*** The 2012 Gym Rats Thread ***

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There is a certain irony to an intellectualized quote that is misspelt. It really wouldn't matter to me if the whole 'internets thought i was a roid raging arrogant malcontent who cant spell. In my opinion everyone online, give or take, is too busy trying to find a name that explains just how hard and or clever they are, whilst simultaneously trawling for compliments and faux social fulfillment. Me? I got my name off of a graphics card box and i couldnt give two hoots what anyone thinks about me. Funny thing is all the guys on here who, one way or another, seem to like me, are the ones i like aswell, funny that.

Going off on a tangent much?
My initial comment didn't deserve a debate or social discussion, a simple... "No I don't want to change my sig" would have sufficed.
Really happy right now, smashed my PB for both DB Chest Press and BB Tricep press:

DB Chest Press
18Kg x 12 (warmup)
30Kg x 10
34Kg x 8
38Kg x 7
40Kg x 7 :) (by way of comparison, 2.5 months ago I could barely lift a rep of 32kg!!!)

Decline DB Press
30 x 10 x 2
34 x 8 (could have gone higher on this but wanted to save energy for BB tricep press)

Closegrip BB Tricep Press
50kg x 12
60kg x 10
70kg x 7
70kg x 8

Then ended with the usual DB flies, tricep cable pull down, tricep bench dip.

That's my standard Chest 'n Tricep session. Anyone got any ideas how to improve it?

Assuming you're training for strength? Cut it down to bench press and band-resisted push-ups, and double the weight. ;) :)

training for looks? Carry on, although I'm not sure what the benefit of a decline dumbell press actually is?
Assuming you're training for strength? Cut it down to bench press and band-resisted push-ups, and double the weight. ;) :)

training for looks? Carry on, although I'm not sure what the benefit of a decline dumbell press actually is?

Cheers for the feedback.
Trying to bulk up until the end of December then lean out from January onwards (yes, I guess at that stage it's for 'looks' :D)

Decline - Well I did wonder this but my mates have insisted it works a different part of your chest. Would I be better off doing incline instead given my shoulder session is usually on Friday?

Are you saying I'd be better of sticking to Bench Press? The thing is I train alone a lot of the time and I feel much safer lifting heavy with DBs as you can always just drop them. With the best will in the world I don't think I can double 40kg DBs lol :p
Nout wrong with using DB's over a BB

Granted you won't be able to shift as much, but that's due to you supporting the weight differently.
Are there any real advantages to me using the BB apart from being able to lift more - would it increase growth compared to DB? Surely with DB I'm still working my chest to its limit given what it can do for that particular exercise?
You BB bench if you want to be good at that lift, and gain more boss points. Otherwise DB bench is great.
Are there any real advantages to me using the BB apart from being able to lift more - would it increase growth compared to DB? Surely with DB I'm still working my chest to its limit given what it can do for that particular exercise?

you are just hitting the muscle in a slightly different way.
My advise to people is always do both, not neccisarily in the same session, but alternate it.

if you did nothing but DB bench you would probably overtake your BB bench.
DB bench is great, db decline though, makes life hard ditching the Dbs.

When I could bench properly I liked to do BB and DB in the same session but alternate between flat/incline:

week1 - db flat / bb incline
week2 - bb flat / db incline

Right following the advice on here I think it's time to introduce the BB bench and do some sort of alternate. Morba I like that plan, I'm going to go with that.

I'm probably going to be hideously weak at the BB though. Having said that if I'm managing 70Kg using my triceps (close grip) I'm pretty sure I'll be able to do significantly more on the wide-grip.
Right following the advice on here I think it's time to introduce the BB bench and do some sort of alternate. Morba I like that plan, I'm going to go with that.

I'm probably going to be hideously weak at the BB though. Having said that if I'm managing 70Kg using my triceps (close grip) I'm pretty sure I'll be able to do significantly more on the wide-grip.

Its usually the other way m8, i warm up BB bench on 100kg and spool up to 8 reps of 125ish but i wont be warming up on 50's DB more like 35's or 40's and 50 ish will be max i would expect. No idea what will happen going the other way, chances are you may have trouble co-ordinating a little but you should be stronger really.
Beached whale :p

Get some vit c tablets down your neck all day, plenty of spinach and aspargus. Drop water from about 3pm to 1l for the rest of the day. But keep eating carbs.

If you keep eating decent carbs while cutting water, your body will dry up pretty damn quick. Problem solved

Thank you, thats what i have done more or less 500ml water all day, 7000g Vit C all my clean carb meals will be finished by 7pm and then it's a bottle of red.
David Lloyd. Worth the £££? Works flex account is open again and can get me monthly for £60 which is £40 more than I pay now for my local leisure centre (mates rates) I am very tempted.
David Lloyd. Worth the £££? Works flex account is open again and can get me monthly for £60 which is £40 more than I pay now for my local leisure centre (mates rates) I am very tempted.

Depends if you'll use any extra facilities or if there's anything you need that isn't in your current gym.
Personally there is no way I'd pay that for the gym unless it was my only option.
Is Alcohol really that bad though? If combined with a solid diet and training regime?

I've been training hard now for 2.5 months and usually hit the gym for weights sessions every week day. Then on Friday night I usually go out and get drunk with my mates. OK, so I don't go on drug-fuelled benders till 3pm the next day but I'm still usually hanging on Saturday morning. I've still made immense progress at the gym and seem to have got away without putting on too much bodyfat? Maybe my lifestyle won't work for a cutting regime but I'll put my current progress down to youth! :D

By contrast I went travelling for 3 months. I did no training and drunk a ridiculous amount of Chang beer (any ideas where I might have been :D) - Anyway, my muscles deteriorated and damn it wasn't half depressing when I got back to the UK!
It's bad for kai

Alcohol really isn't recommended for someone trying to look at dry and sharp as possible. Not to mention the fact that if you were to drink alcohol for this purpose, red would be the worst choice you could make. White wine or Vodka are the two people who believe this works use. Red wine....don't do it man, srs

But, answering your question above. The odd night out is alright, everything in moderation. However binge drinking, no matter how often is a terrible idea. Goodnight sweet test levels and protein synthesis ability
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