*** The 2012 Gym Rats Thread ***

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Feeling, tired, great, stiff, great, buzzing, amazeballs.

Gym this week, twice a day, interval training at lunch time (tabata and 30sec/30sec interval on alternating days) and big weights in the evening.

How do you guys actually do cardio without getting bored? I hate steady state, bores the life out of me and I just stop, so I'm just sticking to interval training and HIIT at the moment.

Ohhh and legs tomorrow, for the first time in a few months, CANNOT WAIT!
Feeling, tired, great, stiff, great, buzzing, amazeballs.

Gym this week, twice a day, interval training at lunch time (tabata and 30sec/30sec interval on alternating days) and big weights in the evening.

How do you guys actually do cardio without getting bored? I hate steady state, bores the life out of me and I just stop, so I'm just sticking to interval training and HIIT at the moment.

Ohhh and legs tomorrow, for the first time in a few months, CANNOT WAIT!

Get outside!!!! You're ****ed when your half way in. You can stop but you still have to get back.

I've started mountain biking, which is awesome fun and good cardio.
Pfft want to start doing some real weights UE :p

Some awesome volume there!

Hah yeah bit light, but ill be honest ive spent so long training for hypertrophy that things dont get dramatically heavier when i drop the reps.

As regards your numbers i think you need to get more volume into your deads, i know its easy to say, but id think you could be moving that weight for 12/12/10/10 which would really help pick up your form. Im also not a fan of DB rows in newer trainers, with strict form those weights are fairly big, which rather than impress me makes me think your form is likely off and you are getting a lot of lateral back motion, though i may be wrong. I would personally do strict barbell rows unless you are confident you are keeping you back level on the rows, i put a small plate on my shoulder blades to keep my back in check.
And likely to end in injury :p (@Begbie)

For swimming, I find if I can think about anything other than pushing hard through that length, I'm not working hard enough.

That said, my mind does occasionally wander. I know I used to sing nursery rhymes (in my head). Having had a conversation with the guys at the swimming team, oddly we found that a lot of us sang nursery rhymes... :S?

Personal favourite was Once I caught a Fish Alive...

You have two options. Either let your mind wander, and think about whatever you want, or think about doing whatever your next task is. I guess for running it's harder to think (one more length or something), but for mountain biking, I'm guessing most of your mental capacity is on not falling off xD

Heh, I seem to have developed some rather nice bruises on my legs near my knees.....

The gym I use doesn't have set-weight DB's, they're all pinch collar with plates, stupid things.

I've also involuntarily shaved my shins doing deadlifts :o
Well, last night was a weird one. Planned on doing circus db, log overhead and log incline bench.

circus db to start, not sure what happened by wasn't feeling good at all, my knees and legs just weren't working at all which made this a right mess so didnt do much. I binned the idea of log overhead as it wouldn't be beneficial at all if my body isnt firing properly.

so straight on to log incline bench.
Now, the log is 12" diameter iirc and we have to pick it up from the floor, on to lap, then sit back and roll it up from our lap. That's not too bad when it is empty (70kg) but once you start adding weight it pushes all the air from within you by the time its sitting on your chest.
We then press it from chest, with no breath lol. Good fun!

empty (70kg) x 10
110x6 (could have done more, wanted to try 120)
120x2 - trying to press from chest with no breath was a killer, 2nd rep was better as was able to breath!
120x1 - dieing by this point
back down a bit to not kill myself.
100 2x10

Log incline is all triceps for me, so by this point they were properly fried.

Not happy my body wasn't working so punished myself with log incline, which made me happy :)
Deadlifts: Am I stupid trying to do 5X5 with them? Recently my lower back is starting to hurt (form no doubt) is it best/safe just to do one set of 5 as iv seen this being implemented in a lot of routines??
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