*** The 2013 Gym Rats Thread ***

I'm an annoying client - I tell them what's wrong, and tell them what I want done :o

Where I need to be I'm the same. If i go to the physio we all use from our unit then i just let him do whatever he wants as I trust him. He knows what we do and has been looking into specifics for us (awesome!).
However, if I book a session with the woman who comes in to work then I tell her what I want and how hard (harder than she would do by choice lol)
That's a definite bonus, someone who would be putting themselves in pretty mush the same position is a good thing!
Could anyone offer a bit of critique on my current split. I'm not a beginner at the gym so I think a bit more depth is required. Currently operating the following:

Monday: Legs/Cardio
Tuesday: Chest/Triceps
Thursday: Shoulders/Biceps
Friday: Back/Abs
Saturday: Cardio

Each day features 3 exercises for the relevant muscle group, typically in 3x8/9/10 sets. Therefore 6 exercises in total for the day.

Thinking maybe I should up it to 4 (8 in total for the day) or change to 3x10/11/12?

I know it's not about the quantity, more about the technique and rest in between. What do you guys recommend?
What are your goals?

Unless you're doing cardio purely for fitness then drop it. I definitely wouldn't recommend doing legs and cardio in the same session.
do a full on legs session, then jump on a treadmill. Make sure you film the results and send it to Youve Been Framed for your £250. If you dont fall flat on your face you havent worked hard enough on your legs :D

For a bit more critique you might want to try posting the full routine, because theres a big difference between exercise usefulness, lets just hope yours isnt full of upright rows and shrugs!
So been having a think this morning. Totals are currently:
Bench 90 / Squat 120+ / Deadlift 170

Let's say... By July, maybe end of. I want something in the region of:
120 / 160 / 200

Which I think should be attainable. And thinking about it, they'll be some proper numbers too.Just short of a 500 total, and that deadlift might be a tad conservative......

I'd like similar bench and maybe 180 DL. Squat would depend. Game on broseph.
For those of you doing IF (or anything for that matter) with Marcos do you go for 1g/lb of protein or 3g/kg? There's a big difference between them and depending on which one I go by my protein intake changes by about 80g/day.
Mines somewhere between the two at the moment. But I went off whatever Steedie said in his diet thread. Think he gives upper and lower bounds.

Fun in the gym today - upright rows followed by barbell behind the body shrugs - never seen shrugs done like that in my life!

Solid session though. I twinged my should on the warmup of all things, but after some stretching, and massage it loosened enough for me to do the session.

For those of you doing IF (or anything for that matter) with Marcos do you go for 1g/lb of protein or 3g/kg? There's a big difference between them and depending on which one I go by my protein intake changes by about 80g/day.

I weigh 137.1lb (yes, manlet status) - protein intake is 150g training days and then rest days it's 150-160g, depending on fat intake (i.e. if I get 55g fat in, then I'll go for 160g, 60g fat, 150g).

I think I'm going to aim for 3g/kg.

My aim is to lean bulk though so I'm not sure if I'd be safer going lower on the protein and higher on carbs/fat. (75:25 on workout days and VV)
Quality lift hedge. Do t take this as abuse cos it's the opposite but my deads went 150x10 180x10, 190x8 200x8 220x6 so those weights u messing with are no joke. I felt sick after 4 200s I have respect for anyone picks that **** up

Wow mate thats insane. Im 6ft 3 and kinda lanky which makes my deadlifting setup a bit tricky at times. Being stockier would be much more natural.

My whole lifts yesterday went something like

60kg x 8
100kg x 5
130kg x 5
160kg x 3
190kg x 1
200kg x 1

Weird numbers I guess but I was looking to reach the 200 so didnt wanna overdo it. Its been about a year since I last did 200kg. My elbow is causing me grief today though, My arms took a hammering yesterday.

Today I did a chest session which went ok but my elbows are giving me stability issues so I had to be very strict and go lighter than I probably could manage.
You won't need that much protein... Nobody needs that much. As long as you're in for around 1,4-6g per kg of bodyweight, you'll not miss out. Practically, I'd go for fats to make up the calorie count.e
^^ I missed it massively, it was pretty much only thing I upped in my diet over the last few weeks and has made a massive difference to recovery. I dropped from 180-190g per day to 150, had horrible recovery for the first 3 weeks of the year, have since upped it again to 200g per day, and feel so much better for it. My calorie count has been roughly the same, so i can't put it down to increased intact alone.
I'm playing around with the IF calculator and I'm still struggling to make decisions.

I start weight training again tomorrow. I'm pretty lean at the moment and my body fat is just above the % where abs are visible. I'm off travelling in June and want to look good for then whilst also putting on some mass. Do I...

a) Cut at something like (-40,+20) and just focus on getting as lean as possible, switching to a lean-mass when I'm happy.

b) Standard Recomp (-20,+20) and keep at that.

c) Start lean massing now and start cutting 2 months before?

I've heard IF yields amazing results when followed properly so I'm tempted to start with b) and see what happens.Truth be told none of them will encourage large weight gain so perhaps I shouldn't waste so much energy worrying about it and just put 100% into my gym sessions.
Hey all, long time no post.

So I'm currently out in France on a ski season and I've finally got both internet and gym membership sorted (French bank accounts are annoying).

Its been 3 months since I've properly been to the gym and I'm looking to start back up properly. My main priority is to boost my leg / core strength and stability to aid with skiing.

I was thinking of either starting back with stronglifts / starting strength, but I was wondering if anyone that had a second could put together a more relevant program.

In the next few weeks I will start up a log, but this will be once I have my diet and workout sorted.

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