*** The 2012 Gym Rats Thread ***

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It didn't literally fall on my face, figure of speech.

DB went up, repped a couple of times, went to rep the next one, arm fatigued and proceeded to smack me in the face as it was the first time doing that weight.

The above along with no spotter makes interesting sessions.

So it DID literally fall on your face?? :p

You see that's EXACTLY what people tease you about dude. Contradicting and undermining yourself. ;)
Or just 'doing a Delvis' mind you, you've done so much now a days, I'm not sure what that refers to any more xD

That said, Steedie has the award for most hilarious gym related incident so far....

Well that was embarrassing, woke up with DOMS worse than I've had for a long time this morning in my legs, the sort that make you walk like an idiot. Well was stood in line at Tesco, in my own little world, a guy said "Excuse me, could I get past please?", it caught me by surprise so sort of jolted through my legs to move out the way, but the pain was that bad I sort of stumbled and fell backwards over a display. WINNER!

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Urgh, first session at the other work gym.

At least this place has a real squat rack/Olympic bench so I can continue my strong-lifts 5x5 (I can't get on with the smith machine/other machines).

Squats felt bad after a 6 week break (I've been doing dumb-bell work while trying to find a different gym, so no real compound stuff) - I think I'll take it slow (my legs feel somewhat broken lol).

Regarding additional exercises, what would you guys recommend to supplement strong-lifts?.

I'm pretty keen on doing dips/chin-ups/press-ups & maybe some 3x8 dumb-bell isolation - but don't want to impact on the 5x5 either.
What are good ways to improve core strength, it's been recommended.by doctor to improve core.muscles to help with my back pain

Had a similar problem a year ago... L1-L4 instability, causing 2+ years of chronic, severe back pain.

The physio suggested I start doing big compound lifts with correct form. So after a month of back squats, deadlifts, planks, pushups and specific lumbar exercises, I was pain free. :)


- Back squats;
- Deadlifts;
- Planks (single arm/single leg);
- Barbell roll-outs;
- Band-resisted push-ups;
- Single-leg hip-pops (pelvic thrust things that FreeFaller loves);
- SLDLs...

Making sure you get the 'correct' activation pattern (i.e. correct muscles) is actually the important thing, here, so do the whole "pinch an inch in from your pelvis" thing whilst lying on the floor.

The physio noticed I also had a tendency to hyper-extend from my lumber region as compensation for poor shoulder/thoracic mobility, so I had a bucketload of other mobility exercises to do, too.
How busy is it in the morning, what time do you get in there? I still need to start doing morning swimming tbh!

Still training at BS7 Gym. I never bothered changing to Virgin Active, the traffic situation is too much of an unknown and I hear there's only one squat rack. Not great whilst I'm deep in Stronglifts!

Morning at BS7 is empty, 9/10 sessions I'm the only person in the free weights room which is great. Means I can pick the best rack and bar every time :p, I HATE squatting in front of a mirror puts me right off. Only problem is Gloucester Road traffic. Monday morning took me 8 minutes door to door, this morning was 26 minutes. <3 Bristol.
Ah you're crap. Was gonna say i'd join you for a session some time!

Virgins 1 rack is generally free and if its not then the person using it is gay and doing something stupid anyway, so I just advise them on how to do same thing from the floor and they generally move out the way :p
Ah you're crap. Was gonna say i'd join you for a session some time!

Virgins 1 rack is generally free and if its not then the person using it is gay and doing something stupid anyway, so I just advise them on how to do same thing from the floor and they generally move out the way :p

Once I'm up to par I'll join you somewhen :). I'm sure they do guest passes or I can use my housemates card bet they won't notice.

I'm hoping to 'peak' the week of the 17th December, got it booked off work and gonna go for 1RMs. Although, might be towards the end of the week as It's my birthday the 17th so I shan't be in a great state for a while!
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