 - Don't know what happened here, was expecting it to fail after the previous reps :D

BW+10kg (it isnt much, but its getting there :D)

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Nice work SMed! Love the way you make it look easy sometimes :p

Squats are looking nice man just need an extra inch or two of depth but that is a massive improvement!

Try and control the negative a little more, that doesn't mean go slow it just means don't rush. On your last set you weren't bringing your glutes in enough but that is easy to correct.

Also you may want to think about sitting back a little more to get a little more posterior chain involvement but that isn't a huge deal.

Sorry just realised I may have been a little negative. It wasn't meant at all you have made huge progress there and I'm looking forward to seeing your deadlifts ;).

Hah not negative at all mate, I have a massive weak spot if I go much lower as can be seen on some of the reps, that and if I stick my arse out much further things just don't work! :p

After watching the videos, I was concentrating so much on keeping everything else tight I practically forgot to actively involve my glutes at the top, just a mental note to make.

I agree with the depth, if I go much lower I end up rounding my lumbar/hips due to my hamstrings I believe (which can be seen here on a vid from February) , but it's something I need to keep hitting, just got to be careful otherwise I'll be back in the same boat again.

Cheers man :) Good to know I'm going in the right direction, while actually upping PB's as well.

Was the underline in the quote :) Or as dom nicely linked to
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I'm such a pussy guys :(

Yesterday was the first day I've skipped the gym because of a cold, but I was ko'd good and proper :( second day in bed with it :(

Hooray for man flu :(
Those need to go lower imo that feeling of 'it just doesnt work' is simply a huge imbalance in your posterior chain activation. Get some light atg squats on the go and work up. With that range you got a huge hole at the bottom that you wont ever get out of.

I agree, something I've got planned. Sadly every time someone mentions working on form here you get a lynch mob, so I've not bothered. As dom has said, it's miles better than previous attempts, and i'm happy with progress and getting doms in the right places, so can't complain.
Mmm just woke up, gotta love overtime!

2 scoops banana whey
1 banana
2 scoops plain oats
300ml semi skimmed milk

All blended up. Lovely :D
Coming down with something yet again today :( This cutting weight is hard when also trying to get stronger, its taking everything I got and leaving me exhausted. I'm now down to 66.5kg from 70-71kg in around 4 weeks and still have to lose another kg in the next few weeks to make weight. Second time in a week I've came down with something, hard to stay focused and eat clean but tonight I'm going to go in a destroy myself then stuff my face with as much processed foods as I want.

Oh and I think I have to wear a leotard thing at this competition, is this true? If yes then I don't think im going to do it. Really just isn't my thing...
What are the rules and why do I have to wear one? I can't afford it anyways. It's going to cost me £40 to get a membership and enter into this competition which would leave me skint as it is. Don't even know if the belt I got is legal...
Not sure why, guess it makes judging a lift easier and also shows you aren't wearing any illegal gear under it.
Yes you have to wear a singlet.Strength Shop will be cheaper than Pullums.

Its to help judge depth, as well as to make sure your ass stays on the bench when benching. A baggy T-shirt will hide it if you lift your ass. And to reveal lifting gear.

And there will be no other time to reveal dem squat quads. Do it.
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