*** The 2012 Gym Rats Thread ***

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I think we're both looking at it in exactly the same way. i.e. with scepticism. :D

Ultimately it also comes down the drug's therapeutic effect - it's different for each one, and there are no absolutes in this sort of thing.

Here you go, asked a doctor for you

James K MD said:
Enzymes in the liver, part of the cytochrome P450 family, are responsible for the breakdown/oxidation of various products in the body. These enzymes can be induced or inhibited (up-regulated or down-regulated). This is really important for some drugs that have a narrow therapeutic window (ie the difference between a drug having a therapeutic effect and overdose).

For example, if a patient is on warfarin then they have their clotting factors titrated to a specific value. Other drugs and dietary factors which effect the CYP450 system can shift this value and cause perfuse bleeding or bad clotting; like a stroke. Grapefruit is the classic example as it is a CYP450 inhibitor and therefore can increase your clotting value and make you prone to bleeding. So patients who are warfrinised are told to avoid grapefruit.

But, of course there are other drugs it can effect as it is a general CYP450 inhibitor. For most drugs that do not have a narrow window of use this is irrelevant. For others it can be important.
Other drugs include phenytoin for epilepsy, amiodarone for heart arrythmias and even the oral contraceptive (effected more by inducers than inhibitors).

Also, other foods have this effect, it's just grapefruit is the most common example and the classic example.

Hepatic first-pass metabolism, as you clearly know, is another major factor in effective bioavailability of a drug (or vitamin). Obviously drugs given IV, intramuscular or even PR (rectally) avoid first-pass metabolism as they get to the main circulation without going via the liver. However, vitamins and supplements are usually more effected by the kidneys than the liver. A lot of these 'high' dose supplements are pointless as the kidneys cannot reabsorb them out of the filtrate, so they just get excreted via the urine. If you hammer some vitamins you'll notice your pee change colour, barocca is the classic.

The best way to supplement is small amounts throughout the day to allow your body to utilise it, although again, most supplements are just marketing rubbish anyway.

I wasn't far off the mark in a sketchy way :cool: :p

Thanks mate. :)
Thanks :)

Struggled with the 550kg tyre flip though, need to work on my technique.

We've got one just over 500kg, hard as hell to flip.
There is no need for tyres so heavy in comps tbh, especially not naturals ones. Accident waiting to happen.
Well, my idea of a good pressing session was quickly dismissed tonite!
Warming up on axle, just 40kg to start, and the realisation of how hard those DB cleans were and the pain in my shoulder and right pec from the pounding of it, kicked in!

Decided to just do what I could regardless:

Warmup: 40kg x 10 front and 10 back
60kg x 10 front 10 back
70kg x 10
Shoulder didn't feel good, triceps feeling tired. Could have packed it it but had an hour before picking my boy up so no point going home.

From rack (rather than clean from floor), this helped as the clean was about to turn to continental which I didn't want to try!
Now, I'm shocked at this, just below my max with a bad shoulder and tired triceps. I shouldn't be doing that well.
Had a bit of time left and couldnt be assed setting bench for incline log as the clean would kill me.
So more axle pressing.

Surprisingly happy with that.
Will do log bench later in the week to make up for missing it today :)
In awe as always Morba!

Goodbye dem gainz... :(
Nill by mouth midnight tonight then surgery tomorrow, getting my Bronchial Cleft cyst removed.
Was told there will be quite a bit of shoulder pain, might require physio, in worst case could be shoulder damage :confused: or come out with stroke face!
I really hope I can be back in the gym before new year...!

Not really progress shots but just photos when I have been tarting about :D



Hoping I wont loose too much as I don't have much to loose as it is...!
Those are some awful trousers! Hope the surgery goes well :)

So after years of feeling tinges in my right shoulder, nothing major, I think I've damaged the left one! Argh.

Going to buy a lacrose ball and bands tonight.
shoulder damage - not too bad an issue
stroke face?! permanent potentially?! not good.

looking good before you go in for surgery though, so will get the attention of the nurses hehe :D

Also, do those machines have fruit machines on them or something?!
Fuark, I thought I wore some tragic chit down the gym :p

Haha! I got given some blue A&F sweats, its the only place I would wear them, covered in chalk though so I guess that's not so bad...? :D

Those are some awful trousers! Hope the surgery goes well :)

So after years of feeling tinges in my right shoulder, nothing major, I think I've damaged the left one! Argh.

Going to buy a lacrose ball and bands tonight.

Cheers, Lacrosse ball is on my buy list also!

shoulder damage - not too bad an issue
stroke face?! permanent potentially?! not good.

looking good before you go in for surgery though, so will get the attention of the nurses hehe :D

Also, do those machines have fruit machines on them or something?!

Yea just worries me when they list off all the potential problems but I guess they have too when they are digging into your neck :D
I know best case is shoulder pain and a good 5-6 inch scar on my neck, so fingers crossed!

Haha no they are cycling machines with visuals on them, can cycle whilst looking at cgi beaches or some crap, only ventured down that part of the gym to do some poses (gay) whilst waiting for the foam roller!
Yea just worries me when they list off all the potential problems but I guess they have too when they are digging into your neck :D

M8 almost every procedure has some heavy risk associated with it, the human body is a complex thing, i had a damn endoscopy and about the 4th possible risk factor on the list was death through cardiac arrest or internal trauma lol youve just got to remember that if the universe wanted you dead it wouldnt have bothered to make you THIS awesome! Works for me :D
Haha I didn't get told any risks when I had my endoscopy last month :D
Yea you are right, this is my 3rd operation in 4 years, this one is only worrying me a bit because its in my neck, but I am sure when they were poking around my Femur it was more dangerous!
Haha I didn't get told any risks when I had my endoscopy last month :D
Yea you are right, this is my 3rd operation in 4 years, this one is only worrying me a bit because its in my neck, but I am sure when they were poking around my Femur it was more dangerous!

the percentages change loads when you have had previous ops. You gotta take into account the problems with general anasthetic which is now a known factor for you, then you gotta factor in the most unhealthy fat dirty awful human beings whose anatomy is a complete crap-shoot after decades of abuse.

Fact is when someone young fit and healthy goes for op, it is only in exceptional circumstances that they come to harm.
My gym is closed till the 17th for refurbishment :(

It's a shame because i have lost 10 pounds in just over a month so far.
Gonna have to get my running shoes on and also go swimming till it opens up again.
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