*** The 2012 Gym Rats Thread ***

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I remember it being ok until set 3-4, then horrible until set 8. After that I was granted an audience with Zeus and the pain wasn't as bad. OR, as I got closer to collapse I went numb.
My leg press is super low. I've never understood how everyone does like 2x more than they squat(or more) i find it not far off in difficulty. Although i've never had access to a proper leg press before, only ever one of those ****** horizontal machines.
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My leg press is super low. I've never understood how everyone does like 2x more than they squat(or more) i find it not far off in difficulty. Although i've never had access to a proper leg press before, only ever one of those ****** horizontal machines.

Yeah, I seem to be able to do a lot more on leg press. I never use it though, what advantages (if any) does it have? Would sqauts not be more beneficial? See you've left them out of your leg day.

What does everyone do on their off days? I will be going to the gym, most likely just cardio. But I want to lift dammit!
My leg press is super low. I've never understood how everyone does like 2x more than they squat(or more) i find it not far off in difficulty. Although i've never had access to a proper leg press before, only ever one of those ****** horizontal machines.

I feel it probably has something to do with your back being against a solid object. Don't know why this would help, but I feel it should

Yeah, I seem to be able to do a lot more on leg press. I never use it though, what advantages (if any) does it have? Would sqauts not be more beneficial? See you've left them out of your leg day.

What does everyone do on their off days? I will be going to the gym, most likely just cardio. But I want to lift dammit!

Swim xD 3 days a week at gym, 3 days a week in the pool. I feel slightly lost on Sundays though...

Just came in from a mammoth chest session and my wrist is hurting so much :(

Ontop of that my elbow was giving me grief during my DB press, my arm felt it wanted to rotate backover at the elbow. Not a nice feeling.

Very frustrating having weak links (my elbows, wrists and shoulders). Think growing up skinny as hell left me stunted :(

Session went quite well other than that. Bench reps topped out at 95kg then I managed 3 at 100kg to finish. DB incline was 36kg but with sore elbow.

Enjoyed the gym the last two nights. Looking forward to resting tomorrow though.
Just came in from a mammoth chest session and my wrist is hurting so much :(

Ontop of that my elbow was giving me grief during my DB press, my arm felt it wanted to rotate backover at the elbow. Not a nice feeling.

Very frustrating having weak links (my elbows, wrists and shoulders). Think growing up skinny as hell left me stunted :(

Session went quite well other than that. Bench reps topped out at 95kg then I managed 3 at 100kg to finish. DB incline was 36kg but with sore elbow.

Enjoyed the gym the last two nights. Looking forward to resting tomorrow though.

Pfft. I've never been massively skinny (not fat, either), and I can only bench 90x3. So stop whining. ;)
pb's to report this week

Bench 110kg (5kg, maybe even 10kg pb, can't remember)
Deadlift 160Kg (30kg pb) - Liquid chalk is da bomb!
Squat (140kg, 20kg pb I think)

Much better bench:squat:dead ratio than 2 months ago!

Seem to have pulled a muscle on the front of my right ankle though, very painful when I point my toes, will do some googling to see what I can do.

I'm currently doing 5/3/1 only on squats and deadlifts, and then a standard 8-12 rep, 3 set programme on everything else. Going really well so far!
It didn't literally fall on my face, figure of speech.

DB went up, repped a couple of times, went to rep the next one, arm fatigued and proceeded to smack me in the face as it was the first time doing that weight.

The above along with no spotter makes interesting sessions.
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