*** The 2013 Gym Rats Thread ***

Worst nightmare. I've fractured my right hand and the consultant has advised me to avoid weightlifting until the end of February.

So angry, I had a really intensive regime planned and coupled with the fact I'm doing the Dryathalon I was hoping to make huge gains this month :(

I'm going to concentrate on leaning out instead. Anyone got any tips on how to maintain as much muscle mass as possible. I'm going to be doing loads of cardio, specifically HIIT and core/mat work. Once my fracture starts healing I might slowly introduce stuff that doesn't place too much strain on the hand, i.e. squats. Any other advice? Going to take BCAAs and maintain a high protein diet.

Cheers lads

Can't grip a bar? no handed squats for you :D
Ok so 2nd day of pressing in a row: was not looking forward to this!!

Warm up
Empty log (70kg) x 5 strict
70x5 strict
80x5 strict
Empty log plus red bands (apparently 20kg each at top of press):
Wow, going from 70kg to 110kg in a pretty short ROM is hard!!
x2 strict and 1 push press
x5 - smashed these out, **** yeah was happy with how easy these went!
80kg + red bands
x2 - top end is above my log PB, so happy with this :)
85 + red bands
x1 - bloody hard, tris dieing after 2 sessions in 24 hours. Boom :D
70+ bands x 5
Empty log x 8 fast strict

Incline log bench:
We were all feeling the pain, so this was going to be hard:
70x5 fast
90x5 fast
130xf - moved about 3" above chest and stayed there. Battled for about 5 secs then gave up lol.
Drop set:
110x8 / 90x6 / 70x4
When we got to empty log we all struggled to get more than 4. So funny to struggle on something so light :D

Tri's and shoulders = blasted. Very hungry today!
If youve done a cycle recently then no you aren't natural, however nobody is really gonna care as your open about doing it :)

Having said that, your leg press isn't exactly screaming "he must be on gear" :p
I only mentioned it because of the other pic thread. Read it and you'll know what I'm talking about. I'm happy with my leg progress so thought I'd share. Never said it was a mighty impressive weight. I don't train for strength.

Ooh controversy in the pics thread? I'll have a look :D
24 hours it's ok as its not like you are doing shoulders one day and the shoulders then next day full out. Like I just did (not recommended lol).
If one will squat, one will suffer doms.

Squats last night, 5x5, increasing weight each set, fast. Hit depth, smash it up go again. No stopping..

Warm ups then

Faster means dropping some weight, so start with.... nice and easy...
110x5 - fast. like it. easy
130x5 - fast, like it, easy
150x5 - fast, like it, not so easy
add belt
160x5 - fast, no like it, struggling to breathe after, red faced, find a chair
170x5 - first 3 were pretty fast tbh, then i should have given up as the next 2 were grinders rather than speedy lol

death set
120 on the bar, rep till you think you might fail, stop and 20kg gets taken off. Keep going down to 60kg. If you fail you stop, you lose out..:

120kgx7, 20kg off
100x6, 20kg off
80x5, 20kg off
60x3 - dieing. Didn't want to try a 4th

Nice fast night, good depth and speed. Will start on 120kg next time and go up to 180.
A friend in work has done DNP, said it was horrible and felt he needed to change his clothes many times a day lol.
Seriously would not recommend, however id imagine discussing it is not allowed :p

Unlucky muzza
Dear Rats,

The last 6 months have been bad. Without going into details - I've lost most of the things I cared about in such a short period of time. Training was my source of outlet. Unfortunately I can no longer turn to that since my surgery. Although I've returned to training 4 * a week I can only lift between 5%-50% of what I could.

The year I put into a second transformation has been mostly undone. I constantly feel low in energy and losing the will to stick it out.

Despite all the challenges I'm a half glass full guy and happy go lucky but I'm not quite sure where to go from here. I fully understand that the real challenge is in stand back up but I can't.

What's a bro to do?

Bad times fella, just remember that whatever you are doing just do it the best that you can :)
OK Bro's, need some help, i need to get measurements on a lifting Log and a yoke. Anyone good at diagrams for engineering be very helpful, anyone has either kit would appreciate the measurments. M8 of mine is engineer he is gonna make me up some kit.

The strengthshop logs are small and light, you want to make something close to the IFSA standard 12" log as most comps will use something close to this.

For a yoke, adjustable height is a must with a nice thick bar to sit on your back. Width, not sure. I'll measure ours for you when I'm back up the gym tomorrow :)

Our stuff came from here http://atlasstones.co.uk/3.html , quality well made stuff, though expensive
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Thanks for the input guys really really useful, love that PDF random, amazing. Morba any measurments you can get be amazing.

By way of reward here is me lifting wore weight overhead than you can :D


Next time you'll start the rep from your shoulders rather than chin right? :p
Cracking press fella, I'd be well happy with a 110kg strict press :)
Yep, anytime fitness on the triangle, Clifton. It's quite good because it's got 4 olympic bars and 3 cages. It's also 24 hour. You get told off for chalk and no shoes, but you can just be sneaky!

That is so ****ing annoying. Decent equipment yet no understanding of why people would make use of it.
No shoes is wrong? Ah because a fashion trainer would stop a 20kg plate crushing your toes and keep you stable while lifting?!
No chalk? Muppets. A broom clears chalk and just tell people to use a respectable amount!
I put my belt on when pulling over 200 or squatting over 150 generally. I don't add additional weight because I have a belt, some people say it gives you a bit more but I ignore that I just lift what I was going to lift but with the addition of a belt.
I might put one on when doing some heavy overhead which might put my body in a silly bent backwards position, but not always. I've noticed that my core can give up on me after a heavy overhead session without my belt, which is crap when I've got more working out to do. The belt helps here.

As ice said, most people don't need them, especially those that put on an and leave it on all through their session. Mine is on to work with, off when resting.
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A guy i work with is a member...he's on it most days in work...usually car stuff
He got me into reading the forums in work when i get bored or at lunch time and suggested i read the sports arena

I could join a weight lifting forum and speak to an equally random bunch of strangers but i liked the banter and motivation i read on here between members *shrug*

It's funny isnt it, there are a lot of people in the "Life" forums on here that don't venture outside of the life area :D
So while its quite a geeky based forum, the general forums are littered with non geeky people who found their way here because of the banter of the members :D

It's always good to have new people on here, regardless of their reason for joining :)
My grip sucks, I use straps for pretty much anything over 200kg and tbh I like being able to use my hands after a heavy pulling session.

Having said that, sometimes you just need to pull without them and this surprised me at my last comp (that didnt allow straps):

So, straps didn't actually stop me pulling a decent amount at all. So use straps if you want to, if you aren't aiming to compete in a comp that doesn't allow them then get them on and get stronger :)
I find my grip starts to fail when BOR's get heavy but so far haven't taken to using anything to aid it. Luckily we are allowed to use chalk in the gym so when the time comes I can just chalk up

When the time comes? I rarely do a set of anything without chalk :p
If my hands are involved in any way - chalk up :D
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