*** The 2012 Gym Rats Thread ***

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Why oh why do you write the weight of the dumbells combined :confused:

Personal preference.

So is it 10kgs then 15kgs or am I missing some sarcasm?
Hi guys new to the gym, and just want some advice.

Tomorrow is legs day and I'm going to attempt squats. Never done any before, what are the main areas it works? I know it's not much to go by as it's not 100% to do with quads but I can leg press 220Kg and can stack the leg extension 'machine', as a rough estimate what do you think I should do? I'm thinking of just squatting the bar on the smith in front of a mirror to watch my form at first.

Any advice please?


The thing I'm most worried about when I go onto a free bar is my balance. I'm worried I'll fall over. Any tips, cheers?
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making sure you can get low enough without your knees travelling too far over your toes so that you actually hit some good depth on your squat.

if thats easy from a few inches then go for toes against the wall also.

you were worried about balance, but seems you shouldnt have an issue?

first vid that pops up on youtube
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Oh yeah I've been looking on youtube and know that my knees should be just over my toes so I've been doing that anyway and they're no problem. Thanks for the advice. I'll let you guys know how I go tomorrow.
I actually find my balance is better once I've got some weight on my back, maybe I'm just weird :D

I have found that as well at certain errrm social events where squatting on my own after a few drinks seems to be much harder than with a female counterpart on my arms.:o
Guess it's because I don't really ever squat without a bar.:p
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