*** The 2012 Gym Rats Thread ***

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Amazing how much difference a few rest days make. Think I had 4 days off in October. I was tired to the bone. Took 5 days off, had some good food and cakes, a lot of sleep and tonight I hit an effortless PB on Deads (at my current weight, not when I was 25kg bigger)
to be fair one of the guy has dropped the bar one me twice :/

saying don't fail is all well and good but i have the mentality of this squirrel


"yeah i can do that no problem...."

I don't really follow anyone's routine at all, I just see you saying "Tried this today" all the time.

Ah here is a common misconception with delvis, the back bone of his routine is pretty stable, he just tries the occasional new exercise to see if it fits in better with what he is doing. Many others do the same :)

I want a Delvis for Christmas

A delvis is for life, not just for christmas. Make sure you get him micro-chipped and all his jabs done. Also done feed after midnight, and never let him drink water!!
Also he is alergic to any form of anabolic lighting, so any pictures must be taken with the most unflattering lighting available.
LOL! Love that gif

I presume you don't have any catchers on your bench?

While I do hate my 'gym', it does have catchers on the bench so if I do fail, atleast I can rack it 1mm from my face. :p
Grrr unreliable gym partners are annoying.

best way to train chest and shoulders without a spotter?

I've had the bar come down before without a partner, and you get the feeling the bar isn't coming back up.

Due to fear, that little bit adrenaline it comes back up - most likely quicker than normal :p

I failed properly for the first time ever on squats the other week, started coming up and my legs buckled came back down. Had no idea what to do, so just forced it back up. Was white after it, and very very nearly sick. Felt awesome though.

So TLDR just smash it out.
Ah here is a common misconception with delvis, the back bone of his routine is pretty stable, he just tries the occasional new exercise to see if it fits in better with what he is doing. Many others do the same :)

A delvis is for life, not just for christmas. Make sure you get him micro-chipped and all his jabs done. Also done feed after midnight, and never let him drink water!!
Also he is alergic to any form of anabolic lighting, so any pictures must be taken with the most unflattering lighting available.


Elaborating on your first point, it's probably because ive added in squats and deads again throughout the year. And added in the odd exercise as you say to see if it helps me better. For instance BOR's sometimes aggravate my back so I do single arm rows instead.

Anyway, I'll get my wrapping paper ready
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