*** The 2013 Gym Rats Thread ***

i ditched the belt finally! starting off from the beginning did 10 x 10 squats 90kg today, trying to change to more normal squats instead of sumo as well. going to try 100kg with same format on sunday and keep building it up for a few weeks before i try to nail some heavier squats.

i'd love a home gym (when i eventually get a home!) but i think i'd struggle without workout partners and people to place myself against in the long run, in terms of motivation, so ideally would need a friend to live nearby to come over :P!
...In my opinion there is very little case for using a gym over a good quality home setup except for those for whom it is completely impossible to have. Plus resale of kit is usually pretty easy if you buy good stuff, you will lose 20% max on cast iron and 40% max on racks

My 2p

This probably won't be a problem for most but in most garages I can pretty much touch the roof just with arms raised, so I couldn't do OHP or any other exercises which involved movement over my head while standing. Not the end of the World obviously but it's another reason why it wouldn't be a great solution for me at the moment (even assuming the garage was free of junk).
This probably won't be a problem for most but in most garages I can pretty much touch the roof just with arms raised, so I couldn't do OHP or any other exercises which involved movement over my head while standing. Not the end of the World obviously but it's another reason why it wouldn't be a great solution for me at the moment (even assuming the garage was free of junk).

i have had this problem in a few gyms to be fair. ridiculously low ceilings in some of them haha !
Hey guys not been at the gym for a while (Had surgery on both my eyes went great and I'm ready to start again). Started going again This weekend and really enjoying it. Been lurking around recently and I have created a new diet, trying to keep the carbs down as much as I can and filling up on protein, veg and some good fats. I tend to add some carbs on gym days to help keep me going but I will test to see how I do with different amounts.

Rest Day:

Breakfast: 2 whole eggs, oatmeal - 8am
Snack: Apple
Lunch: Chicken/Salmon 100g, broccoli - 11:30
Snack: Nuts and Seeds mix
2nd Lunch: "Same as above" - 4:30pm
Dinner: Tuna, Salad, Sweetcorn no dressing - 7pm
Skimmed milk Whey shake depending on how I feel before bed.

31g Fat (Think I need a bit more), 135g Protein, 83g Carbs (Mostly from the Apple I guess might replace that with some tuna). 1590 Calories

Training day:
Breakfast: 2 whole eggs, oatmeal - 8am
Snack: Nuts and Seeds
Pre workout Lunch: Yams, Chicken, mixed Veg
Post workout: Whey + Water, Banana
Snack: Tuna Sandwich (Brown Bread)
Dinner: Chicken + Veg
Whey Shake before bed depending on how hard I went at the gym

32g Fat, 152g protein, 159g Carbs.

Is there any pitfalls or anything I should try change, I tried reducing the carbs more but it was pretty painful.

Also if I want to drop wiegth faster should I try increase my cradio, hate cradio to bits but if it is recommend then I will just bite my tounge through out.

Current workout:

Monday - Back
DeadLifts, 20kg x5,30kg x5,40kg x5 50kg 3x3
Barbel Row, 20kg x5, 25kg x5, 30kg 5x5
Chin ups, 10 x3
Dumbell Row, 5kg x5, 10kg x5, 12.5kg 8x3

20Mins High interval Running/Bike

Tuesday - Legs
Squats, 20kg x5, 40kg x5, 50kg8 x5
Lunges, 10kg10 x3
Romanian Deadlift, 20kg x5, 30kg10 x3

No cardio, go all out on legs

Thursday - Chest, Triceps
Bench press, 20kg x5, 30kg x5, 35kg 8x5
Incline Bench, 20kg x5, 30kg 8x3
Dips, 7x3
Skull Crusher, 15kg x 5, 20kg 10x3

Drop set rowing, 1k, 750m, 500m, 250m - as fast as I can with 1 minute rest in between

Friday - Arms, Shoulders
Standing Shoulder Push - 20kg x5, 25kg 10x5
Arnold Dumbbell Press - 5kg x5, 10kg 10x3
Alternate Hammer Curl - 5kg x5, 8kg 10x3
Barbell Curl 10kg x5, 15kg 10x3

Running 20mins Interval.

Saturday - Stretches, Cardio

Try to just stretch and remove any DOMs, then just do any cardio I feel like.

I know its a lot of info guys so I apologize in advance.

Fats are hella low.

What are your goals?

Without knowing your BMR, I'd still hazard a guess that:

- Overall calories way too low,
- Fats too low.

Also, routine seems fairly reasonable but you have some strange set/rep combinations and really low weight (20kg deadlift - is that inc bar or just the bar?!).

Others know more so I'll shut up now but I'm sure there is a lot of room for improvement.

e: Just read your older posts re: injury and your height/weight. I'd say you are under-eating by a significant amount and that may actually be hurting your progress (if it's weight loss you want, if you want to add mass then you are faaaar away from the amount of food you need to be putting away). I don't know whether you can lift heavy, maybe one of the others will be around to offer some mobility / form help to bring up the weights you are shifting in a safe way.
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I posted this in the exercise guide thread but maybe it's better here...

Quick bit of advice please..

I'm following the lean gains IF diet, fasting between 9-1.

Now the weathers picking up I quite like a 30 min or so jog afew times a week as soon as I wake up.

Would this have any effect on the diet?

Good idea - I'll be fine not eating until 1?

Stupid idea - I'll be hungry and grumpy (more than normal) at work?
Fats are hella low.

What are your goals?

Without knowing your BMR, I'd still hazard a guess that:

- Overall calories way too low,
- Fats too low.

Also, routine seems fairly reasonable but you have some strange set/rep combinations and really low weight (20kg deadlift - is that inc bar or just the bar?!).

Others know more so I'll shut up now but I'm sure there is a lot of room for improvement.

e: Just read your older posts re: injury and your height/weight. I'd say you are under-eating by a significant amount and that may actually be hurting your progress (if it's weight loss you want, if you want to add mass then you are faaaar away from the amount of food you need to be putting away). I don't know whether you can lift heavy, maybe one of the others will be around to offer some mobility / form help to bring up the weights you are shifting in a safe way.

Yeah I feel really hungry so I am going to increase the amount I eat. The 20kg Deadlift is just warm up really and just to start off with really good form at lower weight at the beginning of the exercises and keep it as I add weight. My lower back is really weak after my injures and is one thing I'm trying work on.

For Fat I think I will get some fish oil and have it with some of my meals, and just add an extra meal during the day.

Thanks for the feedback.
I posted this in the exercise guide thread but maybe it's better here...

Quick bit of advice please..

I'm following the lean gains IF diet, fasting between 9-1.

Now the weathers picking up I quite like a 30 min or so jog afew times a week as soon as I wake up.

Would this have any effect on the diet?

Good idea - I'll be fine not eating until 1?

Stupid idea - I'll be hungry and grumpy (more than normal) at work?

You probably won't do too much in just half an hour of steady state jogging, so just go for it. :)
Fallen said:
trying to keep the carbs down as much as I can and filling up on protein, veg and some good fats. I tend to add some carbs on gym days to help keep me going but I will test to see how I do with different amounts.

Rest Day:

Breakfast: 2 whole eggs, oatmeal - 8am
Snack: Apple
Lunch: Chicken/Salmon 100g, broccoli - 11:30
Snack: Nuts and Seeds mix
2nd Lunch: "Same as above" - 4:30pm
Dinner: Tuna, Salad, Sweetcorn no dressing - 7pm
Skimmed milk Whey shake depending on how I feel before bed.

31g Fat (Think I need a bit more), 135g Protein, 83g Carbs (Mostly from the Apple I guess might replace that with some tuna). 1590 Calories

Training day:
Breakfast: 2 whole eggs, oatmeal - 8am
Snack: Nuts and Seeds
Pre workout Lunch: Yams, Chicken, mixed Veg
Post workout: Whey + Water, Banana
Snack: Tuna Sandwich (Brown Bread)
Dinner: Chicken + Veg
Whey Shake before bed depending on how hard I went at the gym

32g Fat, 152g protein, 159g Carbs.

Is there any pitfalls or anything I should try change, I tried reducing the carbs more but it was pretty painful.

Also if I want to drop wiegth faster should I try increase my cradio, hate cradio to bits but if it is recommend then I will just bite my tounge through out.
Out of interest, why the determination to keep carbs so low?

Jon said:
Good idea - I'll be fine not eating until 1?

Stupid idea - I'll be hungry and grumpy (more than normal) at work?
This is variable. I have done far more hardcore fasted cardio than that on a leangains fast, and didn't feel the slightest bit hungry or grumpy. If anything, my appetite was actually blunted following the exercise.

I think the determining factor will probably be how good you generally feel on the fast. Those who love leangains the most are usually the people who just feel great on the fast phase and don't find it in the slightest bit difficult. I'd come under that category - I just find nothing remotely difficult about not eating until lunchtime. For others, this is a real problem, or at least they find it a bit of an effort. If YOU are one of these people, then I would not recommend the added cardio work.
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Thanks for the replies guys, I'm one of those people that feel pretty good when fasting, basically why I do it!

Morning runs are back on the cards then!

Thanks for the replies guys, I'm one of those people that feel pretty good when fasting, basically why I do it!

Morning runs are back on the cards then!

Just don't go too far on the intensity. You don't really want to be pushing beyond the lactate threshold. Half an hour at a low to lower-moderate intensity is plenty.
Quick bit of advice please..

I'm following the lean gains IF diet

So Mehdi on stronglifts always go on about how 'all the big guys' you see in the gym are not natural and on steroids and how he is all natural etc.

How true is this crap?
Just been seeing a lot of people on this thread (and their own personally threads) that drop the reduce carbs when their trying to cut and as I am trying to lose weight I thought the same would apply.
Other than in some very unusual and specific circumstances (and even then the studies aren't clear), it won't make the slightest bit difference. Nothing in science has ever demonstrated a low carb diet of X calories to be generally superior for fat loss to a high carb diet of identical X calories.
Looking at what to do training wise once I start my bulk, feel like I'm back when I started and overwhelmed with info. Bah. Obviously constrained by my tardo working hours but I can't use it as an excuse (except when I have to work weekends as the gym is shut before I start work and shut by the time I finish).

Love watching Jonnie Candito's training vids on YouTube and he's just released his approach to training, which is a periodised cyclic 6 week program (as he isn't a fan of multi-day splits):

Requires reading the PDF (10 min job) and then the Excel file does all the maths... not sure about some of it but the back to basics approach appeals to me. Plus I'm jelly of his ATG squat.

Or maybe I can be SA's guinea pig for taking making a scrawny manlet a beefcake...
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