*** The 2012 Gym Rats Thread ***

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Great bench Mondays. Hope the gym is quiet, doubt it. :/

Having one bench sucks.

I started a course at Boulmer today, 3 proper lifting platforms and full size plates all the way down to 2.5kg! Might be run of the mill for some people but this was a real treat for me, I'm used to getting weird looks taking up space in the free weights area and having to compromise on form when using lighter weights for BOR and DL due to the teeny plates I'm used to. Only complaint is no 1.25kg plates at all and half of the Oly bars are those weird ever so slightly thinner types. I hate them, to me it's cheating!

:edit: Just had a google and have discovered these might well be "women's" bars... only 15kg?! Why do they even exist ffs :o

I'm pretty certain the ones we have weigh the same, picked them both up trying to tell a difference and they seemed identical, just really dislike the whole slightly skinny bar thing they had going on. Maybe they were actually lighter... if so then I'm going to FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU.
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Just want to put it out there that im down with an awful cold at the moment, cant breathe too good, terrible headache, joints all ache, its a real effort just to move. I havent missed a single training session, set of deads tonight 5x8 160,170,180,200,215 threw up on sets 4 and 5 as the headache got really bad.

So next time its raining, you know, or cold, go to the sodding gym!
Hero :cool:

I was feeling terrible today, hugely disrupted sleep (waking up hallucinating :eek:), head full of cold and feeling like I have zero energy.

Completed my entire workout, including a top set of 190x6 squats with loads of other volume. Was nearly sick, and craved the sweet release of death several times.
All I'm saying is that I expect to see this diary, not just because it'll be good for you and allow people to help more but principally because I'm relying on you not to be selfish and deny the rest of us the pleasure of seeing Ultra_Extreme eat a hat*.

I'm hoping the hat is a deerstalker but a straw boater might be a bit more palatable, either way I'm wondering how it'll fit with the macros.

*n.b. if you fail in keeping the diary properly then I'm still expecting to see posts detailing your imaginary food intake - don't ruin this for everyone else...
Definitely this.
Better session tonite.

Warm up
Straps on. Earlier than normal, bar was freezing and grip felt ****
Belt on

1 hour gone. 25 mins left before I had to leave. Hmm what else can we do....

Stone shouldering!
85kg atlas stone, no tacky
Just the 2 of us so go 1 for 1 (him then me then him etc)
1 left
1 right
1 left
1 right
Did this 6 times so 3 each side
Left and right 1 for 1
1 left and right
Did this 5 times
Faster now:
1 for 1
4 time (2 each shoulder)
5 mins left, let's go: 1 each shoulder again, no break. When the other person has done his two you go straight away:
6 x left and right.
20 mins of stone shouldering!
God damn, huffing and puffing after this, great finisher lol

Much happier with this session :)
Nice session, deadlift is looking good again :)

Volcs, first and foremost you're best off getting it looked at professionally. A friend of mine had something very similar and we couldn't work out what was going on. It got better on it's own eventually, but I think it took over a month.
I started a course at Boulmer today, 3 proper lifting platforms and full size plates all the way down to 2.5kg! Might be run of the mill for some people but this was a real treat for me, I'm used to getting weird looks taking up space in the free weights area and having to compromise on form when using lighter weights for BOR and DL due to the teeny plates I'm used to. Only complaint is no 1.25kg plates at all and half of the Oly bars are those weird ever so slightly thinner types. I hate them, to me it's cheating!

:edit: Just had a google and have discovered these might well be "women's" bars... only 15kg?! Why do they even exist ffs :o

I'm pretty certain the ones we have weigh the same, picked them both up trying to tell a difference and they seemed identical, just really dislike the whole slightly skinny bar thing they had going on. Maybe they were actually lighter... if so then I'm going to FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU.
Assuming that they aren't women's bars (lol), I love those types of gyms.

One of my S&C courses used Bath Uni, their gym... HHHNNNNNNNGG.
Hero :cool:

I was feeling terrible today, hugely disrupted sleep (waking up hallucinating :eek:), head full of cold and feeling like I have zero energy.

High five! :D

it sucks but you do it, as far as im concerned its what seperates those who succeed from those who dont*.

*ok ok and a needle full of testosterone, you're all thinking it
Am I right in thinking some bars are just thinner than the normal 28mm then? They are noticeably thinner when gripping them, but don't really feel any lighter... does such a thing even exist?!
High five! :D

it sucks but you do it, as far as im concerned its what seperates those who succeed from those who dont*.

*ok ok and a needle full of testosterone, you're all thinking it

To be honest, it's true. I mean it's obviously not just not missing sessions that could have been done, but the general determination carries over to all aspects of training.

If that sounds like I'm giving myself a jolly good pat on the back, then good. I feel like ****, I earned it. **** you all.


Am I right in thinking some bars are just thinner than the normal 28mm then? They are noticeably thinner when gripping them, but don't really feel any lighter... does such a thing even exist?!
I'm not sure how common it is to have bars that are thinner than 28mm, but it's very common to have them thicker. Is it possible that you've only used thicker bars?
Am I right in thinking some bars are just thinner than the normal 28mm then? They are noticeably thinner when gripping them, but don't really feel any lighter... does such a thing even exist?!

Standard bar diameter varies between 28mm and 29mm. Powerlifting bars tending to be thicker and Olympic bars tending to be thinner. Cheap commercial gym bars are, in my experience, normally 30mm.

It's bloody irritating not having a universal standard! :mad::D



My gym as of next year! (hopefully :) )[/QUOTE]

It's beautiful :eek:
Military gym so probably the same type as the commercial cheap and nasty. Chances are I'm used to 30mm then and have been encountering 28mm ones of late... prefer thicker!

:edit: That gym pic.... oh lawd :|
I started a course at Boulmer today, 3 proper lifting platforms and full size plates all the way down to 2.5kg! Might be run of the mill for some people but this was a real treat for me, I'm used to getting weird looks taking up space in the free weights area and having to compromise on form when using lighter weights for BOR and DL due to the teeny plates I'm used to. Only complaint is no 1.25kg plates at all and half of the Oly bars are those weird ever so slightly thinner types. I hate them, to me it's cheating!

:edit: Just had a google and have discovered these might well be "women's" bars... only 15kg?! Why do they even exist ffs :o

I'm pretty certain the ones we have weigh the same, picked them both up trying to tell a difference and they seemed identical, just really dislike the whole slightly skinny bar thing they had going on. Maybe they were actually lighter... if so then I'm going to FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU.

skinny bar with plastic ends is normally 10kg iirc dunno about skinny and metal ends.

though i find it harder to grip the skinny bar

one thing i always find funny is these two incredibly metrosexual and skinny guys in the gym take the oly bar of the bench and put the thin one on so they can put with normal size 15kg plates on either side rather than the small 10kg plates :/
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To be honest, it's true. I mean it's obviously not just not missing sessions that could have been done, but the general determination carries over to all aspects of training.

If that sounds like I'm giving myself a jolly good pat on the back, then good. I feel like ****, I earned it. **** you all.

dont be a pussy apologist m8, the day a wet flannel pussy walks his ass in here and does better than you (or me or any of the other 'proper' lifters here) ill eat more than my hat, cos guess what, it wont happen. Theres an attitude that you can smell a mile off, they dont want to be better they cant be better, they just hope talking about it and pretending will magically make them something they are not. Sure i generalise a lot, to the detriment of some, but, to my knowledge ive not been proven wrong.
skinny bar with plastic ends is normally 10kg iirc dunno about skinny and metal ends.

Ah I know the ones you mean and they're definitely not those! You're on about the bars you get with cheap argos weights sets right?! These fit standard oly plates and are hardly much thinner at all really. 2-3mm thinner, so small a difference and look so similar in every other way that anyone not paying attention could miss the difference completely. I'll check the weight tomorrow and maybe get some pictures, I know you're all as mesmerised as I am by this :p
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I started a course at Boulmer today, 3 proper lifting platforms and full size plates all the way down to 2.5kg! Might be run of the mill for some people but this was a real treat for me, I'm used to getting weird looks taking up space in the free weights area and having to compromise on form when using lighter weights for BOR and DL due to the teeny plates I'm used to. Only complaint is no 1.25kg plates at all and half of the Oly bars are those weird ever so slightly thinner types. I hate them, to me it's cheating!

:edit: Just had a google and have discovered these might well be "women's" bars... only 15kg?! Why do they even exist ffs :o

I'm pretty certain the ones we have weigh the same, picked them both up trying to tell a difference and they seemed identical, just really dislike the whole slightly skinny bar thing they had going on. Maybe they were actually lighter... if so then I'm going to FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU.

A course in Boulmer? Nice!

The gym at Cosford is pretty tasty, which is good the amount of time I'm spending there as late.

We have olly plates up here, but the 'crossfit' guys seem to have stolen them along with some more of the weights from the weights bay. They may just get re-stolen this weekend. I'm hoping they extend the weights bay soon, its a joke.
Think I'm gonna look into Sumo over the next few weeks with a view to starting it properly after Christmas.

The only sumo that people should be doing after xmas is sumo wrestling after bulking up on mince pies.
gym lifting people like yourself do not need sumo in your life :P
Lets work on your form for a normal lift instead, will be much better for you
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