*** The 2012 Gym Rats Thread ***

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Am I right in thinking some bars are just thinner than the normal 28mm then? They are noticeably thinner when gripping them, but don't really feel any lighter... does such a thing even exist?!

Normall 'womens' Oly bars are shorter aswell, 6ft & 15kg in my gym.

The only sumo that people should be doing after xmas is sumo wrestling after bulking up on mince pies.
gym lifting people like yourself do not need sumo in your life :P
Lets work on your form for a normal lift instead, will be much better for you

Was hoping for a little bit of advice on a small injury.

Two weeks ago on Thurs I went out up town and the next day had a few mystery bruises and pains (no idea how... ha), but also felt like i'd pulled my hamstring a little bit. The pain is right at the back of the knee and hurts when the hamstring is flexed/stretched, occasionaly the pain spreads a little further up the back of my leg/hamstring.

Hit the gym on the Friday that next day and the following Mon/Wed/Fri of last week and as i'm following 5x5 I was squatting on all those sessions. There is no extra pain at all when training, just the normal bit when flexing the leg a certrain way etc, squatting / deadlifting causes no pain at all.

Was hoping that over the weekend just gone it would heal up but it hasn't gotten any better or worse. So I skipped squats and deadlifts yesterday to try and rest it up, but again feels no better or worse today (with the weekend its had 4 days with no training which is the longest rest since it occured so was hoping it would at least be starting to feel a little better).

Im really just after some advice on what you guys think the best way to heal this up would be? I don't really want to skip anymore squatting, and training hasn't been making it any worse at all, but nothing is making it any better either.

Do you all think it would be best to carry on training and see if it heals up or to let it rest by cutting out exercises which hit the hamstring? Not very experienced with dealing with injuries so i'm not sure the best way to go about it.
Final weight loss since mid-april, just touching 50lb. Christ :(

Back home now, time to get some lean gains! The only plus is that my BF has dropped considerably, woop!

Hope you're all smashing it fellas and getting you pre-xmas period bulk on :P
Was hoping for a little bit of advice on a small injury.

Two weeks ago on Thurs I went out up town and the next day had a few mystery bruises and pains (no idea how... ha), but also felt like i'd pulled my hamstring a little bit. The pain is right at the back of the knee and hurts when the hamstring is flexed/stretched, occasionaly the pain spreads a little further up the back of my leg/hamstring.

Hit the gym on the Friday that next day and the following Mon/Wed/Fri of last week and as i'm following 5x5 I was squatting on all those sessions. There is no extra pain at all when training, just the normal bit when flexing the leg a certrain way etc, squatting / deadlifting causes no pain at all.

Was hoping that over the weekend just gone it would heal up but it hasn't gotten any better or worse. So I skipped squats and deadlifts yesterday to try and rest it up, but again feels no better or worse today (with the weekend its had 4 days with no training which is the longest rest since it occured so was hoping it would at least be starting to feel a little better).

Im really just after some advice on what you guys think the best way to heal this up would be? I don't really want to skip anymore squatting, and training hasn't been making it any worse at all, but nothing is making it any better either.

Do you all think it would be best to carry on training and see if it heals up or to let it rest by cutting out exercises which hit the hamstring? Not very experienced with dealing with injuries so i'm not sure the best way to go about it.

Don't get this thread locked with a medical request.

If it's hurting and isn't going away, seek out professional advice from either a physio or a sports physio, either independently of or via a GP.
god damn it im really getting sick of the staff at my gym now.

it got flooded out over summer and they have been waiting to have the floor replaced in the main area, so today i go up walk in and all the machines have been stuffed in the free weights room. the manager says "yeah theres some stuff in that room" a collection of rowing and running machines and 2 bikes. when i asked the muppet at reception how long till its sorted he shrugs his shoulders, so i asked why didnt you stick something on favebook about the weights room, so he snaps at me "you cant stick everything on facebook you know, if you have a problem ask gav".

this is the same little pillock who thinks its great to smoke near the entrance of the gym so you can smell at the back.

really do amaze me the level of customer service some people think they have to give.
Food diary.

Do I create new thread in Sports arena or in training logs?

have a brief look at the other logs as well. Dont just make a food log, log your training there as well so that you can see how your doing compared to previous weeks, and also people can see your progress and working hard as well.

Also you can post up videos/photos etc and keep track of personal PB's there.
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