*** The 2012 Gym Rats Thread ***

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Syla get it looked at asap. Don't take risks with weird stuff like that.

Consider that it could be pretty serious, a friend of mine had a hernia for a year without realising.

As above mate, they can be pretty low key sometimes if that makes sense. Glad you've got an appointment on the go, time to deload I think mate :p
Aye, I am going to be takin things easy this week anyway, I wasn't planning any more deadlifting before the new year.

I have had the twinging, pinching, burning sensation a few times in the last 6 months, mainly while deadlifting, and it passes and doesn't seem to have an impact on performance, and I never get any pain during any other part of lifting or life in general.

I have tried lots of prodding about, poking etc, it feels a little funky when I have pressure on it and cough, but no lumps bumps etc. I am hoping that this is the start of something minor.

Plan now is see the doc, and see what they think, and take things from there. If it does turn out to be a hernia, I have heard that it doesn't take to long to get back in to heavy lifting, so hopefully even in the worst case scenario I shouldn't miss more then a few months of heavy deadlifting/squatting.

Obviuously, I know nothing yet so this is all assumption, and mentally preparing for the "if", best case scenario I think it would be a tear, so some rehab needed either way.
Why are upright rows bad?
They can cause shoulder impingement for certain people.

It depends on pure luck how your shoulder is setup, some are more prone to it than others. I'm fine with them, I think they're a superb exercise for building big shoulders. I keep shoulder width grip on an EZ-Bar, keep eblows low and only lift to nipple height. This allows me to go quite heavy at about 60kg with no problems.
I came home today for Xmas.

Dinner is the first meal I've had here...

I was given about a 150g chicken breast and some veg....

WTF is this?!

I can't survive on this, nvm grown it...


Don't act like you're not weak and skinny! You should only need a couple of peas and a single strand of spaghetti, I should know, I'm weak and skinny too!
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They can cause shoulder impingement for certain people.

It depends on pure luck how your shoulder is setup, some are more prone to it than others. I'm fine with them, I think they're a superb exercise for building big shoulders. I keep shoulder width grip on an EZ-Bar, keep eblows low and only lift to nipple height. This allows me to go quite heavy at about 60kg with no problems.

Cheers. Could you offer some insights on something...

I do Shoulders with Chest/Triceps and I do two main exercises (DB shoulder press and DB side laterals). I noticed a sharp pain (2" above my arm pit) after doing my last set for DB side laterals the other day (light weight with good form). I noticed the same pain 2 years ago on my other shoulder (when doing first lateral raises).

Any thoughts on this? I was going to failure on the last set.
Syla5 - I've felt the same before, loosened belt and all ok after :)

This is what I am hoping, I may have bruised something as it feels like that today, and I was fine for my hesvier sets straight after. Still off to the docs to get it all checked out just to be sure.
Why are upright rows bad?
Loading the joint when protracted and internally rotated is bad.
Cheers. Could you offer some insights on something...

I do Shoulders with Chest/Triceps and I do two main exercises (DB shoulder press and DB side laterals). I noticed a sharp pain (2" above my arm pit) after doing my last set for DB side laterals the other day (light weight with good form). I noticed the same pain 2 years ago on my other shoulder (when doing first lateral raises).

Any thoughts on this? I was going to failure on the last set.
Sounds like you're impinging your AC joint.

Get yourself into the mobility thread and get yourself learned about shoulder health.
I know Lyle McDonald is all about the cable row:

Excellent article!

I think I've done all of those variations too.
I did standing 1 arm cable rows after watching an EC video you or Dom posted. Really good and some nice scap burn.
For various reasons (mainly too busy with basketball) I've not lifted since the 7th August.... Until last night! I'm obviously a lot weaker, so knocked 20% off my weights... Felt really good but DAMN I'm feeling it today lol :o
I was thinking of taking a month off...

I have been hard training non stop for year with the regular week off holidays etc, happy with gains, but now have a few painful niggles etc, and have just got to the point where im missing certain lifts to avoid aggravating, its a horrible way to train, and mentally hard to motivate other parts.

Would taking a month off ( keeping the diet half decent) really do much, apart from losing some immediate strength!?
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