*** The 2012 Gym Rats Thread ***

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I'll keep that in mind Skilly.

I've realised that I've recently been bending my knees a little too much when performing deadlifts, I've been feeling it a lot more in my quads than anywhere else. So I sort it out in the gym today but come back to look for some deadlift form videos on YT when I find this...

I'm sure a lot of you have seen it... but jesus christ, how is his back still in one piece :\

There we go, touch and go on depth but I'm certain I hit it (in the mirror). The only way to prove it is repeat it :) I normally don't squat in trainers but it was a random attempt on a lonely/boring Sunday evening.

I NEED to get my bodyfat down, I should be competing in the 83s easily but for my love of pizza and chocolate.... :D

Anyways in the final 6/7 weeks of the year I'll be looking to add to all my lifts and try get my 3/4/5 plate goals :)

Current routine looks like this: (Started November)

Sunday: Squats 5/3/1
Monday: Kettlebell conditioning work (wanting to make a return to grappling in 2013)
Tuesday: 5/3/1 Bench + Deadlift singles ~70-80%
Wednesday: Bagwork - just to keep the rust away
Thursday: Squats 5x5 + Deadlift singles ~70-80%
Friday: Sledwork - push, pull, puke :/
Saturday: Shoulders 5/3/1 + Bench 5x5
That was a bit strange on the way to the gym today, there were a couple of parakeets in the trees as I was walking down the road and I'd never seen them before despite having lived here for 3+ years. Apparently they're not all that uncommon down this end of the country though.

As for the gym itself, still too many kids around who aren't tidying up after themselves despite getting shouted at by their teachers every so often - in all fairness it's not just the kids that don't do it but they were in today. The other thing about them is that almost all their effort seems to be on arm workouts or at best some partial squats - then again maybe they're in at different times to me to do a more balanced workout and I just don't see it...

There we go, touch and go on depth but I'm certain I hit it (in the mirror). The only way to prove it is repeat it :) I normally don't squat in trainers but it was a random attempt on a lonely/boring Sunday evening.

I NEED to get my bodyfat down, I should be competing in the 83s easily but for my love of pizza and chocolate.... :D

Anyways in the final 6/7 weeks of the year I'll be looking to add to all my lifts and try get my 3/4/5 plate goals :)

Current routine looks like this: (Started November)

Sunday: Squats 5/3/1
Monday: Kettlebell conditioning work (wanting to make a return to grappling in 2013)
Tuesday: 5/3/1 Bench + Deadlift singles ~70-80%
Wednesday: Bagwork - just to keep the rust away
Thursday: Squats 5x5 + Deadlift singles ~70-80%
Friday: Sledwork - push, pull, puke :/
Saturday: Shoulders 5/3/1 + Bench 5x5
3/4/5 plates is very respectable for the 83s, are you thinking of competing now?

Routine looks brutal, you must eat a LOT of food :D
That was a bit strange on the way to the gym today, there were a couple of parakeets in the trees as I was walking down the road and I'd never seen them before despite having lived here for 3+ years. Apparently they're not all that uncommon down this end of the country though.

As for the gym itself, still too many kids around who aren't tidying up after themselves despite getting shouted at by their teachers every so often - in all fairness it's not just the kids that don't do it but they were in today. The other thing about them is that almost all their effort seems to be on arm workouts or at best some partial squats - then again maybe they're in at different times to me to do a more balanced workout and I just don't see it...
It's nice of you to give them the benefit of the doubt, but let's be honest... ;)
Terrible top set of squats - felt my form was awful.

Girl in weights section - "nice form on those squats"

I think "hmmm, maybe it wasn't terrible"

Girl continues - "...you should use the foam pad though, stops the bar digging in."

Girl's opinion void.


Ice, as my phone is downstairs - finally beat that 60kg dumbbell (for reps once the mental block went!) and sad panda that you can't make Hungary. However, cheese and wine night at the flat next Friday...?
3/4/5 plates is very respectable for the 83s, are you thinking of competing now?

Routine looks brutal, you must eat a LOT of food :D

I was gonna complete this month but I can't afford to join and pay for the comp and the new gear etc! £35 membership, £20 for the comp then about another £30 in stuff like singlets, slippers etc. I don't own a belt so I should probably get one of those as well.

I'll just leave it until next year :) #

As for the routine, only been going since the start of the month but it's tough stuff, food intake has been through the roof :D I'll let that be for now and try dial it back a notch as time goes on to try cut some BF, BIA puts me at 16-19% so there's a fair bit to lose. I have been taking the cardio sessions easy just using them to loosen me up, they'll get tougher as I adapt :)
Session at pro strength and fitness in Swindon yesterday :

Block press
100x1 cleaned twice unable to press twice
Block run
80, 90, f100
80, 90, f100
These blocks seemed easier to press than our block of doom as could get fingers around them.

Loading: blocks and sandbag from 10m. 80:72", 90:69", 100:66", 110:63, 120sandbag:60"
Had to press the 80 and 90 to load. 100 got to platform then had to press/throw it. 110 I got to the platform but couldnt load. If I had done same as other (load it to next one down then flip it up) it would have went!*
This was worse than barrels that we use in our gym, legs turned to jelly!!
To add insult to injury, you gotta help get the blocks back after the next person. That's harder than the loading itself lol

Yoke/farmers medley- 15m drop and turn yoke/15m turn (no drop) farmers
260/110 - I fell at end of this and got foot stuck under one of the front plates and went down like a sack of **** lol.*

Knackered now and knees killing me so didn't do tyre torture (300kg tyre, flip then do 2 jumps on/off 10 times), it would have ruined my knees!
So after a little rest:

Hercules hold- proper built frame with 300kg towers to hold on a rolling handle.*
3 attempts at this, really hard to get your starting point without it dropping to 1 side immediately (which screws you up).*
One of those things that needs practice clearly.

Great session, lots of laughs, some sick (2 people, not me though :D), some girly bitch fits, bruises and more laughs :D

Anyone in the local area to Swindon - £4 a session, gym is open from 10-4 and everyone is friendly and willing to help / advise. Get in there and try a few things out :)

My knees and upper back kill today and weirdly my left bicep feels odd.
Nice Rei, I'm planning to compete in the 83s next year too.

The squat looks like your back position goes at the bottom to get the depth, lower back rounding.
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Terrible top set of squats - felt my form was awful.

Girl in weights section - "nice form on those squats"

I think "hmmm, maybe it wasn't terrible"

Girl continues - "...you should use the foam pad though, stops the bar digging in."

Girl's opinion void.


Ice, as my phone is downstairs - finally beat that 60kg dumbbell (for reps once the mental block went!) and sad panda that you can't make Hungary. However, cheese and wine night at the flat next Friday...?
Which girl? If was the little Spanish looking one that always wore yoga pants, I'm jelly.

Sounds good, fits in perfectly with my lazy not-making-weight-this-time comp on Sunday!
I was gonna complete this month but I can't afford to join and pay for the comp and the new gear etc! £35 membership, £20 for the comp then about another £30 in stuff like singlets, slippers etc. I don't own a belt so I should probably get one of those as well.

I'll just leave it until next year :) #

As for the routine, only been going since the start of the month but it's tough stuff, food intake has been through the roof :D I'll let that be for now and try dial it back a notch as time goes on to try cut some BF, BIA puts me at 16-19% so there's a fair bit to lose. I have been taking the cardio sessions easy just using them to loosen me up, they'll get tougher as I adapt :)
Ah fair enough, I look forward to seeing how you do.
Is this a good meal plan for someone that's trying to build muscle?

Current Body: weight 12.2 Stone. About 15% Body fat. 5 ft 10.

Exercise: Cycling on Weekends for 30 mins to a hour. Then 4 day body building split in the week.

Porridge Oats
Whey Protein Shake
Vitamin tablets

Mid Morning:
Half a Chicken breast w/ Wholeweat Pasta

Broccoli Florets
1 Chicken Breast
Brown Rice
Vitamin Tablets

Mid Evening:
Smooth peanut butter
Wholemeal Bread

Vitamin Tablets
Seasoned lean mince
broccoli Florets
Whole Wheat Pasta or rice.
Casein Protein shake before bed.

Bananas, Strawberry's,Berrys

Diet Will also be changed throughout the week, such as Steak for dinner instead of chicken, Fish on curtain days, tuna for lunch instead etc.

Any advice will be great :)
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My main goal is to build muscle really, I'm expecting the fat to burn off over a period of time.
Would you say that diet is fine for bodybuilding then?
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