It was a fine moment at the Strongman meet, no footage exists I don't think
Helped with fatigue and recovery?I've been using creatine now for 3 weeks, and I have definitely found it to be benificial.
Seems to help me during my session with fatigue as well as post workout recovery. Areas where I am naturaly poor, so the creatine is given me a nice boost.
In the process I am now pressing and incline pressing a weight I couldnt 3 weeks ago.
I trained him well.This is quite similar to the Paul Wright method, shoulders hurt doing OHP, just bash the weight off your head!
Why?Infact by the time you can regularly do 40kg dips you should switch to ring dips and build up again.
I've been using creatine now for 3 weeks, and I have definitely found it to be benificial.
Seems to help me during my session with fatigue as well as post workout recovery. Areas where I am naturaly poor, so the creatine is given me a nice boost.
In the process I am now pressing and incline pressing a weight I couldnt 3 weeks ago.
No he squats, eats babies and drinks beer. Bunch of foam rolling phaggots.
Doesn't sound like creatine to me, sounds like celltech hardcore.
We have a very odd gym member for the last couple months. He makes train or hydraulic shrooshing sounds. he will do it when hes walking around the gym and then goes into overdrive when hes exercising. I was concerned for him at one point when he started shrugging as he was making the shrooshing noises very fast, I thought he would pass out.
The worst part is as god as my witness he does it in the shower, I just walked out.
Anyone know how to prevent shoulder pains when doing dips?
It was just one shoulder but annoying, or is it just a waiting game for it too heal?
A) I like dips, bar the cramping.
B) Not suitable at my gym as far as I know.
C) Could you explain this to me please?
D) As Above.