*** The 2012 Gym Rats Thread ***

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what i do is this, i put a heavy bar on my back and i try to sit down without falling over, then i try to stand up, again, without falling over. If i can do this 7 or 8 times i try it again with more weight. But thats just me.

Nice to see that no part of your reply answered the original question that was asked, actually quite suprised as this is not even close to your normal level of sarcasm, are you feeling ok?

I would assume UE that screwing your heels in is second nature to you? you might be suprised that many people dont realise this is as important as it is, and for some it makes a big difference to performance so explaining it in more detail helps!

personally i didnt even consider doing this, and hadnt seen much mention of it until recently, and i must say it definatly makes a big difference to the squat.
DW open times over christmas

24/12 6:30am to 4pm
25/12 closed
26/12 8am to 6pm
27/12 6:30am to 10pm
28/12 6:30am to 10pm
29/12 8am to 8pm
30/12 8am to 8pm
31/12 6:30am to 5pm
1/1 8am to 6pm
2/1 6:30am to 10pm

just incase you decide to get that 12 days for £12 deal, you only have until christmas eve to buy it as well

Thanks buddy, although I'm deloading next week, so I'll be training from the 31st onwards, I think I can still use the 12 days then can't I? Cheaper than paying one off each time even if I only use half of them
Wrist wraps:http://www.pullum-sports.co.uk/acce...-max-rpm-wrist-wraps-ipf-legal-/prod_577.html
You'll probably want the 50cm ones. Before you buy any though, if you want them because you are getting discomfort find out why first, you might save yourself some money. They are by no means necessary but they have a place, personally I haven't reached that yet so I don't want to buy any :).

Was just looking at them straps :D I've got a large cyst on my right wrist, on the right side of the palm side cause by hitting bags in boxing :(. When doing heavy Military press, log press and especially low bar squatting really feel like they are straining it, quite painful on the right side but sometimes the left would hurt. Just a few friends I train with recommended them.

May as well get them as I want to pick up some smelling slats as well :D
Got some quick PB's in before the end of the year :D. 140kg squat & 160kg deadlift. Think I've got more in the tank on both, might delay going home for Christmas so I can go for a bench 1RM on Monday.
Watched a good set of vids of Kai Greene today (chest vid http://www.youtube.com/watch?NR=1&v=cgKVMIBKhHg&feature=endscreen)

He reiterates something that im finding more and more important to remember.

As he says "You are not moving the weight, you are contracting the muscle, the movement of the weight is a product of that contraction"

This is a very important point that most novices would do well to understand early in their lifting. It seems somewhat abstract, i mean moving the weight is moving the weight right? No, how you move the weight, HOW you perform the exercise is more important to the result than any combination of sets/reps.

Thats my tip for the day.
Watched a good set of vids of Kai Greene today (chest vid http://www.youtube.com/watch?NR=1&v=cgKVMIBKhHg&feature=endscreen)

He reiterates something that im finding more and more important to remember.

As he says "You are not moving the weight, you are contracting the muscle, the movement of the weight is a product of that contraction"

This is a very important point that most novices would do well to understand early in their lifting. It seems somewhat abstract, i mean moving the weight is moving the weight right? No, how you move the weight, HOW you perform the exercise is more important to the result than any combination of sets/reps.

Thats my tip for the day.

Started watching. Is this similar to the idea of concentrating and focusing on your muscle when performing an exercise?
yes, but most people interpret that as just watching it bulge. considering the muscle as the cause and the weight motion as the effect is quite an abstract concept to explain, you need to feel it inside your body. Its similar to the principle i described previously, when talking about about bent over rows. I explained to a member that if you used straps so that you didnt squeeze the bar, then you wouldnt 'pull' the weight you would instead contract your back causing your elbows to move behind you. As a result of this, the bar would move but you are not pulling the bar to you you are merely contracting your back which causes, as a by product, the bar to move.

It is not something i expect 80% of members here to grasp fully for some time, but keep it in mind when you train, you are not moving the weight you are contracting the muscle so that the weight moves.
Thanks buddy, although I'm deloading next week, so I'll be training from the 31st onwards, I think I can still use the 12 days then can't I? Cheaper than paying one off each time even if I only use half of them

as long as you buy it before christmas eve, you can activate it up until the 31st Jan so you would be fine
Whenever I do DB bench press, I feel it in my arms more than my chest the next day. Is this an example of what you're describing?

yes its the result of incorrect contraction patterns, but easier way to correct it with db press is to improve form, your dbs probably touch or come close to touching at the top of the rep, they should really be a long way apart. The DB bench should be relatively light on the triceps but when you press weight directly above, thus straightening your arms vertically, you are limiting the involvement of the chest and accentuating the force on the triceps.

DB bench, at least in my opinion, is a chest exercise, so elbows should stay in tight to the body and the weight should be pressed outwards to form a steep Y shape
yes its the result of incorrect contraction patterns, but easier way to correct it with db press is to improve form, your dbs probably touch or come close to touching at the top of the rep, they should really be a long way apart. The DB bench should be relatively light on the triceps but when you press weight directly above, thus straightening your arms vertically, you are limiting the involvement of the chest and accentuating the force on the triceps.

DB bench, at least in my opinion, is a chest exercise, so elbows should stay in tight to the body and the weight should be pressed outwards to form a steep Y shape

Elbows should be tucked in, rather than all the way out? Like this?

Its a huge issue, no funding its a shame, the yanks will get a little more and they can do a lot at youth/college level to start on a nice base, over here no one is jacked at 18 over here.

Eddie hall said on camera in the first session that he'd never done any strongman and would 'learn as he goes' its crazy

Ed Hall has done quite a bit of strongman stuff, just a case of somethings he hasn't done before, like the block (which is what he hadn't tried before that point).
He's on so much gear that some more time with equipment will make him great :)

Anyway, Sadler was awesome before his injury. A fantastic 105 strongman who suffers because of his height more than the weight of the implements that he has to move.

As for the next best uk person? Terry is a legend and deserves some better time without injuries. Loz is potentially the best placed to win worlds for the brits. Hall has plenty of years in him yet. But watch out for Hixxy, he's a 105 that's put on ~20kg and is a future star (already has done a 200kg log clean and press, outside of comp so not officially british record).

We have some amazing 90kg and 105kg strongmen (both natural and untested) who might be moving up the weights also, which can only be a good thing!

RE the comparison to USA, well they have a better structure to their levels of strongman comps. Sadler and a few others have stated to try and move things on this side of the pond so expect more on that in the next few years :)
Elbows should be tucked in, rather than all the way out? Like this?


Exactly, those twins might sound dumb, but its all front, so far they havent given anything but quality advice in any vid ive seen.

Ed Hall has done quite a bit of strongman stuff, just a case of somethings he hasn't done before, like the block (which is what he hadn't tried before that point).
He's on so much gear that some more time with equipment will make him great :)

Anyway, Sadler was awesome before his injury. A fantastic 105 strongman who suffers because of his height more than the weight of the implements that he has to move.

As for the next best uk person? Terry is a legend and deserves some better time without injuries. Loz is potentially the best placed to win worlds for the brits. Hall has plenty of years in him yet. But watch out for Hixxy, he's a 105 that's put on ~20kg and is a future star (already has done a 200kg log clean and press, outside of comp so not officially british record).

We have some amazing 90kg and 105kg strongmen (both natural and untested) who might be moving up the weights also, which can only be a good thing!

RE the comparison to USA, well they have a better structure to their levels of strongman comps. Sadler and a few others have stated to try and move things on this side of the pond so expect more on that in the next few years :)

That was our man in the field, strongman correspondent Mark Woodruff Reporting. Thanks Mark, Now back to the studio.
He was a little ahead of me but the majority of the advanced stuff we have learned together, excluding some things. I'm sure he might argue it differently though :p.
Yes, yes I would, you little **** :mad:

I first touched weights at 20-21, but I didn't start "lifting" until I was almost 25 (27 now). Background was mostly in football and sprinting (11.2s 100m @15 in your face mrthingy :p), but was too lazy to pursue it. Kind of regret it, but I enjoy what I do now.

To be fair to Dom, these days we both ask each other for feedback. After all, he's the second most knowledgeable person in the gym most days.

what i do is this, i put a heavy bar on my back and i try to sit down without falling over, then i try to stand up, again, without falling over. If i can do this 7 or 8 times i try it again with more weight. But thats just me.
This is why you're weak :D

Ed Hall has done quite a bit of strongman stuff, just a case of somethings he hasn't done before, like the block (which is what he hadn't tried before that point).
He's on so much gear that some more time with equipment will make him great :)

Anyway, Sadler was awesome before his injury. A fantastic 105 strongman who suffers because of his height more than the weight of the implements that he has to move.

As for the next best uk person? Terry is a legend and deserves some better time without injuries. Loz is potentially the best placed to win worlds for the brits. Hall has plenty of years in him yet. But watch out for Hixxy, he's a 105 that's put on ~20kg and is a future star (already has done a 200kg log clean and press, outside of comp so not officially british record).

We have some amazing 90kg and 105kg strongmen (both natural and untested) who might be moving up the weights also, which can only be a good thing!

RE the comparison to USA, well they have a better structure to their levels of strongman comps. Sadler and a few others have stated to try and move things on this side of the pond so expect more on that in the next few years :)
I have my doubts about Hixxy, he's a little short to truly compete with the opens at the very top. I'd absolutely love for him to prove me wrong, I'm a huge fan of his lifting :)
I did a bit of gym and lots of taekwondo for a few of years in my early teens (maybe slightly before i have no idea) so i actually had a bit of muscle and was pretty lean, not that i ever realised. Broke my ankle in 2005 (again, i think) and was on crutches for like 6 months and i just never got back into it. For some reason spending every waking hour on the pc was my chosen path :mad:

I could be a ****ing monster by now :(
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