I feel like i take this diet nonsense the least seriously out of everyone here
Ummmm. No.
I feel like i take this diet nonsense the least seriously out of everyone here
I'm playing around with the IF calculator and I'm still struggling to make decisions.
I start weight training again tomorrow. I'm pretty lean at the moment and my body fat is just above the % where abs are visible. I'm off travelling in June and want to look good for then whilst also putting on some mass. Do I...
a) Cut at something like (-40,+20) and just focus on getting as lean as possible, switching to a lean-mass when I'm happy.
b) Standard Recomp (-20,+20) and keep at that.
c) Start lean massing now and start cutting 2 months before?
I've heard IF yields amazing results when followed properly so I'm tempted to start with b) and see what happens.Truth be told none of them will encourage large weight gain so perhaps I shouldn't waste so much energy worrying about it and just put 100% into my gym sessions.
Ummmm. No.
>Thinking he is on /fit/
Oh, my goodness. And for the love of all that is holy: Dumbell shrugs!?!?
> Main focus on compounds
> More biceps than legs
You're doing more shoulders than legs???!
It depends how advanced you are IMO. Recomps seem great for noobs (like I was) but I think if you have a good base to work off, it's better to lean more in one direction than another. With a good solid cut, I.F. style, you can see from the results on rippedbody.jp, for example, that you can get cut pretty quick if you're solid on the diet, so probably easiest to do one then the other.
Scott, I would get rid of DB shrugs, one tricep specific and one bicep specific exercise (or alternate). Do you really need to polish your guns in front of the mirror with two different exercises AFTER doing DB row and chin-ups?
Are shrugs a complete waste of time then? They seem to be extremely popular in my gym yet their reputation on here clearly isn't great.
You know those kids you see in the gym doing set after set of bicep curls and making no progress as the months pass. Yes, that is/was me. I should know better because I've been told by far more experienced people time and time again that it's a complete waste of time and the focus should be on compounds but I've never understood why. It's like there's a hard coded desire in me to want to do loads of bicep curls because from experience I've always got the DOMS from doing so and thus think I'm doing it right. It just seems difficult as an inexperienced lifter to get your head round the fact that if you want big arms you should avoid training them directly
Is it that the isolated TR/BI exercises are inefficient or limited in what they can achieve?
Oh yeh, forgot about cake man
Thanks for explaining that mate.
So thanks to the advice on here I've amended my routine. This should look better:
Session 1
DB Chest Press / BB Bench Press
DB Flies
EZ Skull Crushers
Session 2
Calf Raises
DB Shoulder Press/BB Military Press
DB Side Lateral Raises
Session 3
DB Row
Wide Grip Pull Ups/Chin Ups
EZ Bar Curl
Hey, hey, hey. It takes a LOT of eating to keep your body in that shape!
I can see this being an issue, until I explained the link between posterior chain activation and core cohesion achieved with deads and the expert rodding she would be receiving.I dated a physio last year, had constant arguments about deadlifts. She hated them and said they were nothing but bad for you, I obviously argued the case that of course they are if your form is wrong.
She said she always had cases that were resultants of deadlifts.
I gave up in the end.
Ummmm. No.
Stretch your adductors and quads/hip flexors.My hip has started making a clicking noise when I squat. Usually when I widen my stance and push my knees out. There's no pain, but should I see a physio or am I overreacting?
I'm trying for a perfect circle / ball shape. Im almost there!
is the plan that eventually the atlas stones will just orbit you and you wont have to lift them?
They are my moons
Are shrugs a complete waste of time then? They seem to be extremely popular in my gym yet their reputation on here clearly isn't great.
You know those kids you see in the gym doing set after set of bicep curls and making no progress as the months pass. Yes, that is/was me. I should know better because I've been told by far more experienced people time and time again that it's a complete waste of time and the focus should be on compounds but I've never understood why. It's like there's a hard coded desire in me to want to do loads of bicep curls because from experience I've always got the DOMS from doing so and thus think I'm doing it right. It just seems difficult as an inexperienced lifter to get your head round the fact that if you want big arms you should avoid training them directly
Is it that the isolated TR/BI exercises are inefficient or limited in what they can achieve?
I dated a physio last year, had constant arguments about deadlifts. She hated them and said they were nothing but bad for you, I obviously argued the case that of course they are if your form is wrong.
She said she always had cases that were resultants of deadlifts.
I gave up in the end.
Deadlifts keep physios in business.