*** The 2012 Gym Rats Thread ***

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I'm trying to put weight on and not be so dam skinny!

I've managed to go from 71.9kg to 77.8kg in around 4 months. Is that good or bad for the amount of time? I personally don't think I look much different at all.
Not bad at all, putting weight on has its merits. But as its been expressed on here (see FF) a clean bulk is the most important. No reason really to gain too much fat when bulking.

Plus just look at the people here weighing 75-80kgs but look like monsters.
That video reminds me, I dropped the bar exactly like that on incline on myself the other night.

I never do incline, a friend was doing it and I thought what the hell. Came up went to lower it wrist went funny bar landed on my stomach. I burst out laughing as did my mate, git! Had to shout at him to get it off me! :( :p
So I signed up to the gym beginning of September been going every few days doing a combination of weights and cardio. Have made fairly ok progress going from just under 85kg to 78.6 kg as of yesterday.

I for the life of me cannot DB press any higher than 14kg (combined 28kg), but I seem to be able to do chin/pull ups quite comfortably. I guess it's really a matter of just hacking at it till I get that little bit stronger?
So I signed up to the gym beginning of September been going every few days doing a combination of weights and cardio. Have made fairly ok progress going from just under 85kg to 78.6 kg as of yesterday.

I for the life of me cannot DB press any higher than 14kg (combined 28kg), but I seem to be able to do chin/pull ups quite comfortably. I guess it's really a matter of just hacking at it till I get that little bit stronger?

I was the same when I first started going. Now benching 95kgs, could barely bench 40kgs a tad over a year ago.

Just got to stick with it and remember that everyone started somewhere.
circus DB day yesterday. Think it was just too cold to start moving too much around tbh.

PB left hand 53kg. Not sure how this happened, was doing some reps on thurs and my left was all over the place.
Right hand just didn't want to work at all, couldn't even do 53kg which is a bloody joke as my form on right is much better than left!

So we all decided to load the damn thing up as heavy as possible and concentrate on cleans.
Well, we can fit 93kg in total on the DB (inc db itself) and we just cleaned and cleaned and cleaned.

My shoulder feels a mess, nicely bruised!
You just can't appreciate how heavy 90kg+ feels on something like this, on your shoulder without trying it. To even think about pressing it (the db record is actually a lot higher than 93kg) while it is there is crazy!
Then you remember that Radz at Europes stongest man strict pressed the 100kg DB. I so weak :(

Here is the big Jay Pateman strict pressing 92kg:

Europe's strongest man: 6:40 for Radz strict press of 100kg thick handle db, then watch lalas make it look easy then Big Z near on snatch the damn thing

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Bloody scary isn't it. They press the 155kg axle like it is nothing too.

The 120kg block sounds light in comparison. I've done a 100kg block that is similar (a touch less thick) and cleaned the 110 and 120, though I couldn;t get in a position to press the 120 (and wouldnt be able to, it is pure strict tricep press from a horrible position and a bent back with no stability lol).

The DB though, the way they handle that thing is amazing.
Interesting read about grapefruit

I wonder if this affects things like multi-vitamins/omega-3 etc

I have half a grapefruit every morning, and it's also the time I take my multi vits, anything like zinc tabs or magnesium etc etc. I'm not sure if things like that pass through the liver though, my knowledge about that sort of thing is very limited. I guess Freefaller might know?

Love this :D

I messaged Clint to say how much I love this clip and his reply was simply "Cake rocks!" :D
Interesting read about grapefruit

I wonder if this affects things like multi-vitamins/omega-3 etc

I have half a grapefruit every morning, and it's also the time I take my multi vits, anything like zinc tabs or magnesium etc etc. I'm not sure if things like that pass through the liver though, my knowledge about that sort of thing is very limited. I guess Freefaller might know?

I wouldn't have thought so - most of the stuff in multivitamins is derived from food (i.e. eat enough of X and you'll elicit the same effect), whereas the drugs affected by the "grapefruit juice effect" are quite different in terms of absorption pathway (by the look of things).

The principle you are questioning is whether a digestive system can be made more efficient through the use of grapefruit juice, and the answer - it would appear - is no.

Good way to get smacked out on prescription codeine, however. :D
Looks like im training on my own tonight, so will try and do some overhead axle, work sets will be from the rack as can't be assed killing my chest again.
Then some more incline log for my triceps and maybe some stone shouldering for cardio.

All depends on how my shoulder feels, bruising is becoming pulsing pain so will be heading to the toilet in a mo with some deep heat!
Interesting read about grapefruit

I wonder if this affects things like multi-vitamins/omega-3 etc

I have half a grapefruit every morning, and it's also the time I take my multi vits, anything like zinc tabs or magnesium etc etc. I'm not sure if things like that pass through the liver though, my knowledge about that sort of thing is very limited. I guess Freefaller might know?

That is interesting. Everything you consume has a hepatic pass. A lot of pills and drugs are modified to take that into consideration. It's call the first pass effect. That's why a lot of drugs taken via suppositories or intra muscular (;)) are popular as they avoid the 1st pass - which means the bioavailability is increased.

WE're getting onto levels of microbiology and chemical biology though that are somewhat beyond me - I think most drugs are designed to modify/or accept a certain amount of metabolic interference from the body to survive the journey through the liver to then make it's way round your body. Certainly oral steroids are modified (on the 17th carbon atom I believe, hence the 17a on a lot of them).

It's important, as with all chemical compounds, when you add/remove elements it changes the actual chemical. For example when digestion alcohol the ethanol changes to acetaldehyde etc... (I can't remember the full cycle). It's all about oxidisation when a methyl or ethyl or alkyl group enters the body.

And that's it I'm out of knowledge - I don't have much access to science pages from work either :(

However, going back to that article it would seem to state that the enzyme in grapefruit, strips or oxidises or changes the properties of the enzyme in your liver. So from my (basic) understanding, the compound in grapefruit inhibits the natural breakdown of the drug, and as such less of it is neutralised, meaning higher blood concentration of that drug which is why it is damaging. IT depends on the drug, it's organic composition and it's chemical engineering - whether or not it has a low or high therapeutic index. Too many variables for a pleb like me to understand.

What I would say, is that antibiotics and prescription (and chemically engineered) drugs are more likely to be affected by this fact rather than just some vitamin pills owing to the way they are designed to interact with your body - however, it would be interesting to see if there is any research out there based on this for dietary supplementation. Put it this way, cocodamol or some other high powered analgesic will cause you issues.
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